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FindBugs™ - Find Bugs in Java Programs

FindBugs™ - Find Bugs in Java Programs

checkstyle - Checkstyle 5.6 Clirr - Clirr xmllint Name xmllint — command line XML tool Synopsis xmllint [[--version] | [--debug] | [--shell] | [--debugent] | [--copy] | [--recover] | [--noent] | [--noout] | [--nonet] | [--htmlout] | [--nowrap] | [--valid] | [--postvalid] | [--dtdvalid URL] | [--dtdvalidfpi FPI] | [--timing] | [--output file] | [--repeat] | [--insert] | [--compress] | [--html] | [--xmlout] | [--push] | [--memory] | [--maxmem nbbytes] | [--nowarning] | [--noblanks] | [--nocdata] | [--format] | [--encode encoding] | [--dropdtd] | [--nsclean] | [--testIO] | [--catalogs] | [--nocatalogs] | [--auto] | [--xinclude] | [--noxincludenode] | [--loaddtd] | [--dtdattr] | [--stream] | [--walker] | [--pattern patternvalue] | [--chkregister] | [--relaxng] | [--schema] | [--c14n]] [xmlfile] Introduction The xmllint program parses one or more XML files, specified on the command line as xmlfile. It is included in libxml2. Options --version Display the version of libxml2 used. --debug --shell Run a navigating shell. --debugent --copy --recover --noent

List of tools for static code analysis This is a list of tools for static code analysis. Language[edit] Multi-language[edit] .NET[edit] JavaScript[edit] Google's Closure Compiler – JavaScript optimizer that rewrites code to be faster and smaller, and checks use of native JavaScript functions.JSHint – A community driven fork of JSLint.JSLint – JavaScript syntax checker and validator. Objective-C, Objective-C++[edit] Clang – The free Clang project includes a static analyzer. Opa[edit] Packaging[edit] Lintian – Checks Debian software packages for common inconsistencies and errors.Rpmlint – Checks for common problems in rpm packages. Perl[edit] PHP[edit] RIPS – A static code analyzer and audit framework for vulnerabilities in PHP applications. PL/SQL[edit] TOAD - A PL/SQL development environment with a Code xPert component that reports on general code efficiency as well as specific programming issues. Pylint – Static code analyzer. Formal methods tools[edit] See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]
