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The Atlantean Conspiracy

The Atlantean Conspiracy

E pur non muove SNIPPITS and SNAPPITS Shadows And Light | Poetry, Writings, Interesting Articles Nemox71 Et le gyroscope, le rotor tournant garde son orientation originelle pendant que les cadrans et la base d'appui bouge autour de lui - en d'autres termes, le gyroscope maintient son axe en relation avec l'espace et non pas avec la relation terrestre. Le fait que cet instrument de navigation reste immobile prouve que l'avion vole sur une surface plate ! Amusez-vous à faire ce test chez vous ; il démontre à tout sceptique la Terre n'est pas ronde. Samedi 11 mars 2017, j'ai commandé sur internet un billet d'avion sur le site 'Go Voyage' pour l'Australie avec un vol direct du Mexique mais le moteur de recherche ne me propose qu'avec escale, étrange ? ------------------------------------------------- Prix : 1008 € pour le 23 mars 2017 Départ 05h45 - Juarez Int. au Mexique Arrivée 07h45 - Sydney en Australie Vol avec escale San Francisco et Los Angeles Durée du vol : 33h00 ------------------------------------------------- Absence de vols transAtlantiques dans l'hémisphère Sud ?

Anti-Masonic Examples: The Others (A-L) Milton William Cooper - One of the most extraordinary examples of paranoid conspiracy to be found, Cooper saw a connection between everything from the Bolshevik Revolution to Orson Welles' War of the Worlds on through Communism and extraterrestrials (although before his death, he had ceased calling the denial of UFOs "the big lie" as he did when he believed that UFOs were real). He had identified radio personality and conspiracy theorist Art Bell as a Freemason totally without proof and believed that everything was part of a Masonically-controlled Illuminati. To give you a better idea, here's what Cooper had to say about the moon landings: "All names, missions, landing sites, and events in the Apollo Space Program echo the occult metaphors, rituals, and symbology of the Illuminati's secret religion. "Exploration of the moon stopped because it was impossible to continue the hoax without being discovered. And of course they ran out of pre-filmed episodes. Mr.

. La carte d'Urbano Monte (1587) La carte d’Urbano Monte est l’un des premiers, et certainement l’un des plus extraordinaires, planisphères de l’histoire. Dessinée à la main, en 1587, elle forme un Atlas de 60 feuilles, dont seuls deux exemplaires existent au monde. La collection de cartes David Rumsey de l’université de Stanford (Californie), vient de numériser l’atlas d’Urbano Monte, rédigé en 1587 à Milan. Comme 85 000 autres documents de cette collection, cette carte historique est désormais disponible sur son site Internet sous forme de fichiers d’une très grande qualité (définition et couleurs). Nous vous proposons de la découvrir ci-dessous, en choisissant dans le menu la projection qui vous sied, et, avec la souris, l’angle de vue. Comme l’indique le commentaire sur le site : En recollant (numériquement) les pages de l’Atlas, qui forment autant de fragments, la carte d’Urbano Monte peut enfin être vue comme une seule grande image, ainsi que son auteur l’avait explicitement conçue, il y a 431 ans. Et de poursuivre :

Anti-Masonic Examples: Dr. Cathy Burns She also uses a UNIQUE writing style which uses EMPHASIS through FREQUENT CAPITALIZATION AND BOLD CHARACTERS. Perhaps she thinks her readers are likely to MISS HER POINTS? In addition, Burns (whose doctoral credentials, strangely, never seem to be mentioned) - unlike most other anti-Masonic writers - seems to find bizarre sexual connotations in nearly all of the symbols used by Freemasonry as well as some she just thinks are used. You'll see what we mean as we quote some of her literary efforts using just a few paragraphs from one of her anti-Masonic works! "Hidden Secrets of Masonry" This work begins with what appears at first blush to be a profound statement: "Most people who join Masonic organizations have no idea what Masonry ACTUALLY teaches." The third sentence of her 'book' (which is more like a pamphlet being a total of not even 50 pages long) says "When they enter the Masonic Lodge they are faced with many symbols - all with HIDDEN meanings." Popular religious leader?

ANGEL NUMBERS - Joanne Sacred Scribes Affiche antique de carte de terre plate Urbano Monte 1587 Anti-Masonic Examples: Ministry of Bible Defense / Sonny Rene St René Sonny Stermole, the creator of the "Ministry of Bible Defense" website shot his next door neighbor in cold blood on June 13, 2007. News reports indicated Mark A. Wright had gone outside to light his barbeque grill for a family meal when he was shot six times in the chest by Mr. Stermole who was subsequently charged with 1st-Degree Intentional Homicide and found Guilty but Not Guilty Due to Mental Disease/Defect. Mr. Stermole, over the course of the trial, fired a couple of attorneys and asserted he was not mentally defective. Several years ago, Mr. Stermole, 56, lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Our deepest sympathies are extended to the Wright family. As of December 13, 2007, the court found that the defendant was not competent to proceed, but more likely than not to regain competency if treated. Question 1: At the time the crime was committed, did the defendant have a mental disease or defect? You can follow additional developments on the court's website here.

The Art Of Ancient Wisdom untitled Anti-Masonic Examples: Chick Publications Hatred for Jesus' sake The internet's 'Kooks Museum' wrote this: "Has Satan been knocking at your door? We couldn't have put it any better! But Mr. And Chick's website also points - as a resource - to the incoherencies of Bill Schnoebelen, the fellow who doesn't know whether he's coming or going. You can check out the many other things the comic book 'ministry' is against and see some of their tracts right here. Interestingly, not only Masons find Chick's rhetoric loathsome. It is, perhaps, somewhat apocryphal that a short comic book would become the basis for someone's beliefs about an organization. An equal opportunity bigot Not only does Chick hate Freemasons, Catholics and Jews, but he seems to have a particular bias towards Blacks as well. To reality Are you more interested in the Kooks Museum? There used to be a site with a very interesting essay titled "Venus, the Devil, Jack Chick and the Freemasons" which is now archived (without the pictures, sadly) here. HEY!
