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A List of Interesting Mobile Learning Links

A List of Interesting Mobile Learning Links

Six Most Popular Posts in Educational Technology and mLearning for Last Week Hi everyone, this is Med wishing you all the best from Halifax in Canada. We have had a very sunny and warm weekend. I did some sightseeing driving around and the rest was preparing for my master thesis. I do find it hard to squeeze out sometime for personal use because writing three posts everyday, teaching, and preparing for my master consume both my energy and time. As usual each Sunday afternoon, we brief you on the most popular posts on Educational Technology and Mobile Learning for last week. 1- Twenty Google+ Tips for Educators 2- Thirteen Free Sticky Notes for Teachers and Students 3- Teachers' Guide to The Use of LinkedIn 4- Eight Free Video Websites for Free Inspiring Talks and Lectures 5- Eight Tips on how to Teach your Kids Reading 6- Ten Free Speech to Text Tools for Teachers

Selling It by Jane Bozarth “What we find cool, others find intimidating. What we find useful, others find threatening. What we find magical, others find scary. And the very benefits we tout are sometimes exactly what others fear.” I help moderate the weekly #lrnchat Twitter discussions (Thursdays, 8:30 – 10 pm ET), and while I’m not much of a TV watcher, I admit on occasion to running Grey’s Anatomy in the background. The resident began to gush about the surgery and said, “They’re putting her heart back in [husband looks shocked]… They had to take her heart out to repair the valve, but they’re putting it back in now. The resident thought this was just the coolest, mostawesome-est thing ever, to be able to take out a human heart – on the spur of the moment – to fix it. The husband did not find this cool or awesome in the least. I see this happen all the time with people trying to gain support for implementing new learning approaches and technologies, and I am sure I am often guilty of it myself. Patience Stop talking

Los dispositivos móviles y su incidencia en nuestra vida cotidiana La tendencia es irreversible. Los dispositivos móviles están ingresando a nuestra vida cotidiana en una forma más rápida que la pronosticada. El aumento de oferta de estos dispositivos, principalmente el denominado smartphone, teléfono inteligente, con nuevas aplicaciones que solucionan operaciones que antes nos exigían una mayor inversión de tiempo y que permiten potenciar la comunicación ya sea como destinatario de noticias y novedades específicas como generador de contenido en los medios sociales ya está modificando nuestras rutinas. Como todo los cambios profundos en las costumbres sociales, esta nueva era de los dispositivos móviles como centro de nuestra actividad diaria, pondrá fin a muchos servicios existentes que eran eficientes mientras no existían los mismos, como por otro lado producirán el nacimiento de otros que tienen a los mismos como punto de referencia. Ya Internet había decretado muchos cambios en varias actividades de la sociedad. Artículos relacionados:

Informal rule of thumb I was talking to a financial advisor at a bank the other day and I asked her what kind of professional development she did. The bank has a central online learning portal where employees can take “courses”, particularly compliance training. The financial advisor told me she just went to the end of each course and did the test. She found it rather useless. I have heard similar stories from many professionals in different industries and government agencies over the years. One reason I support the 70-20-10 framework is that it can change management’s focus. A rule of thumb is a principle with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation. This rule of thumb is supported by evidence though. Many organizations only offer sanctioned courses as professional development. In complex environments, the people who know best are those doing the work, which is why we need loose hierarchies and strong networks.

Widbook, red social para escribir y compartir libros digitales Widbook es una propuesta interesante para los apasionados de la lectura y aquellos autores que desean compartir sus libros. Se presenta como la primera red social dedicada a que sus usuarios puedan escribir íntegramente un libro, para luego compartirlo e iniciar una interacción a partir de ello. Para lograr ese propósito la plataforma ofrece las herramientas necesarias, para que la creación de un libro resulte sencilla para los autores desde la misma interfaz, sin necesidad de acudir a aplicaciones o servicios web. Podremos personalizar cada detalle de nuestro libro a medida que lo vamos escribiendo, además de poder integrar fotografías o videos. Si deseamos podemos escribir de manera colaborativa, ya sea con personas que hemos seleccionado de antemano o dejando que los usuarios de la comunidad realicen su aporte.

The Unexamined Leadership Program is Not Worth Doing If you’re not going to evaluate a leadership development program, don’t do the program! It will be a waste of time, money, energy, and trust. End-of-program reactionnaires (aka smile sheets) don’t count as evaluation. I’m talking about a systematic, evidence-based look at why it was done, what was done, how it was done, what happened as a result, how it can be improved, and what the organization learned from the process. Viv Nunn of UK’s Open University, in an article for TrainingZone, explains some of the reasons for evaluating professional development programs. Evidence of the extent to which the professional development is contributing to your organisation's successValidation that the correct learning solution has been identified and suggestions for programme improvementAdvice about how to get the most from your L&D budget by considering the workplace learning environment I would add: Reinforcement of learning. Evaluation is not an option; it’s an integral part of the learning process.

¿Demasiadas contraseñas almacenadas en tu cabeza? Linkovery tiene la solución No es la primera vez que hablamos de Linkovery, un innovador Escritorio en la nube que te permite acceder a tus sitios web habituales desde cualquier navegador y dispositivo. Con una interfaz sencilla e intuitiva, se presenta como tu plataforma de acceso a la web. Pero, ¿qué es lo que consigues con Linkovery? Seguridad, rapidez, usabilidad y sincronización en todos tus dispositivos. Linkovery es un potente administrador de sitios web y contraseñas en la nube. One-click Login, olvídate de las contraseñas ¿A cuántos servicios web accedes habitualmente? One-click Login de Linkovery almacena de forma segura las credenciales (usuario/contraseña) de tu correo electrónico, aplicaciones web profesionales, redes sociales, juegos y, en definitiva, todo tipo de servicios web que requieren identificación. Importa tus favoritos a tu Escritorio Linkovery Una de las últimas implementaciones es la posibilidad de importar a tu Escritorio todos los favoritos que tienes en el navegador Chrome.

