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Free Website Builder: Create a Free Website for Small Business

Free Website Builder: Create a Free Website for Small Business

jimdo Experimenting with Swiss Style in CSS Last week I started playing in CSS for my new personal site. I decided to skip the Photoshop/Fireworks/Illustrator part and go from sketches to HTML/CSS. This process helps me to improve my coding skills, especially for rapid prototyping. The first experiment I decided to create was a simple page with just text and texts rotated 45 degrees, heavily inspired in the Swiss Graphic Design Style. For this post I want to show you a little bit of the creative process behind this experiment. Also feel free to give feedback or suggestions on how to improve the code. Step 1 To start, let me show you the basic HTML file. Step 2 Now let's focus on the part of the text that rotates. Step 3 First thing to do is to adjust the font sizes using CSS Step 4 To rotate the text we will use CSS transformation (transform:rotate(deg)). Step 5 Now just rotate the container DIV with the texts. Conclusion Here's the final CSS I had when I finished this experiment.

Optimiser une page pour le référencement naturel : mode d’emploi « Moon Websites Pour optimiser le référencement naturel (ou SEO, search engine optimization) d’une page web, voici une liste récapitulative des bonnes pratiques à adopter et/ou à conserver : Qualités éditoriales et rédactionnelles du contenu Organisation des paragraphesBalisage sémantiqueLiensMeta tags Toutes les bonnes pratiques (ou presque) sont passées en revue. Contenu de la page Chaque page de votre site doit traiter d’un contenu distinct et unique, sinon vous risquez d’être pénalisé pour délit de contenu dupliqué ! Organisation des paragraphes Utilisez la technique de la « pyramide inversée » : énoncez d’emblée l’idée forte avant d’évoquer des éléments plus précis (du général au particulier). Balisage sémantique Partant du fait qu’un internaute ne lit pas mais « scanne » une page et que les moteurs de recherche accordent de l’importance à certaines balises, vous devez raisonner en termes de balisage sémantique ! Liens internes Bonnes pratiques À noter Images Les balises meta

Lois Jeans | Spring Summer 2013 LOIS is more alive than ever, “more LOIS than ever”. Since last December we have thrown ourselves on the road and probably one day you will see the LOIS BUS in your hometown, as it is already rolling along all the corners of Spain coinciding with the holidays and most important events of each region. Our aim is to be present at any happening, event, concert, etc. that is a meeting point for young people who are interested in being open to any social or cultural manifestation taking place in our country, as LOIS has been there since1962 and still stays there, stronger than ever. We’ll visit Colleges, Discos, etc., and the LOIS BUS shall be, during its journey, the meeting point for the fans of the brand, where we’ll give away gifts and merchandising bearing the mythical Bull logo, all the year 2010 long. LOIS is still a brand that endures over crises, avatars and ephemeral fads. If you want to know more about us, you don’t need to go out and seek us, we’ll look for you instead!!!

Online Project Management Web Based Download jQuery | jQuery Compressed and uncompressed copies of jQuery files are available. The uncompressed file is best used during development or debugging; the compressed file saves bandwidth and improves performance in production. You can also download a sourcemap file for use when debugging with a compressed file. The map file is not required for users to run jQuery, it just improves the developer's debugger experience. As of jQuery 1.11.0/2.1.0 the //# sourceMappingURL comment is not included in the compressed file. To locally download these files, right-click the link and select "Save as..." from the menu. The jQuery 1.x line had major changes as of jQuery 1.9.0. Download the compressed, production jQuery 1.12.3 Download the uncompressed, development jQuery 1.12.3 Download the map file for jQuery 1.12.3 jQuery 1.12.3 release notes jQuery 2.x has the same API as jQuery 1.x, but does not support Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8. Download the compressed, production jQuery 2.2.3 Download the map file for jQuery 2.2.3

Installer WordPress - Créer et héberger son blog avec WordPress L’installation de WordPress ne pose pas de problème particulier, mais demande quand même quelques logiciels et un minimum de technique (rien de bien compliqué, rassurez-vous). Avant toute chose, téléchargez les fichiers d’installation de WordPress : vous pouvez les trouver en version française sur notre logithèque. Vos fichiers devront être envoyés sur le serveur de votre hébergeur via le protocole FTP. Si vous hébergez votre blog chez Free, il vous faudra préalablement activer votre hébergement. Se connecter à son serveur FTP Une fois activé, vous devrez vous connecter en FTP sur cet espace pour y envoyer vos fichiers. Si vous avez choisi d’héberger votre blog chez OVH ou chez un autre hébergeur pro avec un nom de domaine, vos identifiants seront sous cette forme : - Hôte (serveur FTP) : (pour - Utilisateur : jeandupont - Mot de passe : fourni par votre hébergeur. Activer le blog Télécharger WordPress

