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Legislation e-commerce et boutique en ligne

Legislation e-commerce et boutique en ligne
<<Retour au sommaire boutique en ligneCréer une boutique en ligne s'apparente à ouvrir un commerce de vente à distance (VAD). Vous devez respecter les lois liées à la vente par correspondance, avec en plus les lois concernant les sites Internet. A cela, il faut ajouter vos obligations vis-à-vis de la chambre du commerce et des impôts. Nul n'est sensé ignorer la loi. Voici quelques informations légales à connaitre au minium concernant la création et le fonctionnement d'une boutique en ligne. Formalités auprès de la chambre du commerce : Vous devez être déclaré à la chambre du commerce en tant que commerçant. Les conditions générales de vente : Nous avons tous déjà vu ce long texte sur les sites de boutique en ligne. Les mentions légales : Un site de vente ne doit pas être anonyme, et un visiteur ou un client doit pouvoir identifier le vendeur, et savoir comment le contacter. Vente à distance, la loi Chatel : Quelques droits du consommateur et obligations de la boutique en ligne :

Social Business: Where It's Been & Where It's Going "Chasing the past, I stumbled into the future". - T A Sachs I've always been a firm believer that in order to look to the future, we must look back to and fully grasp the past (and the present). Having had several recent engaging conversations with smart people who I respect, I've picked up a hint of exhaustion around usage of the word "social". Could it be that some who saw the "change" coming years ago are weary of having carried that torch for so many years as we move into the heavy lifting? It's natural to want to move to the next thing—but I'm convinced that today we are largely still talking about the "social media" era. The best of "social business" is yet to come in my opinion and we have a lot of work to do in between. Digital: The Interactive RevolutionWhen I entered the workplace—the world was already in the process of going digital. Digital Media: Information Goes OnlineThe second wave of the digital revolution began to gain steam as the internet became move pervasive.

Aspects juridiques de la vente de voyage sur Internet Comme de nombreux autres secteurs économiques, le secteur du tourisme a été gagné lui aussi par la fièvre de la vente numérique. Voilà maintenant plus de 10 ans que les consommateurs ont de plus en plus recours à Internet pour réserver leur billet d’avion, de train ou encore pour se confectionner un voyage. Pour cela ils n’ont qu’à se rendre sur l’un des nombreux sites dédiés à la vente en ligne de voyages :,,, pour ne citer que les plus connus. Toutefois, la vente traditionnelle de voyage en agence continue de représenter une part importante du chiffre d‘affaire dégagé par ce secteur, ce qui s’explique par le besoin d’échange et de proximité exprimé par certains consommateurs. C’est la loi du 13 juillet 1992 qui a pendant longtemps régi la vente de voyage. Le droit de rétractation de 7 jours francs laissé au consommateur en matière de vente à distance reçoit une exception dans le cadre d’une offre de vente de voyage sur Internet.

SCAMPER - Creativity Tools from MindTools Improving Products and Services This tool can help you develop new products and services. © iStockphoto/aladin66 It can often be difficult to come up with new ideas when you're trying to develop or improve a product or service. This is where creative brainstorming techniques like SCAMPER can help. This tool helps you generate ideas for new products and services by encouraging you to think about how you could improve existing ones. We'll look at SCAMPER in this article. About the Tool SCAMPER is a mnemonic that stands for: Substitute.Combine.Adapt.Modify.Put to another use.Eliminate.Reverse. You use the tool by asking questions about existing products, using each of the seven prompts above. Alex Osborn, credited by many as the originator of brainstorming, originally came up with many of the questions used in the technique. Note: Remember that the word "products" doesn't only refer to physical goods. How to Use the Tool SCAMPER is really easy to use. First, take an existing product or service. Adapt

Projet de loi de développement et de modernisation des services touristiques CHAPITRE UNIQUE - Des agents de voyage et autres opérateurs de la vente de voyages et de séjours Article 1er - (Titre Ier du livre II du code du tourisme) - Réforme du régime de la vente de voyages et de séjours Commentaire : Le présent article tend à réformer le régime juridique de la vente de voyages et de séjours en supprimant le principe d'exclusivité applicable aux agences de voyages et en remplaçant les différents régimes existants d'autorisation par un dispositif déclaratif unique pour l'ensemble des vendeurs de voyages, afin de mettre en compatibilité notre législation avec la directive « services » et de simplifier l'organisation administrative du secteur. I. A. Au lendemain de la mise en place des congés payés et du départ de 6 millions de Français en vacances pendant l'été 1936, la loi du 19 mars 1937 institue une licence pour les agences de voyage, dont la création n'était auparavant soumise à aucune condition. B. - de voyages ou de séjours individuels ou collectifs ;

World Changing Ideas: 20 Ways to Build a Cleaner, Healthier, Smarter World What would happen if solar panels were free? What if it were possible to know everything about the world—not the Internet, but the living, physical world—in real time? What if doctors could forecast a disease years before it strikes? The No-Money-Down Solar Plan Select an option below: Customer Sign In *You must have purchased this issue or have a qualifying subscription to access this content Six Ideas That Will Change the World The Next Plastic Plastic has changed little since its heyday in the 1960s. It's still ubiquitous, oil based, and dirty as hell for the environment. Makes you wonder what we've been doing all these years. For one thing, not listening enough to chemist Geoffrey Coates. In his lab at Cornell University, he's been reinventing plastic. The key is limonene, a citrusy-smelling chemical compound made from orange rinds that when oxidized and mixed with carbon dioxide and a catalyst can be turned into a solid plastic. Since 1999, when Coates and his colleagues first began experimenting with limonene, they've discovered a number of other natural materials, such as pine trees and soybeans, that can be manipulated into biodegradable polymers as well. While Coates's natural polymers are more expensive to produce than most current plastics, he stresses that this isn't just another radical innovation that will never make it out of the lab. --Doug Cantor

StartupAgents | Startup Jobs, Startup Talent, Startup Companies Online Community for Small Business - PartnerUp Community The Bootstrapper's Bible <A HREF=" Widgets</A> Issue 8 | The Bootstrapper's Bible By Seth GodinPublished Nov. 16, 2004 3:00 p.m. Available to you once again! Download About Seth Godin | Seth Godin is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and agent of change. View 7 other manifestos by this author Request Processed

Qrobe - Search Engine Disrupt and Delight: 5 Principles for Sustainable Brand Innovation Raphael Bemporad speaking at Sustainable Brands 2012 According to Raphael Bemporad of BBMG, we live in an age of radical contradiction. There’s universal hit of the economic downturn and hoarse voices filled with pain at 99% rallies, but at the same time, there is the tremendous hope which got President Obama elected – the same hope that keeps us working in the sustainable business trenches to make business better. When he took to the stage at Sustainable Brands 2012 Bemporad shared an F. Scott Fitzgerald quote which aptly describes sustainability practitioners at this moment in time: “The true test of a first-rate mind is the ability to hold two contradictory ideas at the same time.” With that context, Bemporad shared BBMG’s challenge to brands: Disrupt and Delight. 1. People who share an idea about what’s sacred can work together more cohesively because the shared understanding breeds trust. 2. BBMG looks to the same principles to deliver sustainable brand innovation. 3. 4. 5.
