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Alchemy - Open Source AI

Alchemy - Open Source AI

Programming Poker AI This article was originally published in the “Inner Product” column in Game Developer Magazine, November 2005 I recently programmed the AI for the World Series of Poker, developed by Left Field Productions and published by Activision. I started out thinking it would be an easy task. But it proved a lot more complex than I initially thought. This article for the budding poker AI programmer provides a foundation for a simple implementation of No-Limit Texas Holdem Poker AI, covering the basics of hand strength evaluation and betting. The goal of any game playing AI is twofold. You will need an implementation of the following data types. A "suit" is an integer in the range 0..3, where 0=Clubs, 1=Diamonds, 2=Hearts, 3=Spades A "rank" is an integer in the range 0..12, where 0 = 2 (deuce), 1 = 3, 11 = King, 12 = Ace. A "card" is an integer in the range 0..51, hence card = suit*13 + rank. A "Hand" is a 52 bit data type, where each bit represents a single card. The solution is automated testing.

Face Detection Homepage: Face finding and recognition
