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Lessons with Laughter

Lessons with Laughter

Erica Bohrer Teacher Blog I am often emailed and asked how to get started on TpT (TeachersPayTeachers). I am going to be honest and tell you that I have yet to respond to those messages. Before you go thinking that I am some big "meanie," here is the reason: It is not some one line explanation I can give someone. I don't want you to think TpT is complicated, but it also is not as easy as making a PB&J sandwich. If it were easy, no one would buy from us! I do hope this post answers questions. I think it also should be stressed that TpT is not some get rich quick plan. For some cool stats on TpT, check out their blog. Seems simple enough, right?! Breaking it down further: I often get asked what computer and what programs I use to make my products. I perfected my Power Point skills with tutorials by Ladybug Teacher Files and Ashley Hughes. Now you are ready to create a product! I also do not photograph or use my own students to promote products. Yay!

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