Tags y atributos HTML Bypass main content Este tutorial está pensado para presentar las bases del código HTML a usuarios que nunca han escrito un sitio web manualmente. Escribir código HTML code es básicamente escribir tags, atributos y contenido. Puedes encontrar muchos tags, atributos y código JavaScript en este tutorial pero ninguno de ellos es apropiadamente descripto. Elementos y tags HTML está compuesto por un conjunto de elementos que son la base de su estructura. Los elementos están compuestos por dos tags: tag de apertura y tag de cierre (a excepción de los elementos vacíos donde el tag de cierre es omitido). Código <strong>Texto con énfasis fuerte</strong> Vista Texto con énfasis fuerte Nota cómo el tag de apertura está compuesto por el nombre del elemento encerrado por los símbolos "<" y ">". <nombretag atributo1="val1" atributo2="val2" ... evento1="funcion1" evento2="funcion2" ... Atributos Como vimos en el ejemplo genérico cada atributo debe tener un valor y ha de ser definido en el tag de apertura.

Thimble, la herramienta de Mozilla que facilita el diseño de páginas web Utilidades Thimble, la herramienta de Mozilla que facilita el diseño de páginas web Mozilla Thimble es la nueva herramienta a su suite Webmaker. Se trata de un editor visual HTML con un tutorial integrado. La ventaja está en que permite al usuario –en especial a aquellos que carecen de nociones de programación–, crear y visualizar en tiempo real el diseño del sitio web que lleva a cabo. Para ello utiliza una interfaz que coloca un editor a la izquierda y una ventana de previsualización a la derecha. Además, si el usuario comente un error de programación, la aplicación alerta del mismo y ofrece una explicación sencilla para quienes no tienen conocimientos de html. Con el diseño ya finalizado, tan sólo hay que hacer clic y se publica el resultado. Además del lanzamiento de Thimble, Mozilla ha mejorado el diseño de su sitio Un camino sencillo para quien quiera afinar sus habilidades web. _____ +info:

Web Creme | Web design inspiration Create a Simple jQuery Image Lightbox Gallery When building your own WordPress theme, there are a number of items to consider. One such page element is a dynamic image gallery, either using a lightbox or some type of sliding panel. Both of these user interfaces mesh nicely into the content of an article. Since they can both work on typical websites it is nice to have the code ready for use in any other blog theme. For this tutorial I want to focus on using the lightbox effect with a plugin called jQuery lightBox. Live Demo – Download Source Code Getting Started The first step is to download a copy of the main source code from the plugin homepage. For this example I downloaded a local copy of the most recent version of jQuery. The syntax is pretty straightforward and I have copied over a sample below. The alt text attached onto each image will only display when the thumbnail hasn’t loaded yet. Customizing the CSS Inside the file jquery.lightbox-0.5.css we can find a number of important selectors for the lightbox interface.

25 New Minimalist Web Designs with Big Background Photos Making an immediate impact on visitors is a goal during the design process of many websites. One approach to making that impact in a visual way is to use a large, full screen background photo. As you will see in this showcase, there are many websites that are able to use big background photos effectively. The photo could be static, or it could be a full screen slider that rotates several different images/photos as the background. From the sites being showcased here, you’ll see that all different types of photographs and subjects can be used, and websites in just about any industry can take this approach. Looking for hosting?

Pidoco, la herramienta para diseñar interfaces y comprobar que sean funcionales Utilidades Pidoco, la herramienta para diseñar interfaces y comprobar que sean funcionales Pidoco es una herramienta que permite hacer prototipos de aplicaciones webs y dispositivos móviles, comprobar el funcionamiento de su interfaz y realizar pruebas de usabilidad online. Algo muy interesante, ya que te permite revisar y corregir errores sin tener que hacer el kamikaze y saltar al vacío sin red. Los aspectos positivos de este software son varios. Con el prototipo ya creado, lo interesante es testarlo con otros usuarios.
