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Virtual Cell Animation Collection

Virtual Cell Animation Collection

Metaphorical Cell Group Work Cours de Biologie Gratuit : 2165 Cours de Biologie en téléchargement gratuit Science du vivant, la Biologie regroupe les sciences naturelles et l'histoire naturelle des êtres vivants, c'est-à-dire tout ce qui concerne les végétaux et les animaux. Les plus grands principes de la Biologie, ceux qui régissent le domaine du vivant, sont l'évolution et l'hérédité. La Biologie étant un sujet très vaste, il a fallu la segmenter en plusieurs disciplines bien distinctes : la structure du vivant (on retrouve la Biologie moléculaire et cellulaire)l'anatomie et physiologie (étude de l'anatomie, de la physiologie végétale et animale)la diversité et les interactions (l'écologie et l'éthologie) La Biologie joue un rôle très important dans notre société actuelle.

Biology Animations Carnegie Mellon's Office of Technology for Education and Department of Biological Sciences create multimedia materials for teaching and learning Biology. After an analysis of a number of Biology courses was performed to identify when and how shared concepts where taught, a team of biologists, media programmers, and learning experts came together to create animations designed to improve understanding of some of the main concepts taught in Modern Biology and Biochemistry. Phosopholipid Membranes Tutorial page describing the construction and properties of Biological Membranes. Biological Membranes Biological membranes are dynamic structures composed of a diverse set of phospholipid molecules and proteins. Phase Transition This tutorial explains how phospholipids bilayers undergo to a cooperative phase transition or melting that is similar to protein denaturation. back to index Signal Transdaction Serine Protease Uniport - Glucose Transport Symport - Lactose Permease Transporter ATP Synthesis

Who wants to summarize using foldables??? I love foldables. They can take the most mundane of material and liven it up so that the kids are meaningfully engaged and learning. As the year has progressed, I find myself using more and more of these little pieces of paper in my classroom. My latest craze has been to use them in science. We are studying about Living Systems and how the human body and plants have similar traits. To wrap up our journey through the organs of the human body, I had the students create a foldable that included all of the different body systems we have learned about. When we moved on to plants,there were a lot of things that we had learned. And finally, instead of just having the students answer the questions in the back of the book, I asked them to use a foldable to do it. So there you have it.

Molécules 3D Molecules est une application iOS gratuite sous licence OpenSource, permettant de visualiser les molécules en 3D et de les manipuler, en plus de voir leurs données et pouvoir leur associer des commentaires. On peut s’en servir sans être connecté mais si on a accès au réseau, on peut alors fouiller dans deux bases de données, la RCSB Protein Data Bank, un dépot international de molécules biochimiques et de leurs structures en 3D ou encore consulter la NCBI - PubChem, une base de données publique des composés moléculaires et y télécharger les modèles de molécules, autant que vous voulez, et les consulter plus tard. Si tetrachlorodibenzodioxin, hydroxyphenylacetamide ou methylphenidate ne vous disent rien, cherchez plutôt Dioxine (BPC), Acetaminophen ou Ritalin, En fait, on peut utiliser les noms commerciaux ou courants des molécules alimentaires, pharmaceutiques ou commerciales que vous rencontrez et obtenir différentes données sur leur compte. Utilité pratique Niveau : Professionnel

Elizabeth Lee Hazen (1888-1975) and Rachel Brown (1898-1980) Narrow Your Results Refine Your Results Filter Your Results Expeditions Information Close Browse records and papers documenting scientific and collecting expeditions either affiliated with the Smithsonian, or with which Smithsonian researchers participated. Pre-set filters help narrow searches by geographic regions predominantly represented in expedition records. Smithsonian Secretaries Information Close Browse records and papers of the Smithsonian Secretaries, from 1846 until today. Smithsonian Museum & Research Centers Information Close Browse records and papers documenting the history and research of major Smithsonian divisions. Smithsonian Records Information Close Browse official records created at the Smithsonian Institution’s museums, research centers, libraries, and archives, now in the Smithsonian Institution Archives’ collections. Personal Papers Information Oral Histories Information Professional Societies Information Elizabeth Lee Hazen (1888-1975) and Rachel Brown (1898-1980) Title:

SPIRULINE - Toulon, France - Local Business Anatomia Vegetal Visualising the Cell Nucleus Leaf growth Cell growth Cell organelles and cytoplasm visualisation Cell membrane and cell wall growth Dicotyledon* stem cross-section Woody cells of conifer Monocotyledon* stem cross-section These fabulous botanical microanatomy plates constitute the total of illustrations present in 'Anatomia Vegetal' by Frederik Elfving (1929) and published by FE Wachsmuth (Leipzig) which is online at La Biblioteca Virtual de Patrimonio Bibliográfico from the Spanish Ministry of Culture. Elfving (1854-1942) was a professor of botany at the University of Helsinki. [via + via, plus all other points in between across the tumblr-verse] Spiruline du Midi - Spiruline artisanale 100g - Boutique bio La petite algue verte y prolifère dans 300 m2 de bassins, à la faveur d'une température permettant son développement et son séchage ( base température à l'aide d'un séchoir solaire) avant la mise en sachets (100g) des 4 kg quotidiens obtenus dans des conditions optimales. Sachet de 100g de spiruline en "petit spaghetti". Utile contre la malnutrition Jean-Claude a représenté les producteurs au congrès de Pharmaciens Sans Frontières à Sorèze. La spiruline, ce cocktail de vitamines, oligo-éléments, sels minéraux, protéines, etc., pourrait servir la lutte contre la malnutrition en Afrique, où elle était présente, comme dans les Andes, depuis la nuit des temps. Depuis l'an dernier, le producteur a fait des émules. Consommer 5 grammes ( une cuillère à café) de spiruline par jour. 100% spiruline sans conservateur ni agglomérant La Spiruline en dix points _Jusqu’à 70 % de protéine dont les 8 acides aminés essentiels _ 20 % de glucides à assimilation lente _ de l’Omega 6 Les vitamines E,K,et F

THE EFFECT OF CONCENTRATION ON THE RATE OF DIFFUSION Lab: The Effect of Concentration on the Rate of Diffusion Free biology lab perfect for biology or life science students in grades 8-12 PURPOSE: This experiment will explore the concentration gradient by measuring the rate of diffusion in a number of theoretical cells. The objectives for this lab are: (1) To define concentration gradient (2) To explain experimental data concerning different concentration gradients (3) To complete a data table and prepare a graph to illustrate the data (4) To apply information from this experiment to other related problems. MATERIALS: 6 pieces of dialysis tubing, sucrose solutions of varying concentrations, String, Balance, 6 beakers or plastic cups, Stopwatch NOTE: This product is also included in a large, bundled unit lesson plan and can be viewed here: Cell Structure and Function Complete Bundled Unit Plan You might also be interested in: Cell Structure and Function Powerpoint and Notes Pre-Lab Worksheet for any Science Lab
