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Pagoda: An Object Oriented Hosting Framework

Pagoda: An Object Oriented Hosting Framework

API Documentation The Linode API is a programmatic interface for automating tasks or even developing custom applications in the Cloud. To use the Linode API you must have a Linode account. The API follows the existing Users and Permissions system, so a user can only perform the operations and actions on instances they have access to. You can create users, restrict permissions, and use their API keys as necessary. Authentication All requests require an API key — with one exception: User.GetAPIKey() which can be used to generate an API key. You can pass in the API key either by using HTTP Basic Authentication (using the key as the password) or by sending an api_key request parameter via GET or POST. Request Format The api_action parameter is required on every request. Example request: NOTE: responds only via Response Format The API responds in JSON by default. Example response: Batching Requests Example batch request: Error Codes

Hosted Apps - Installable Web Apps Read this page to learn how to create and load a hosted app—a regular web app, plus some metadata. If you're interested in creating a packaged app—a web app that's bundled up as an extension, so that the user downloads all of its content—see Packaged Apps in the extensions documentation. Contents Creating hosted apps A hosted app requires a .crx file that contains metadata describing the app. The .crx file for a hosted app must contain an icon and a manifest that has details about how the app should function. Note: Unlike extensions and packaged apps, a hosted app has no access to the files inside its .crx file. Making a web app installable You can easily make any existing web app installable, letting you publish it as a hosted app. Here is a typical manifest for a hosted app: This manifest and the icon it points to (icon_128.png) make the Google Mail web app installable as a hosted app. The "permissions" field lets you specify HTML5 permissions that the app requires. Back to top name: version:
