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Box-office : les chiffres du cinéma en France [datavisualization]

Box-office : les chiffres du cinéma en France [datavisualization]

Etude de 109 médecins français sur Twitter : 50% de pseudonymes! #doctors20 Que sait-on des médecins français sur Twitter ? Pas grand'chose ... Mais sachant qu'il existe deux listes Twitter de 100 médecins francophones, crééés par notre ami @meditwitt (Henri Graciès) et que le congrès Doctors 2.0 & Vous (mai 2012) allait être la bonne occasion pour présenter les résultats, il n'y avait plus qu'à faire l'étude, moyennant une grille de critères à relever, conçue à cet effet. C'est ce que nous avons fait. Deux illustrations accompagnent ce poste : le poster traditionnel et l'infographie. Le poster (cliquez ici) permet de connaître toute la méthodologie et le détail. L'infographie, plus visuelle, est ci-dessous en bleu-vert. L'étude nous a permis de constater les éléments suivants : - L'ensemble de la recherche (réalisé en mars, avril 2012) a été rendu plus difficile de par l'anonymat et l'absence d'éléments identifiants associés, lorsque l'auteur faisait l'effort de ne rien réveler. -Ils tweetent dans environ la moitié des cas sur des sujets non médicaux.

Websites need… Posted: February 21st, 2012 I created a successful mind map several years ago which I would show to clients in meetings to help them understand ‘SEO’ better. It was also shown at many search conferences all over the world, with entire seminars built around it. Click text on the mind map to travel around and view information: Maybe some subject-matter experts in each discipline will think that there are omissions, but I have tried to keep it simple so that relative beginners, non-SEOs and non-techies can understand it – this is not the time and place to show everyone here that I am clever (the biggest mistake that 99% of SEOs make) – I just want to share and help people. I also hope that expert-level online marketeers, SEOs and link builders can appreciate the visualisation and also see things that they may well never have seen before, especially in disciplines that they do not profess to be experts in. And, just let me know if you like it or not James Welch

Part 2 Concrete Chrome - credit photo De nombreuses marques sont désormais à la page sur Facebook. Penchons nous alors sur ses outils qui permettent de prendre la mesure d’un ciblage marketing efficace. Deux interfaces permettent de qualifier la communauté de fans et l’interactivité produite. Un rapport hebdomaire pour mesurer les retombées de chaque publication, ici En version beta sur certains comptes en Novembre 2009, la nouvelle version des statistiques semble être accessible par la plupart des utilisateurs. Le procédé de rafraîchissement instantané et « à la une » ( NDLR algorithme lié aux publications les plus commentées de son réseau social dont les page fans) peut biaiser une analyse seulement fondée sur ce rapport. Un rapport détaillé permettant de reconstituer l’historique des activités depuis son lancement, là Vous avez la possibilité d’ exporter un fichier .xls (le .csv est trop brouillon selon moi) permettant de dresser une analyse approfondie. 1. 2. 3. 5.

Olympic athletes Turn autoplay off Edition: <span><a href=" Sign in Beta About us Today's paper Subscribe Custom Search Olympic athletes: the 2012 Games full list visualised Who is competing in the 2012 Olympics - and where are they from? Powered by Tableau Sport Olympic Games 2012 UK news Series London 2012 Olympics data More from Datablog on Sport Olympic Games 2012 London 2012 Olympics data More blogposts More interactives Facts Are Sacred by Simon Rogers From the war in Afghanistan to the London riots, Facts Are Sacred is a full-colour collection of the most interesting findings from the Guardian datablog. Hot topics © 2014 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. Send to a friend Your IP address will be logged Share Short link for this page: Contact us Contact the Sport Report errors or inaccuracies: Letters for publication should be sent to: Close

FIPC - Accueil Prime Number Patterns by Jason Davies. For each natural number n, we draw a periodic curve starting from the origin, intersecting the x-axis at n and its multiples. The prime numbers are those that have been intersected by only two curves: the prime number itself and one. Below the currently highlighted number, we also show its sum of divisors σ(n), and its aliquot sum s(n) = σ(n) - n, which indicate whether the number is prime, deficient, perfect or abundant. Based on Sobre el patrón de los números primos by Omar E.

