12 Reasons You're Not Losing Fat 1) You’re Eating Too Many Calories This should be pretty obvious to most people, but there are still those who are claiming that you can eat all you want as long as you avoid carbs. That’s just not true. At the end of the day you need to eat less. It’s really simple. If you’re eating the right amount of healthy food it would be hard NOT to lose fat. Eating less is challenging. When you’re not losing fat the way you want to the solution is pretty simple. 2) You’re Not Eating Enough Calories This is the opposite side of the coin, #obvs. When you cut calories too low your thyroid will shut down and losing fat will become very difficult. At that point the best thing you can do is crank your calories through the roof for a while. 3) You’re Looking for the Quick Fix or Latest Celebrity Diet How long did it take you to get fat? Add all that up and you’ll get an estimate of how long it’s going to take you to lose that fat. There are no quick fixes. Eating healthy has to become habitual. Good luck.
Ice baths – The cool way to recovery | Fitsational Whenever you increase exercise intensity, whether it be through longer bouts of cardio exercise or by increasing weight during heavy lifts you are putting yourself at greater risk of injury. While your body gets stronger and fitter, as your body has to work harder to maintain intensity, it becomes more prone to injury which can lead to you having to take time out of your exercise schedule for recovery. This is obviously something you want to minimise and prevent to ensure that you can meet your training goals without suffering setbacks. One of the most effective ways to do this is to carry out cold immersion therapy (chryotherapy) – Or what is commonly referred to as ice bath treatment. The theory behind ice bath therapy When you work your muscles to an intense level, you create micro traumas in the muscle tissue (small tears). This is where ice baths come in. Good luck – The cold will be worth it…
LA MARIHUANA Y SU RELACIÓN CON LA MEDITACIÓN Y LOS CHAKRAS (Por Donna y Andrew) Cuando fumas marihuana, parece que esté haciendo efecto en tu tercer ojo, pero también está haciendo cosas en tu chakra raíz. En un sentido, estos dos chakras son los dos mundos que comunica la marihuana, el de la raíz como el mundo de la conciencia de vigilia y el tercer ojo como la conciencia del sueño y de otros mundos. Lo que tenemos en común con todo el reino animal es que nuestros chakras raíz están fuertemente conectados con el planeta. Un cambio en la energía del chakra raíz es el primer paso para moverte lejos del arraigamiento a esta realidad y a este mundo. La marihuana actúa como un refaseador de la energía del chakra raíz. No todos la fumamos, pero un gran porcentaje la probó sólo una o dos veces, y esa exposición fue suficiente para que todas nuestras raíces cambiaran. Sí, es necesario que saquemos nuestras raíces del planeta para salir del mundo, pero ocurrió demasiado pronto, y ha habido mucha infelicidad como resultado. El peligro de la marihuana viene de su fuerza.
Lisa Arends: How to Transform Your Life When You're Short on Time If you're anything like me, you find that your life's to-do list grows longer each year while your available time seems to grow shorter. Perhaps you make the same resolutions each season (lose weight, eat better, stress less... sound familiar?) only to find that you do not have the freedom in your schedule to fulfill them. I know I find that the longer I live, the more I want to accomplish, and yet the responsibilities I carry continue to grow. Interval Training I have been an exercise devotee for the last 20 years, yet I have only added HIIT (high-intensity interval training) in the last few years. Within months of adding HIIT, my body fat dropped to the lowest it has ever been and I developed a six-pack for the first time in my life (in my 30s!). True HIIT should only be introduced into your routine if you already have some baseline fitness and a doctor's approval, but you can use the principle of intervals regardless of your fitness levels. Green Smoothies Yoga Meditation Family Walks
25 Tips For More Muscle And Superstrength! by Muscle & Fitness Last updated: Aug 17, 2012 Lift barefoot, if possible, or in minimalist footwear like Vibram FiveFingers shoes, wrestling shoes, or converse chucks. having your feet flat on the floor lessens the distance you have to pull the bar on a deadlift, increasing your leverage and helping you lift heavier weights. Training barefoot also strengthens your feet, which in turn adds stability and traction to all your lifts. Squeeze your glutes at all times during a set, especially on lifts like the bench press and overhead press. If the total number of reps you perform for an exercise adds up to 25, you're more likely to maximize muscle and strength gains. Train with heavy loads one month, using sets of four to six reps. Hold an 8- to 10-pounder and throw it hard into a wall a few feet in front of you, as if you were passing a basketball down the court. Want to look leaner without dieting? Here's a great bait-and-switch trick for the nervous system. Fat Gripz About The Author
Dieta Para Combatir El Déficit Atencional | ContigoSalud Por: Dra. Adriana Alvarado, Nutricionista ¿Qué tanto puede interferir los alimentos con el déficit? La dieta TDAH también conocido como Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad es una condición de salud que incluye dos componentes: La incapacidad para prestar atención Dificultad para concentrarse en sus tareas A menudo es difícil para una persona con TDAH permanecer inmóvil. Desde el punto de vista nutricional, hay ciertos alimentos que mejoran o agravan los síntomas de TDAH. El objetivo de las dietas TDAH es ayudar al cerebro a funcionar mejor y disminuir los síntomas de la enfermedad, tales como inquietud o falta de concentración. ¿Cómo debe ser la dieta TDAH? Muchos expertos en salud creen que la dieta puede ayudar a aliviar los síntomas del TDAH. Se recomiendas incluir estos alimentos en la dieta TDAH: Proteínas, como leguminosas, queso, huevo, carnes, pollo, pescados y frutos secos. Suplementos nutricionales para el TDAH Alimentos que se deben eliminar Snacks Saludables
7 Simple Weight Loss Principles To Naturally Lose Up To 5 Pounds A Week Don’t think it’s possible to lose up to 5 pounds a week… without pills, fasting, decreasing calories too much, and crazy fad dieting? Well, if you follow these 7 simple weight loss principles that I practiced on a daily basis that got me AMAZING results, then you’ll see how possible it truly is to get fast results… without the consequences. 1. Not getting enough sleep! Getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) will do wonders for your body in regards to improving your overall health, losing weight, increasing your energy levels, decreasing stress, and more! 2. Start your day off eating healthy! If you start your day off eating healthy and nutrient dense foods (such as protein and fiber), not only will you physically be more likely to avoid unhealthy foods later on in the day, you’ll also be more stronger mentally to avoid bad foods. Click Here To Discover The Best Foods To TRIPLE YOUR FAT LOSS! 3. In the morning! 4. Take it easy with fruit. As far as veggies are concerned, eat PLENTY of them! 5.
