How I grow and harvest organic Chia seeds Chia is very convenient and versatile. I chew chia seeds, releasing their nutty taste, and use them as a snack food on a busy day. They swell a little as they absorb saliva, making them soft and ready for the journey to my stomach. Soaking the seeds first in water or a fresh juice makes them even easier for your body to digest. Sprouting chia seeds increases their vitamin content and makes them even more nutritious. The leaves, fresh or dried, make a relaxing and therapeutic tea. If you want to sweeten your chia tea, use a healthy sweetener like honey or stevia. When baking my own bread, I sometimes toss a handful of chia seeds in the mix. Extra chia leaves I feed to my hens, pigs or other animals.
Neceser natural para viajeros | Viajeros reverdes Cuando introdujimos el veganismo en nuestras vidas, éste vino acompañado de muchas cuestiones que nos empujaron a ampliar nuestra visión en las cosas del día a día, extendiéndose más allá del plato que teníamos delante. Salud, ética animal, medioambiente, cosmética, productos de limpieza… Después de algunos años, esta teoría la hemos ido aplicando a nuestra cotidianidad viajera. ¿Queréis saber qué nos llevamos? Siguiendo la tónica de consejos saludables durante el viaje, os presentamos nuestro neceser reverde, formado por elementos altamente naturales clave y con menos química de la habitual, que pueden sacar del apuro al viajero sin la necesidad de abusar de pastillas a la mínima de cambio. Hemos intentado reunir a los más importantes y que combinados entre sí, dan lugar a un abanico más amplio de posibilidades. Por supuesto que todo esto son consejos personales y no incitamos a nadie a llevar o dejar de llevar lo que soléis incluir de por sí en vuestra bolsa de viaje. Higiene personal
A Kale Smoothie That Tastes Like Ice Cream I'm a blendaholic. And when it comes to passing my addiction on to others, I'm also an enabler. But fear not. Our lives are hectic and we've taken to bottling, canning, boxing and vacu-packing all of our foods for convenience, a way to fill up on the fly, and it's only human that we make this trade-off. Enter the blender...a phenomenal machine, the greatest culinary gift bestowed on us since fire and spoons! This is why I wrote The Blender Girl, a collection of love letters to the power of whole foods, to the power of balance, and to everything you can make in the miraculous blender. The recipe from my book that I've included here was inspired by a smoothie created at SunCafe, my favorite local raw restaurant that won the SeriousEats Best Smoothie in L.A. Still the most popular recipe on my website, this is the Holy Grail of Kale. Tastes-Like-Ice-Cream Kale Serves 2 Note: With a conventional blender, you’ll get the smoothest consistency if you use maple syrup or chop the dates finely.
Paneer Recipe - Real Food Ready to eat in less than 2 hours, paneer is the quickest curd you can concoct. Mild-flavored paneer is typically added to highly seasoned Indian dishes, but it can shine in a multitude of recipes. It does not melt when heated. Don’t use colored vinegar unless you want colored cheese. Ingredients: 1 gallon milk (cow’s milk is traditional)1/4 to 1/2 cup lemon juice or distilled white vinegar1/4 tsp salt, or to taste Instructions: 1. 2. 3. 4. After an hour, check to see whether whey still runs out when you push the cheese with your fingertips. 5. Interested in other homemade cheese recipes? Photo by Tim Nauman: Paneer doesn't melt when heated, so it's a great candidate to fry and serve with a dip.
Diet Recipes Raspberry "Cheesecake" Smoothie (Raw & Vegan!) I love creating lighter versions of raw vegan desserts. One of my favorite treats is a raw vegan cheesecake. This smoothie tastes just like the real thing, but it is lower in fat and easier to digest. Raspberry "Cheesecake" Smoothie Makes about 3 cups Ingredients 1 ½ cup of almond milk1 cup of raspberries, fresh or frozen 2 ripe bananas 2 tablespoons of cashews (optional, for a true ‘cheesecake’ flavor) 3 small dates, pitted and roughly chopped Directions Combine almond milk, raspberries, banana, cashews and dates in a blender. Top with extra raspberries and crushed almond slices. This Raspberry ‘Cheesecake’ Smoothie will stay fresh for at least two days in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Not so fond of raspberries? Want to turn this smoothie into a protein shake?
10 Things Everyone Can Learn From Paleo (Even If You Hate It) I hate meat. I've been vegetarian all my life. I remember a few years ago at a Pizza Hut when they mistakenly brought out a "meat lovers" pizza instead of "veggie lovers" pizza. I think I threw up a few times that night. So, naturally, when I learned out about the Paleo diet and its emphasis on bacon, bone broth and lamb legs, I was turned off. All I could picture was a burly caveman with a club in one hand and a hunk of meat in the other. But I also knew that although, I was plant-based, I was not always in the best of health. 1. While I had a hard time picturing myself as a cavewoman, I thought about my ancestors and the foods that they might have favored. 2. In the Paleolithic era, refined sugar was non-existent and anything really sweet was difficult to get. 3. Add it back after 30 days. 4. Same advice as above. 5. For example, a 100-calorie pack of cookies is still … cookies. 6. When I was younger, I thought I could just exercise an extra hour and "burn off" the cookies. 7. 8. 9.