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Best Online Literary Magazines
This is a rewrite of our Best Online Literary Magazines list. This list along with our Top 50 literary magazine list has gotten a lot of attention. Atlantic Monthly wrote in an issue last year that they hoped “rank and file” lists of magazines wasn’t a trend that would continue. That is not saying they were referring to us or had ever heard of our little list, but we believe it is important for these lists to exist. For a very long time literary magazines were short print run issues that only dared to be different because they wanted to. They were pressured by the established writing community, universities, and even money constraints to stay on the norm for as long as it lasted. If you want to talk about this list, or if you have a question about it, stop by our message boards. How dare you write a list like this. We could, of course, just alphabetically list magazines here that we feel are among the best. 1. Do they accept all writing and publish new writers? 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. portail de revues en sciences humaines et sociales
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