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The Official Eric Carle Web Site

The Official Eric Carle Web Site

Tangrams Here's some puzzling fun for the kids from ancient China! Tangrams, "seven pieces of cleverness", are an ancient Chinese puzzle which is still mind-bending and intriguing today! We've developed some fun printable tangram puzzles which are perfect for kids - they help with logic and thinking skills, dexterity .. and they are just plain puzzling fun! Explore our tangram puzzle printables below... How to play Print out one of our Tangram templates - either in colour or black and white - onto cardstock. Teachers - you can always print these patterns out in greyscale if you are using them in the classroom! Why not print out a set of the tangram puzzle pages, laminate them, and keep them as time-fillers for children who have finished their work early? Print our black and white tangram template onto card, colour, and then cut carefully along the lines to make the seven pieces. Print our colour tangram template onto card and cut - very carefully - along the lines to make the seven pieces.

The World of Michael Hague Betsy Byars TANGRAM Aspetti didattici del gioco Questa applicazione consente di avviare, attraverso una esperienza concreta, all'intuizione dei concetti di conservazione di area e di confronti di aree. Nel gioco sono disponibili diverse figure da comporre. Qualsiasi figura realizzata con il tangram deve essere costituita impiegando tutti i sette pezzi. Le tessere potranno essere spostate per ottenere figure con forme diverse, ma equiestese. Il compito del tutor sarà quello di sollecitare a riconoscere, ed evidenziare l'equivalenza delle figure, confrontando le diverse forme ottenute in precedenza. I movimenti rigidi da applicare alle figure sono: - la traslazione (tieni premuto il tasto sinistro del mouse e trascina la figura), - la rotazione di 45° oraria, - il ribaltamento (solo del parallelogramma).

Arthur Play games! PreviousNext Print it out! Watch Videos! Dealing with your child's health can be challenging and sometimes scary. Mem Fox Picture me flat on the floor in a star shape: that’s where I am. I’ve been working for many months with my website designers (massive applause for Enee Solutions) to update the site and make it as friendly and fascinating as possible. I hope you’ll love it. It will be updated every four weeks. I hope you’re having hide-and-seek fun with my latest book: YOO HOO, LADYBIRD! A new book, BABY BEDTIME, is due out in Australia on October 23rd. On Saturday October 19th I’ll be at the annual USBBY convention, in St Louis, Missouri. On Monday evening, October 21st,the St Louis Public Library is hosting a Mem Fox evening, at which I’ll be giving a different speech. In early November I’ll be on tour across Australia for BABY BEDTIME. Wednesday 6th – Saturday 9th November (Adelaide-Brisbane-Sydney-ADL)Wednesday 13th – Saturday 16th November (ADL-Melbourne-Hobart-ADL)Wednesday 20 – Saturday 23 November (ADL-Perth-ADL) Nothing much happens in my life, you’ll be surprised to know. Let’s enjoy the ride!

Maestra LIMda PATRICIA POLACCO .COM Jason Fry I’m the author of The Jupiter Pirates space-fantasy saga for young adults, published by HarperCollins. The series begins with The Jupiter Pirates: Hunt for the Hydra, then continues with Curse of the Iris. The third novel, The Rise of Earth, is on the way … with more to come. The Jupiter Pirates is part high-seas adventure and part space-age epic — a saga about a solar system on the brink of war and one family caught in the middle of it. It’s technically a middle-grade book (for ages 8 to 12) but I promise older readers will like it too. Here’s the elevator pitch: When you’re a privateer, running a starship is a family business. For starters, they have to make a living however they can, all while dodging pirates and Earth’s dreaded warships.

BioDigital Human: il corpo umano in 3D BioDigital Human è una fantastica risorsa per lo studio e per l'insegnamento. Torna in mente "Esploriamo il corpo umano", quando piastrine e globuli rossi prendevano vita in un meraviglioso cartone animato. Questo strumento, in realtà, è ottimo per migliorare le lezioni di anatomia o, in generale, di scienze in modo interattivo ed in 3D Abbiamo a che fare con una risorsa cui creare delle esplorazioni del corpo umano a proprio piacere. Entrando nel sito si deve innanzitutto scegliere tra Male o Female (maschio o femmina); subito dopo inizia la navigazione vera e propria: utilizzando un pannello in alto a sinistra si può costruire "pezzo dopo pezzo" un corpo umano in 3D, con possibilità di ruotare o ingrandire l'immagine. Scelto il "pezzo" da visualizzare è possibile avere informazioni teoriche dettagliate dal pannello in alto a destra. Ecco una presentazione dedicata a questa ottima risorsa didattica:
