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Sacred Knowledge: In Plain Sight (Decoded)

Sacred Knowledge: In Plain Sight (Decoded)
Related:  Secret Societies

Thule, Vril, Nazis, and UFOs, and Hollow Earth Excerpts from: Allied Union, Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society [Page 1] There are two secret societies that have been working in unison with Supriem Rockefeller. These are the Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society (Gesellschaft), and we will cover both here. For those who know anything at all about how Hitler rose to power have heard about them both, because they influenced the political climate in Germany behind the scenes and were the forces that helped bringing The Fuhrer to power. At that time, they wanted to usher in the 3rd Reich, where Hitler would be the leader. The Thule Society (German: Thule-Gesellschaft), originally the Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum ‘Study Group for Germanic Antiquity’, was a German occultist and völkisch group [group for the people] in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. This is not science fiction, but truly what is going on in the Inner Core of the Thule and theVril. > Read Full Article

Trillion dollar lawsuit & Bilderberg Trillion dollar lawsuit exposes secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty & funding of extraterrestrial projects Michael E. Salla, MA., Ph.D. © January 18, 2012 Introduction A mysterious trillion dollar lawsuit filed on November 23, 2011 in the U.S. The U.S. U.S. The U.S. The core claim of the November 2011 District Court filing is that the bonds fraudulently taken from the Plaintiff Keenan in November 2009 and the bonds apprehended near Chiasso, Switzerland in June 2009 by the Italian financial police were genuinely issued by the Roosevelt administration in exchange for gold deposited by the Nationalist Government of China some time before the Japanese invasion on July 7, 1937. Upon information and belief, between 1927 and 1938, as a result of arrangements made between China and the United States, the United States … leased vast amounts of gold from the nationalist Chinese Government, known as Kuomintang. Whatever else might have happened in 1954 … one event cannot be overlooked.

New Paranormal - Ovni - Mystere TV The Infamous Baphomet To understand the association of this goat-headed devil figure with Freemasonry as claimed by anti-Masons, one must follow a long and tortured path which begins in the 12th Century. In the year 1119, a small military band in Jerusalem formed a medieval religious and military order to protect pilgrims visiting Palestine after the First Crusade. They were known as the Knights Templar. Headed by a grand master, they lived austere lives patterned on the Cistercian monks and fought bravely to defend the Church. As the several Crusades progressed, however, they began to amass both wealth and stature. Because the Knights Templars regularly transmitted money and supplies from Europe to Palestine, they gradually developed an efficient banking system unlike any the world had seen before. By the late 1200s however, the Knights Templars had suffered several military defeats which left them in a vulnerable position while their wealth became the object of jealousy for many including the Papacy.

Russian Roswell The History Channel’s UFO Files continues with its theme of worldwide ‘Roswells’, after bringing us Britain’s Roswell, Mexico’s Roswell and Texas’ Roswell. This latest episode tells us all about the Russian Roswell. Kapustin Yar was the former Soviet Union’s most sensitive air base, even exceeding America’s Area 51 for the levels of secrecy that shrouded it. UFO Files claimed that it was to present never-before-seen footage of the base, reconnaissance photos and even a virtual tour of its hidden depths. Kapustin Yar was created as the site for the development of the Soviet Union’s space program after the end of World War II. In 1948, less than a year after the famed Roswell Incident, the base’s radar operators picked up an unidentified object. William J Birnes, publisher of the American UFO Magazine, believed that the alien craft fired a particle beam weapon at the Soviet fighter, but a lucky shot with the missile disrupted the UFO’s anti-gravity field, causing it to fall from the sky.