Are You Using The Wrong Rep Speed in Your Workouts? I like to keep things simple. So a general statement like, “always lift the weight as explosively as possible and lower it under control,” works pretty well for me in most cases. But there are definitely some exercises that you do NOT want to explode on. Exercises that you don’t consciously explode on are known as high-tension exercises. Explosive lifts are high velocity exercises where speed of movement is the most important factor. After training for a few years you’ll figure most of this out for yourself. High Velocity Exercises Jumps, throws and Olympic lifts should all be done explosively. All forms of barbell pressing exercises should be done explosively. All forms of barbell squats (front, back, safety bar, box, Buffalo bar, etc.) should be done explosively as well. Kettebell swings and snatches should also be done explosively. Always press explosively with hostile intent and ruthless aggression. Deadlifts are a combo of high velocity and high tension. High Tension Exercises PS.
Budismo general Más de la mitad de la población mundial vive en países que han recibido una gran influencia de las ideas y prácticas budistas. Sin embargo, desde los tiempos de Buda -quinientos años antes de la aparición del cristianismo- hasta mitad del siglo XX en Occidente no se sabía casi nada acerca del Budismo. El Budismo se extiende a occidente No obstante, a mediados del siglo XX esta situación empezó a cambiar, y se dice que hoy en día el budismo es una de las religiones que con más rapidez se extiende en Occidente. El Budismo ¿Qué es el Budismo? Normalmente consideramos que la religión es creer en Dios, o mejor dicho, en creer en cualquiera de sus manifestaciones divinas; sin embargo, en el Budismo no se habla de Dios alguno. Un sendero de comprensión directa El budismo invita a reconsiderar las ideas preconcebidas sobre la religión. El elemento común de todas las escuelas budistas Lo que la mayoría de ellas tienen en común es su origen ancestral.
6 Practical Tips For Increasing Energy Using Food Our food has a limitless supply of “energy power” that most of us barely tap into. We can all become more efficient eaters, and the purpose of this article is to provide 6 easy, practical tips for getting the most out of the fare we consume. After each recommendation, I provide a “7 day trial” that you can implement for the next week. Try these exercises and begin to feel increased energy, greater focus and heightened awareness: 1. Chew A few years ago, I attended a nutrition lecture that I will never forget. 7 Day Trial: For the next week, chew all of your hard food a minimum of 50 times. 2. A lengthy walk after eating can do wonders for your energy. 7 Day Trial: For the next week, make a point to walk at least 15 minutes after you eat. 3. Most Americans, and most people around the world, are completely de-hydrated and do not even know it! 7 Day Trial: For the next week, drink a big glass of water first thing in the morning (before you do anything else). 5. 6. flow of energy in your body.
Muscle Building Workouts- 44 Ways to Get Big & Strong - How to Build Muscle 1) Before you get to the gym make sure you have your muscle building workouts planned out. Failing to plan is planning to fail. 2) Psyche up on the way there by visualizing the workout in your head. 3) If you train at a public gym, where it’s more than likely they’ll be playing Usher and similar R&B tunes that will make you wanna clean out your ears with a gun, make sure you have some good training songs loaded on your iPod. 4) Train hard but don’t make every workout a competition. 5) Limit your workouts to an hour, tops. 6) Stick with a muscle building workout plan for 12 weeks, minimum. 7) Start each workout with a full body dynamic warm up to fire up the CNS, lubricate the joints and activate the muscles; especially those that might not always fire properly or in the right order. 8) If you have nagging injuries stay covered up and dress warm for your workouts. 9) Knee and elbow sleeves can also be a great friend to the older beat up lifter. 13) Don’t skimp on your warm ups. Thanks
106 of the most beloved Street Art Photos Click on a photo and you make it bigger and can post a comment on it. And thats some of the most beloved Street Art Photos posted in 2012 on Street Art Utopia! A member of Street Art Utopia on Facebook wrote two year ago this nice piece about the future: – My son, do you want to hear something strange? – Yes! – You know the new tree painting we did on the garage last week.. – What? – Well, yes, many were. – Was art forbidden? – Well no, but it had to be in special buildings only. – Wow.. – Yes, my son.