Rage Faces for SMS Pedestrian Monitoring System Sunday 30 September 2012 Trend over last 3 hours Note: If a sensor returns a series of zero readings it may be temporally inoperable 6am Sunday 30 September 2012 Yellow Above average by 10% or moreGrey Average Green Below Average by 10% or more * Average calculated from same day & hour over the previous 4 weeks Pedestrian Counting The City of Melbourne's 24-hour pedestrian counting system measures pedestrian activity in the city each day. The system counts pedestrian movements to give the City of Melbourne a better understanding of how people use the city so we can manage the way they function and plan for future needs. The online visualisation tool is an interactive map of these sensor locations, which enables users to see pedestrian counts on particular dates and times and compare data. Interact Click on the screenshots below to understand the interactive elements of the visualisation, and how the data is represented on a selected date. Events in the city Share or Download data files

Women as Academic Authors 1665-1970321,368 authors 1971-1990609,635 authors 1991-20101.1 million authors All years2.0 million authors Anthropology 27.2% female authors(45,099 authors) 32 subfields Classical studies 19.6% female authors(21,069 authors) 22 subfields Cognitive science 30.2% female authors(17,584 authors) 6 subfields Demography 32.5% female authors(15,201 authors) Ecology and evolution 18.5% female authors(427,476 authors) 24 subfields Economics 9.7% female authors(129,059 authors) 16 subfields Education 37.2% female authors(56,299 authors) 21 subfields History 20.4% female authors(39,931 authors) 38 subfields Law 13.1% female authors(53,160 authors) 23 subfields Mathematics 6.6% female authors(19,547 authors) 30 subfields Molecular & Cell biology 26.7% female authors(392,159 authors) 39 subfields Mycology 21.5% female authors(10,251 authors) 14 subfields Operations research 7.6% female authors(11,321 authors) 11 subfields Organizational and marketing 19.7% female authors(50,811 authors) 5 subfields Philosophy 35 subfields Plant physiology

Carbon map How can you map the world to show global data in an immediately clear way? How can you show two datasets at once to see how they compare? Kiln, a partnership of Guardian writer Duncan Clark and developer Robin Houston has come up with this beautiful new take on the globe. Watch the animated intro or click on the topics and see the map move before your eyes. • The map works best in newest versions of Chrome, Firefox or Safari• Who made this graphic? Visualizing 50 years of The Rolling Stones An interactive map of their live-show story. British tour The Rolling Stones 1963 British Tour was the first Rolling Stones concert tour. The tour commenced on September 29 and concluded on November 3, 1963. 2,812km. 1st British Tour The Rolling Stones 1964 1st British Tour was a concert tour. 1,438km. 2nd British Tour The Rolling Stones 1964 2nd British Tour was a concert tour. 4,063km. 3rd British Tour The Rolling Stones 1964 3rd British Tour was a concert tour by the band. 2,120km. Irish Tour The Rolling Stones 1965 Irish Tour was the first concert tour of Northern Ireland and Ireland by The Rolling Stones. 358km. Far East Tour The Rolling Stones 1965 Far East Tour was the first concert tour of Oceania by the band. 16,016km. The Rolling Stones 1965 1st British Tour commenced on March 5 and concluded on March 18, 1965. 1,252km. 1st European Tour The Rolling Stones 1965 1st European Tour was the first concert tour of Scandinavia by the band. 768km. 1st American Tour 25,952km. 2nd European tour 0km. 138km.

The Internet map The map of the Internet Like any other map, The Internet map is a scheme displaying objects’ relative position; but unlike real maps (e.g. the map of the Earth) or virtual maps (e.g. the map of Mordor), the objects shown on it are not aligned on a surface. Mathematically speaking, The Internet map is a bi-dimensional presentation of links between websites on the Internet. Every site is a circle on the map, and its size is determined by website traffic, the larger the amount of traffic, the bigger the circle. Charges and springs To draw an analogy from classical physics, one may say that websites are electrically charged bodies, while links between them are springs. Also, an analogy can be drawn from quantum physics. Anyway, the real algorithm of plotting The Internet map is quite far from the analogies given above. Semantic web The map of the Internet is a photo shot of the global network as of end of 2011 (however, baloons show actual statistics from Alexa). The Internet Phenomenon
