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70 Photoshop Tutorials For Creating Perfect Typography

70 Photoshop Tutorials For Creating Perfect Typography
The aim post was not to create an article as such bu t to create a resource, which can be used as a reference point for designers to expand their knowledge on how they can use Photoshop in order to create spectacular text effects. The article features 70 high quality Photoshop tutorials, which if the steps are follow it can to turn a Photoshop and give you an understanding on the features of Photoshop. A lot of time has been put into this roundup in order to find and collect the best Photoshop design tutorials. I hope you enjoy this article and as always your more than welcome to share thoughts and any addition comments about the article it would be welcomed and highly appreciated. 1. In this tutorial it will show you how to create a smoke typography effect playing with some brushes and adjustment layers. 2. Flames are particularly hard to render in Photoshop, but in this tutorial It will show you how to use a photograph of fire to set text to the match. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

25 Must Watch Photoshop CS5 Video Tutorials | Designs Mag (Designs Magazine) Photoshop is one of the favorite software used by most of the designers. Here are 25 most demanding and selected video Photoshop CS5 Tutorials that cover everything you expect. So now photographers get relaxed and get ready. Hope you will enjoy the post.. Don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS-feed, follow us on Twitter and like our facebook Fan page for recent updates. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Best Tutorials for the Puppet Warp Tool, Extractions, and other Reality Distortion Techniques in Photoshop CS5 Best Tutorials for the Puppet Warp Tool, Extractions, and other Reality Distortion Techniques in Photoshop CS5 One of the new, mind-blowing features in Photoshop CS5 is the Puppet Warp Tool. It gives you the ability to manipulate an image in incredible new ways and has many different applications, from deftly alterting the shape of an object in a photo to moving an object to another location in an image and much more. Now that designers have had some time to experiment with the tool, we’re starting to see a lot of really interesting applications. Puppet Warp Tool Tutorials Puppet Warp Tool Basics Who better than the infamous Russell Brown to provide a thorough walk-thru of the Puppet Warp Tool? Rope Text Effect This tutorial walks you through a unique use of the Puppet Warp Tool by creating a wrapping, rope effect. Using the Puppet Warp Tool for Extreme Manipulation We’ve all been there and needed to make a major change in a photo. Photoshop CS5 Top 5: Puppet Warp Moving Body Parts in a Photo
