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Related:  Visual Thinking

Months+fruits+veggies in season Kitchen 101: Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs I’d be remiss if I simply focused on imparting technical knowledge in the Kitchen 101 series here at Chasing Delicious. I’d be downright neglectful if I didn’t talk about ingredients, particularly the biggest misconception about produce today: that it is naturally available year-round. Time spent in transit or storage is not the only inflated aspect of buying produce out of season. The biggest problem with buying out of season produce, and the focus of this article, is the lack of freshness and sacrifice in flavor and nutrients. My favorite part about abiding by an ingredient’s natural availability is what I like to call the Thanksgiving effect. That being said, there are many factors that effects a particular ingredients season. While these charts will provide you with a general understanding of what is in season when, there are three additional steps you can take to ensure you are eating in season produce that is at its freshest.

Questionable Content: New comics every Monday through Friday Ah, the joy of working with good hardware. Today's strip is the first to be created entirely on my new G5 and with my new (shiny, silver) Wacom tablet. I can't say enough good things about working on an Apple computer. While I'm still learning some of the Apple-specific hotkeys, and I need to redo my automated Photoshop actions (and flesh out my color palettes a little more), it just feels . The widescreen monitor certainly helps, too. Tonight's strip is going up late (for me, anyway) mainly because I had to reinstall and reconfigure a lot of the stuff I use to make this comic. You'll notice I finally took down that damned broken TWC link and replaced it with a little "Made on a Mac" button. January is RStevens' birthday- people should email him and wish him a happy one. That is all for tonight, have a safe and happy New Year's and I will see you on Friday.

Husband banned from Target Husband banned from Target After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Target. Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from our local Target. Dear Mrs. Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our store.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. And last, but not least: 15. Hope this made you laugh as it did me. Meet singles at, we're 100% free! Otto Scharmer en Chile | Marcelo Alvarez Este pasado 25 de septiembre en Hotel Plaza de San Francisco en Santiago de Chile, el conocido profesor del MIT Dr. Otto Scharmer creador de la Teoría U, brindó una conferencia llamada “Innovar para hacer emerger el cambio”. El evento fue organizado por el Consejo Nacional de Innovación para el Desarrollo, junto al Laboratorio de Gobierno, Acción Empresas, 3xi y Rich, además de la colaboración de la consultora Positive Change LATAM. La actividad fue todo un éxito asistieron unas 300 personas, se inscribieron más de 600 y otras 1.200 presenciaron la conferencia vía streaming. Tuve el privilegio y el gran desafío de resumir esta conferencia, el resultado de este día lo comparto en los siguientes links dropbox donde podrán descargar (sin costo) el lienzo resumen en varias calidades, además separé con fines didácticos el modelo U (mi versión) para que la puedan compartir, imprimir y utilizar en sus organizaciones.

Pictogram illustrations Brief: Create artworks incorporating Ray-Ban Aviators, to be published on Ray-Ban's official Facebook page. These pictogram portraits were a part of Ray-Ban's 'Aviator Family' campaign (#AviatorFamily). Graphic Design2014 Client: Ray-BanBrief: Create artworks that somehow depict iconic people and famous characters that have been wearing Ray-Ban Aviators. My contribution to the "Mind Blowing Color Competition".Digital Imaging, Graphic Design2010

Comics, Quizzes, and Stories - The Oatmeal Trampas digitales: ¿Cómo pensar fuera de la pantalla? | Tecnología | Actualidad | ESAN Antes de empezar a construir una solución digital, se debe tener claro el problema, el usuario final y el objetivo que se espera lograr. No basta solo con saber para quién se diseña, sino también su rutina y su forma de interactuar con el servicio. El journey map es una herramienta que ayuda a entender los puntos de dolor en este recorrido del usuario. Un ejemplo es Bono Escuela, del Ministerio de Educación. Para que los profesores supieran si habían ganado, debían buscar en un engorroso Excel. Aparentemente, una aplicación solucionaría el problema. Ampliar el panorama y mirar adentro Conocer al usuario es importante, pero antes hay que definir qué aspectos internos de la empresa pueden mejorarse, y si la mejor solución será digital. Bak Pyo asegura que se debe tomar distancia para ver el panorama completo. Una herramienta que permite mirar hacia dentro es Service Blueprint. ¿Cuán útiles son las aplicaciones que se emplean en tu empresa?

Pictogram rock posters This is my most ambitious, and maybe also the best, personal work I’ve done so far. I decided to pick a few bands and artists from the rock genre and make pictogram posters for them. Instead of just putting one single pictogram in each poster, like in my previous ‘Pictogram music posters’, I made as many as I could possibly come up with for each artist, and jammed them into one single poster. There is a total of 234 song pictograms in these posters. The bands and artists that I chose are: David Bowie, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, Iggy Pop, The Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley. A big thanks (as always) to The Noun Project. Thank you so much in advance, I hope you like my new project! Best, Viktor
