10 Websites To Make You Think | The Online Learning Blog from Study2U Supposedly browsing the internet requires more brain power than watching television. Although judging from some of the websites we’ve come across that assumption is cast into doubt. Here’s some of the sites we like that might get your brain to sit up and listen. Ted A conference that started in 1984 bringing together experts in technology, entertainment and design quickly grew into so much more. The conference itself is invitation only, but the website features all the talks at the conference in high res video format. New Scientist The New Scientist website carries new articles from the magazine as well as the NS archive of over 76,000 pieces. Big Think The Big Think website is a collection of ‘global thought leaders’ who offer their thoughts and analysis on world events and other important developments. Café Scientifque ‘for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology’ Breathing Earth Arts & Letters Daily How Stuff Works
Awesome New Tab Page Imprimer le contenu d'un dossier sous XP [Résolu] | CommentCaMarche La solution du laboratoire MS de supinfo est très séduisante. ( Elle consiste a rajouter dans le shell l'option "imprimer le contenu" pour les dossiers. Concrètement tu pourras faire clique-droit sur un dossier puis "imprimer". Plus sympa et rapide (mais moins souple) que d'utiliser un logiciel dédié. 1°/ avec notepad tu fais un batch que tu nomes printdir.bat à placer dans le repertoire windows avec le contenu suivant: @echo off dir start /w notepad /p "%temp%\Listing" del "%temp%\Listing" exit 2°/ Dans le 'panneau de config' et ' option des dossiers' ouvre l'onglet types de fichiers trouve l'entrée 'dossier de fichier'. 3°/ Enfin, dans Editeur de registre (Démarer/executer puis 'regedit') Navigue jusqu'à la clé 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell'. Maintenant avec le clic-droit sur un dossier et en choisissant 'Imprimer le contenu', notepad imprime le contenu du dossier sur l'imprimante par défaut.
The Best Memory Trick - Visualization & Association If you have memory problems, you might not be using your brain in the right way. The solution? Learn the best memory trick used by professional memory performers. These performers amaze us with all sorts of memory feats, such as magically remembering the exact order of the 52 cards in a deck (or even several decks!). Instead, memory performers use a technique that I will call Visualization and Association (V&A), or simply visualization. Even if you only have an average memory, or even a bad memory, you can still use the visualization technique to memorize things easily and well. How the V&A Technique Works This method takes advantage of an amazing fact about human memory: most people remember images better than verbal or written information. Images are concrete, while raw information is often abstract. These images are literally mental hooks that allow you to retrieve the information from your long-term memory. If you can't focus, you won't remember what you are trying to learn.
7 Barons Behind Popular Beers You see their names on the labels of your favorite suds, but how well do you really know the beer barons who brought you the frosty refreshment in your glass? As you might expect, a number of the American brewing industry’s pioneers led fairly colorful lives before and after getting their surnames emblazoned on cans and tap handles. Here’s the scoop on a few of the wisest men to ever ferment a little barley. Remember: when in doubt, always marry your former boss’ widow. 1. Eberhard Anheuser Although millions of mouths salivate at the mere mention of his company’s name, Anheuser wasn’t even a brewer. 2. The other name in the Anheuser-Busch empire didn’t set out with huge dreams of being a brewer, either. Busch wasn’t just a guy who married well, though. 3. In 1868, Coors came to America as an industrious young brewer’s apprentice. 4. The man behind PBR was also a German immigrant who came to the United States as a young boy. 5. Schlitz knew how to make a quick rise through a company. 6.
Declutter Your Life – Get More Energy ‘Decluttering is a way to identify what’s obsolete in your life,’ says Julie Morgenstern in the Woman’s Day article 12 Reasons to Unclutter Your Space. ‘Getting rid of stuff creates a sense of energy, giving you room to think, which frees you to do more with your life.’ Julie’s so right. People constantly tell me how decluttering their home, office or life has given them more time, energy, motivation and happiness. That’s a huge payoff for a little pain. Okay, maybe a lot of pain. But don’t worry – you can break it down into small pieces of pain. You don’t have to do it all at once You can start with a room, a drawer, a pile. Or join our program, 52 Organizing Missions, which provides targeted organizing missions that take only 30 minutes a week. What could you do or be if you decluttered your life? What’s obsolete in your life? If you want more calm to think, more energy to do things, and more room to do them in, then clean out your life. Step 1: Start today.
Jim Bell Investment Design Your Life - A comprehensive, step-by-step, 1-year program for being your best Monthly Workbooks The workbooks are interactive PDF files of around 40 pages each that you download and save to your computer. You can type onscreen and save your file, or print out and hand-write. Choose whatever’s most motivating and enjoyable to you. Each workbook contains a dozen or so ready-made goals, projects and activities relating to that area – like creating an exercise program under Health & Fitness, reducing debt under Money & Finance, or sorting out your closet under Personal Presentation. Each workbook also contains SMART Goal Planners for you to work on more personal goals. For some modules there’ll be lots you want to work on. But for most people this will balance out against other modules where you’ll choose to spend less time. Weekly e-classes “If you commit 10-20 minutes, most days to following this program, you will radically change your life.” This schedule comes to you via your weekly e-classes. But don’t worry – it’s not a hefty set of readings. Accountability Forums
Texas Exes - University of Texas Alumni Association