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Android App Patterns

Android App Patterns

Parse Mobile App Development using Parse Cloud & API for iOS and Android Mobile Apps Parse which got acquired by facebook recently, is the cloud app platform (backend) to build apps for iOS, Android, JavaScript, and OS X. With Parse one can add a scalable and powerful backend in minutes and launch a full-featured mobile or web app in record time without ever worrying about server management. Parse offers push notifications, social integration, data storage, and the ability to add rich custom logic to your app’s backend with Cloud Code. API is really easy to use, and makes threading a very simple process eliminating overheads of development of backend and marinating the servers. Here is a case study through which we would like to share our experiences working on Parse Cloud APIs Take a look at the two powerful sample apps built over Parse In the test project we used and worked on development of below features: This prototype project was delivered successfully with all described features. Pro: $199

UI Overview Android's system UI provides the framework on top of which you build your app. Important aspects include the Home screen experience, global device navigation, and notifications. Your app will play an important part in keeping the overall Android experience consistent and enjoyable to use. Read on for a quick overview of the most important aspects of the Android user interface. Home, All Apps, and Recents Home screen Home is a customizable space that houses app shortcuts, folders and widgets. The Favorites Tray at the bottom always keeps your most important shortcuts and folders in view regardless of which panel is currently showing. Access the entire collection of apps and widgets by touching the All Apps button at the center of the Favorites Tray. All apps screen The All Apps screen lets you browse the entire set of apps and widgets that are installed on your device. Users can drag an app or widget icon from the All Apps screen and place it in any empty location on any Home screen. System Bars

bk138/LibSlideMenu 5 of the Best Facebook Open Graph Mobile Apps to Learn From Mobile apps that use Facebook Open Graph have two distinct advantages. Firstly, these apps are “sticky,” bringing users back by making app activity visible on their Facebook page. Secondly, these apps are easily discoverable by a user’s friends. Foodspotting Foodspotting is a visual guide to good food that’s nearby. Two months after using Open Graph, Foodspotting saw referral traffic from Facebook quadruple and monthly active users double. RunKeeper Who doesn’t have that friend who updates Facebook about their workouts? October 2012 updates to the Anroid app allow users to find Facebook friends and telephone contacts who use Runkeeper and add them on the app to compare workouts. Spotify We’ve all seen music on Facebook because Spotify has turned music into a social experience. After the integration with Open Graph, Spotify added half a million users in two weeks of May 2012. Instagram For Instagram, the Open Graph action you see on Facebook is “took a photo.” Foursquare

How To Easily Create A Web Backend for Your Apps with Parse - Ray Wenderlich Learn how to make a simple app with a web back-end made with Parse! This is a post by Tutorial Team Member Antonio Martínez, a mobile software developer currently working as an iOS Developer in London. In my previous article, you learned about some of the backend service providers available today and what types of features you can expect from them. Now it’s time to start working with one of them in detail! You will build the same Photo Sharing app from the previous article – including user logins, photo uploads, and a photo wall. To keep the focus on Parse, you’ll begin with a starter project that has the user interface pre-created, but no capability to upload or download any images. Ready to build an app with a web backend, the easy way? First Things First — Creating Your Backend Service Before starting the development of your app, the first step is to create an app in the Parse backend. Your first step is to visit and click Sign Up to create a new account. And that’s it! Great!

Verifying Back-End Calls from Android Apps Posted by Tim Bray Most Android apps have some sort of server-side back end, to persist and share data. Even the most basic game needs to remember its players’ high scores. When you’re building your back end, one problem you have to solve is how the back-end code knows what app it’s talking to and who the person using it is. You probably have HTTP endpoints for communicating with your client apps, but how can the server-side code be sure who’s sending messages to it? It’s really user-unfriendly to ask people to type in usernames and passwords on mobile devices. It turns out that Google Play services, now available on every compatible device running Android release 2.2 or higher, offers a good solution to this problem, based on the use of Google Accounts. Summary Doing this is a multi-step process, which I’ll outline in full, but here’s the short version: You use the GoogleAuthUtil class, available through Google Play services, to retrieve a string called an “ID Token”. App Registration

Implémenter correctement un AsyncTask pour alimenter un ListView | Benoît Cet article a pour but de vous proposer et de vous expliquer en détail le template que j’utilise pour utiliser les AsyncTask dans mes applications. Cela permet d’effectuer des travaux en tâche de fond sans bloquer l’utilisateur. On s’en sert notamment pour : Effectuer de gros calculs Appeler des services Web sur Internet … Ce template permet de laisser une tâche s’exécuter pendant que l’utilisateur patiente ou fait autre chose (appel téléphonique, lecture de ses mails, SMS, …). La plupart des articles/tutoriaux que j’ai pu lire sur le sujet liaient fortement l’AsyncTask à l’Activity . . . L’idée que je présente ici est de lier l’Asynctask non pas à l’Activity mais à la classe Application présente dans toute les applications Android et qui ne sera pas détruite . La première chose à faire est donc de créer une classe héritant d’Application et de la déclarer dans le manifest : AndroidManifest.xml ). ) sur sa liste où les données chargées seront présentées. . WordPress:

