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Learn Shortcuts. Work Faster. Vim Commands, Photoshop Shortcuts, Unix Commands, Sublime Shortcuts, or any Editor
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New Project :: (Fluid UI) uses cookies and saves data on our servers in order to provide the Fluid UI service. This data is gathered in order to provide the relevant functionality for your account. The purpose of this article is to inform you what information we store, when we request it and why we need it. Your email address is used to create a unique identifier for your account when you sign up. Third party services providers Fluid UI also uses a number of third party services providers in order to provide the Fluid UI service: Google Google Analytics is used to anonymously track who is visiting our site, how long they are staying and where they are coming from in order to allow us to improve how we sell the Fluid UI service. Accessing or deleting your data

TextMate Bundles in PhpStorm - PhpStorm Projects may contain file types unknown to PhpStorm. While PhpStorm comes with built-in support for many programming and scripting languages, you may want to have syntax highlighting for project-specific languages. For example, a project may contain a shell script, or Perl. When doing infrastructure automation for your project using Puppet, a configuration file may exist in a project. TextMate, a text editor for Mac, offers syntax highlighting bundles for many languages. Obtaining TextMate bundles The first thing to do is find a bundle for the language we want to use. From GitHub, we can simply clone the bundle to a local path if we want to make use of it. Registering a TextMate bundle with PhpStorm The next thing we want to do is register the bundle with PhpStorm. Once selected, PhpStorm will list the TextMate bundle we've just loaded. Most TextMate bundles come with a set of file extensions they can handle. Putting it to the test

Self-awareness in humans is more complex, diffuse than previously thought Ancient Greek philosophers considered the ability to "know thyself" as the pinnacle of humanity. Now, thousands of years later, neuroscientists are trying to decipher precisely how the human brain constructs our sense of self. Self-awareness is defined as being aware of oneself, including one's traits, feelings, and behaviors. Neuroscientists have believed that three brain regions are critical for self-awareness: the insular cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex. However, a research team led by the University of Iowa has challenged this theory by showing that self-awareness is more a product of a diffuse patchwork of pathways in the brain – including other regions – rather than confined to specific areas. The conclusions came from a rare opportunity to study a person with extensive brain damage to the three regions believed critical for self-awareness. "According to previous research, this man should be a zombie," he added.

5 Tips to Refine Code The level of code can be seen at a glance from the form of writing the code. It takes experience to write code that is easy to read, sophisticated and efficient. In this article, I’ll give you tips for refining the five codes. 1. Usually, the conditional expression is written as follows: condition = True if condition: x = 1 else: x = 0 print(x) See below for more readability and less code: x = 1 if condition else 0 2. num1 = 100000000 num2 = 10000000 total = num1 + num2 print(total) You can write like this. num1 = 10_000_0000 num2 = 10_000_000 If you want to use commas to separate the outputs, you can also do the following: This makes the numbers easier to read. 3. use ” With “ The usual steps to open a file are: f = open(“text.txt”,”r”) file_contents = f.close() words = file_contents.split(” “) word_count = len(words) print(word_count) It is recommended to use “With” so that Python will handle the closing of the file automatically. with open(“text.txt”,”r”) as f: 4. use “enumerate” index = 0 index += 1

Code School - Try Git Using Git To use Git on the command line, you will need to download, install, and configure Git on your computer. You can also install GitHub CLI to use GitHub from the command line. For more information, see "About GitHub CLI." If you want to work with Git locally, but do not want to use the command line, you can instead download and install the GitHub Desktop client. For more information, see "Installing and configuring GitHub Desktop." If you do not need to work with files locally, GitHub lets you complete many Git-related actions directly in the browser, including: Setting up Git Download and install the latest version of Git.Note: If you are using a Chrome OS device, additional set up is required:Install a terminal emulator such as Termux from the Google Play Store on your Chrome OS device.From the terminal emulator that you installed, install Git. Authenticating with GitHub from Git Note: You can authenticate to GitHub using GitHub CLI, for either HTTP or SSH. Connecting over SSH

Tal Raviv — Being a Developer Makes You Valuable. Learning How to Market Makes You Dangerous Being a Developer Makes You Valuable. Learning How to Market Makes You Dangerous I love engineering, and not just because I’m a nerd. The best part of engineering isn’t the technical details or the particular science behind it, rather, it’s the opportunity to solve an unfairly hard problem in a way no one has before. The harder the problem the more exciting it is. In business and marketing there’s a word for that kind of person – hustler – or, in the software startup space, growth hacker. As much as engineers like to joke about our counterparts in sales and marketing, the most successful sales and marketers think like engineers. I got an email from a student who reached out via our “breaking every rule” page. He described his previous entrepreneurial experience: I started a small startup which unfortunately has refused to take off am guessing the idea wasn’t all that awesome or it will pick up after a year, whatever. I checked out Wasswa’s site. Thanks for all this great content.

Meteor JS, running in a debugger Why School? TED ebook author rethinks education when information is everywhere. The Internet has delivered an explosion of learning opportunities for today’s students, creating an abundance of information, knowledge, and teachers as well as a starkly different landscape from the one in which our ideas about school were born. Traditional educators, classrooms, and brick-and-mortar schools are no longer necessary to access information. Instead, things like blogs and wikis, as well as remote collaborations and an emphasis on critical thinking skills are the coins of the realm in this new kingdom. Yet the national dialogue on education reform focuses on using technology to update the traditional education model, failing to reassess the fundamental model on which it is built. In Why School? How Education Must Change When Learning and Information Are Everywhere, educator, parent and blogger Will Richardson challenges traditional thinking about education— questioning whether it still holds value in its current form. Why must schools change how they teach? Why School?

under_scores, camelCase and PascalCase - The three naming conventions every programmer should be aware of - DEV The various tokens in your code (variables, classes, functions, namespaces, etc.) can be named using one of these three styles, broadly speaking: Camel Case (ex: someVar, someClass, Case (ex: SomeVar, SomeClass, (ex: some_var, some_class, In camel casing, names start with a lower case but each proper word in the name is capitalized and so are acronyms. For example, commonly used tokens in many languages such as toString, checkValidity, lineHeight, timestampToLocalDateTime, etc. are all examples of camel casing. Pascal casing is similar to camel casing except that the first letter also starts with a capital letter (SomeClass instead of someClass). In underscore casing, everything is in lower case (even acronyms) and the words are separated by underscores (some_class, some_func, some_var, etc). The general idea is that you can use any convention in your project as long as you are consistent about using it everywhere.

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