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Consciousness, group consciousness, mind

Consciousness, group consciousness, mind

Why You Should Unlearn Almost Every 'Spiritual' Thing You Know Michelle Walling, In5D GuestWaking Times Have you found yourselves awakened and confused as hell about what the truth is? Part of the matrix plan is to provide various teachings of how to move your consciousness into a higher level of the astral realm where you will not realize that you are still in the hierarchical prison system. Thankfully, even utter confusion can be a catalyst to finally realizing that most metaphysical, esoteric, and spiritual based information readily available in major bookstores is misleading and unnecessary. Following the Flock With so many things readily available on the bookshelves and on the internet, it is clear that the basic needs of the human mind lie in confirmation by following what most people are saying and doing. A perfect example is Drunvalo Melchizedeck’s merkaba teachings. It is time to awaken from the dream and to come to a realization of why we each are here. Programming Starts Early Our programming in this prison begins at birth. About the Author

Openhand | "Catalysing our Ascension"