Les hébergements : Platform as a service - ressources-developpement Peut-être avez-vous déjà croisé sur le web le terme de PAAS (ou plateforme as a service), sans savoir à quoi il correspond. Le BlogDuWebdesign répond pour vous à cette question. Le terme PAAS est à rapprocher de SAAS (software as a service) qui correspond à une certaine forme d'hébergement, où l'on ne prend pas en compte l'aspect serveur. Tout ce que l'on a à faire et de déployer notre application fonctionnant avec l'un des langages supportés, et elle marche. Exemple de fonctionnement Je vais prendre en exemple Heroku, mais tous fonctionnent de manières sensiblement identiques, à quelques points près. La grosse différence de fonctionnement entre ce genre de service et un hébergeur mutualisé est que l'on n'a pas de FTP. Nous allons tout d'abord aller sur notre compte Heroku pour s'inscrire, récupérer le programme permettant de travailler avec Heroku, puis le configurer, et se logger. Vous avez besoin d'une base sql ? Notez qu'une base est automatiquement ajoutée pour les projets Rails. Heroku

Fulbright Foreign Student Program Y ou are invited to apply for a Fulbright Graduate Scholarship sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by AMIDEAST for the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 academic years. There are two different Fulbright Graduate scholarships available for Tunisian students. These scholarships cover expenses incurred for travel to and from the United States, tuition, books, health coverage, as well as living stipends. The J. Nationality: All applicants must be of Tunisian nationality and should be a resident in Tunisia at the time of application. Should you be interested in applying, please attend one of our Information Sessions: AMIDEAST- Sousse: Friday, April 26, 2013 at 15:00 AMIDEAST- Tunis: Friday, May 3, 2013 at 15:00 AMIDEAST- Tunis: Friday, May 24, 2013 at 15:00 AMIDEAST - Tunis: Friday, June 7, 2013 at 15:00 Final deadline for submitting applications is June 28, 2013 For additional information, please contact AMIDEAST: Ms. Ms. Mrs.

Where to watch the Google I/O 2013 keynote online Excited about what’s to come from the Moscone Center tomorrow but not sure how to follow along? Don’t worry — we’ve got you covered! As you probably know from previous years, Google will have us covered in several ways. The one event most of you will care most about, the opening day keynote, is being streamed online via YouTube. You can revisit this page to watch the stream embedded below at 9am Pacific, watch it directly on YouTube , or watch the embed on the Google I/O site . (It’s all the same either way.) If you can’t make the keynote live, don’t fret — Google usually makes the full thing available online immediately following the conclusion of the presentation. If you’re interested in the entirety of the event — including sessions and demos — you’ll be glad to know that Google will be streaming those online for the world to see, as well, with I/O Live . Google I/O is always an exciting time for us. l’université 2.0 Interview de Emmanuel Darmon, diplômé de HEC Montréal et co-fondateur de Présente nous brièvement ce qu’est UniYu? UniYu est un nouveau réseau d’entraide pour étudiants universitaires. Seuls les étudiants de cinq universités montréalaises dans un premier temps, peuvent avoir accès à cette plateforme via leur courriel universitaire. Comment t’es venu cette idée? L’idée m’est venue quand j’étais étudiant à HEC Montréal! Un nouveau réseau social, est-ce vraiment utile? Il ne s’agit pas vraiment d’un réseau social, mais plus d’un réseau d’entraide. A-t-on le droit de partager ses fiches de cours? Absolument! Qu’est ce qui pousse les étudiants à partager leurs fiches et devoirs de cours? Après seulement trois semaines on compte déjà plus de 120 fiches de cours disponibles pour HEC! Comment as-tu pu développer ça? Une de mes premières difficultés a été de trouver de bons associés sur ce projet, des programmeurs, un bon webdesigner et un intégrateur web.

Tuto - Indesign - Quelques Bases d'Indesign Création du document Quand vous aurez trouvé votre configuration optimale, sachant que les palettes sont ancrables sur les côtés gauche et droit de l'écran, vous pourrez enregistrer votre configuration fenêtre> espace de travail> enregistrer l'espace de travail... Fichier> Nouveau> Document (pomme+N). Dimension 99x210mm. Mise en page de la plaquette - Menu déroulant Dans le menu déroulant de la palette Pages, décochez l'option «Autoriser la réorganisation des pages» (sinon vous ne pourrez pas mettre deux pages côte-à-côte). Les blocs images et bloc images en tracés transparents - Outil Bloc image (f) - Outil Flèche noire (v) Pour les aplats de couleurs, dans la palette Outils, sélectionner le bloc image. Pour les blocs images, répétez l'opération mais avec les mesures suivantes: x=-3mm, y=-3mm, l=102 et h=78. Les blocs textes - Outil Texte (t) - Poignée et chainage Dans la palette Outils, sélectionnez l'outil texte. Mise en forme du texte - Icône Paragraphe - Icône Espace après Les Hyperliens