Coaching Introverts to be Leaders The Myers-Briggs test doesn't lie. Doug Conant, former CEO of Campbell Soup, is sure he's a born introvert, especially after taking the personality test half a dozen times. Running an organization of nearly 20,000 employees wasn't easy for someone who would rather stay behind the scenes. Conant says it takes honesty, discipline, and necessary alone time for him to lead. Now, when he's not busy fending off takeover bids on Avon's board of directors, Conant has perhaps the least-introverted job out there: He often stands in front of a roomful of people and tells them how they, too, can be leaders. Don't change who you are. Say what's on your mind. Find alone time.

Realidad Aumentada para todos los públicos La realidad aumentada consiste en, a través de un software y una cámara web o geolocalización, añadir una capa de información virtual al mundo fisico. Esta capa adicional puede venir dada por un texto informativo, un modelo tridimensional interactivo, un audio, un vídeo o casi cualquier objeto digital que podamos imaginar. No debemos confundir la realidad aumentada con la realidad virtual, en la que el usuario se sumerge en un mundo completamente generado por ordenador sin interacción con el mundo real. Hay muchas aplicaciones gratuítas para smartphones o tablets que dan información virtual sobre los lugares que capta la cámara del dispositivo. Las aplicaciones en educación son evidentes, podemos obtener todo tipo de información multimedia en las visitas culturales como museos, granjas-escuelas, empresas,...; diseñar o participar en ginkanas culturales (Ejemplo de propuesto para descubrir el Madrid de los Austrias), etc. 1. El marcador tiene este aspecto : 2.

5 Icebreaker Exercises for Teams Posted by Elizabeth Project kick off meetings are when your new project team comes together, potentially for the first time. Sometimes you’ll want to incorporate icebreaker exercises as part of the meeting. An icebreaker is a short exercise or game to help the team members get to know each other. Here are five icebreakers that you can use with your project team. 1. This is a simple exercise that anyone can do, and it takes no preparation. The downside of this icebreaker is that it is a bit boring and it doesn’t work that well with people who know each other already. 2. Ask everyone to share three pieces of information with the rest of the team. 3. This is good to get everyone up out of their chairs and talking to each other. 4. This can work well with big groups, especially if your kick off meeting room layout has people sitting on cabaret-style tables. 5. This icebreaker exercise takes the most time and requires the most preparation. Related posts:

Opensource Code For Augmented Reality Productions Augmented Reality is the name given to technology that integrates virtual data on real world in real time, using for it something technologic. We have some nice examples of uses on our blog. Some people call it "Reality Expanded," but the term "Augmented Reality" was the most famous and there is nothing to do about it. Let's call it "A.R." from now on, to save characters and save the nature and the world. In the future, we will have a section "Learning", explaining details of the process. Now you can use the full power of your 3Ds with textures and animations! You should be able to do and ARs created with ! EZFlar is the official library of the brazilian newspaper 'O ESTADO DE S.PAULO' to create Augmented Reality. Don't panic; Keep Calm and Look Busy.

How To Train Your Team On Zero Budget One thing I am routinely told by leaders of various levels is that they do not have the budget in their organization to train their team members. This statement comes from leaders who work at companies of various sizes and from several industries. With the economic outlook unstable, many organizations are still not able to focus significant dollars on training. What we do know is that if employees are not offered continuing development, they will not: feel valuedbe able to provide creative, innovative resultsgrow their skills so they can progress to the next level in the organization In fact, companies who do not offer training opportunities often find that they have significant retention issues. If you are a leader and have little to no training budget, there are ways to offer development to your team members by taking advantage of free, online resources. Leader as a trainer- As the leader of the team, your plate is likely quite full. What tactics do you use with your team?

Tablets: Finally a technology for the classroom I wanted to blog again as it's been a while. Amongst all the different facets of my work recently, the area that is most stimulating my thinking is ipads and the potential of tablets in formal education. I feel strongly that tablets have the potential to have really positive impact on our formal education in the classroom. Internet based technology have a duel function within formal education. Use within the classroom and as the hub of activity for homework assignments. Now with tablets and the excellent ipad, we finally have a technology with the potential to widespread use in the classroom. I'm started to find blogs reflecting on ipad trials (e.g. and I see this as an introductory post on a subject which should occupy my thinking over the coming months so plan to explore different aspects in future posts.

A new framework for supporting learning and performance in the social workplace Here is an updated version (V3) of the WSD Framework with more charts and descriptions, and now available as a PDF to download under a Creative Commons Licence. Social tools are changing not only the way that professionals are working and learning but also the way that organisations are transforming into social businesses. In the new connected workplace, current training, e-learning or blended learning services, which take a top-down, ”command and control” approach to organising and managing “learning” will not be appropriate to support these new ways of working and learning. What will be required is a completely new range of services – which we might call non-training services – that are focused on supporting continuous performance improvement and learning in the workflow as people do their jobs. The Workforce Development Services (WSD) Framework comprises 4 key service areas. 1 – Training/Instructional Services 2 – Performance Support Services 3 – Social Collaboration Services