Santos Bonacci: How To Connect To The Christ Within You | in5d Last updated on December 26, 2011 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News * Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups. EVERYONE is welcome! Santos Bonacci gives a detailed explanation of how to connect with the Christ within you, along with how every major fairy tale and nursery rhyme is tied into astrotheology. Be sure to check out the moon charts as this will be an important aspect of attaining the Christ within. Fairy Tales, Nursery Rhymes & Astrotheology Little Red Riding Hood: Little Red Riding Hood is the sun. Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs: Snow White is the sun as a beautiful white aura. Cinderella & Prince Charming: Cinderella is the dawn, Prince Charming is the sun. 4 and 20 blackbirds are the 4 and 20 hours (in a day). “Little Red Riding Hood is the evening sun, which is always described as red or golden; the old Grandmother is the earth, to whom the rays of the sun bring warmth and comfort. Sex and Your Moon Sign source Moon Tables

Des OVNI en Australie ? Les crop circles apparus dans des champs enfin expliqués Publié le 15 août 2023 à 10:32 par Gabriel GADRE Les mystérieux “cercles de fées” présents en Australie et en Namibie ont enfin une explication scientifique ! Alors ? OVNI ou pas ? On vous explique tout ici © Village Roadshow Pictures Anarchos Productions Dans la pop culture, les “crop circles” ont une place de choix pour signifier l’existence des OVNI, extraterrestres et autres martiens en tout genre. Découvrir notre dernier podcast Cependant, dans le cas qui nous intéresse ici, ce n’est pas la main de l’homme qui en est responsable. Des traces d'aliens en Namibie ? C’est dans le désert de Namibie que sont présentes ces étranges formes géométriques appelées “cercles de fées”. Ces étranges motifs mesurent entre 2 et 12 centimètres de diamètre. Initialement les biologistes avaient plutôt choisis la piste d’une potentielle espèce de termite se nourrissant de la végétation à l’intérieur des cercles. Une question d'hydratation Sources utilisées :

Mystery Babylon Watch: What is the Jesuit Order? Ignatius of Loyola was born in 1491 in present day Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain. Loyola who was a member of Los Alumbrados also adopted a military career in 1517 fighting for the Duke of Najera (Viceroy of Navarre) and was badly wounded in the siege of Pampeluna when a cannon shot one of his legs and wounded the other leg. Loyola had to have his leg reset without Anesthesia, and instead of healing it became worse, eventually his leg healed and he was out of danger, but one leg was shorter than the other as a result of his injuries. Loyola ordered his Surgeon to cut off parts of his bone and to systematically stretch his leg which was a very painful procedure all for the vain purpose of wearing the boots that were in fashion at the time, and to return to being the "Handsome Courtier and Soldier" he once was. To this day the Jesuit Order and the Vatican have been in control of the many Knight orders of the Illuminati.

Kapustin Yar Kapustin Yar (Russian: Капустин Яр) is a Russian rocket launch and development site in Astrakhan Oblast, between Volgograd and Astrakhan. Known today as Znamensk (Russian: Знаменск), it was established 13 May 1946 and in the beginning used technology, material and scientific support from defeated Germany. Numerous launches of test rockets for the Russian military were carried out at the site, as well as satellite and sounding rocket launches. Open Street Map of the area. The 4th Missile Test Range "Kapustin Yar" was established by a decree of the Soviet Government "On Questions of Jet Propelled Weapons" on 13 May 1946. The State R&D Test Range No 8 (GNIIP-8, "test range S") was established at Kapustin Yar in June 1951. Five atmospheric nuclear tests of small power (10-40 kt) were performed over the site in 1957-1961.[1] With the further growth and development, the site became a cosmodrome, serving in this function since 1966 (with interruption in 1988-1998). Missiles tested/launched[edit]

12 Astrological Houses and Their Meanings | One way to put the components of your astrological chart into a real world context is to look at the twelve Houses of the Zodiac. Each sector of the Zodiac deals with a different aspect of our life. By examining the placement of the Planets and Signs in the various Houses, the image of your 'astrological make up' is further sharpened. If, for example, your chart finds Uranus, the Planet of Rebellion, in the First House, the House of Self, you may seem a little odd to others because you wear your individuality on the surface. Technically speaking, to place the Houses within the chart wheel, divide the wheel into twelve equal pie-shaped pieces (see an example of this below). The first piece of this astrological pie begins at the nine o'clock spot and heads south: That is the First House. The first Sign of the Zodiac, Aries, is the ruler of the First House; Taurus, the second Sign, rules the Second House, and so on around the wheel. The First House - House of Self
