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Is Mobile Affecting When We Read? « Read It Later Blog

Is Mobile Affecting When We Read? « Read It Later Blog
Printed media used to allow us to read in the places we found most comfortable. When you imagine yourself reading the newspaper it’s probably in your favorite chair, at the breakfast table, or at the cafe with an orange mocha frappuccino in your hand. Unfortunately, as news and media moves online, it moves us away from these places and into our desk chairs. Even worse, consuming content is no longer on our own schedule. The flood of content disrupts us all day as if we have an maniacal paperboy throwing new editions on our doorstep every 15 seconds. However, after studying Read It Later’s own data, it seems that this trend is being reversed. Today’s data source: 100 million articles saved by Read It Later users across all major web and mobile platforms. Constant Bombardment Before looking at when we read, we should look first at when we encounter new content: This chart shows the number of articles saved to Read It Later each hour (adjusted for timezones). Time Shifted Reading Computer Users

6 Reasons You’re Being Social Media Ignored We’re just two weeks into 2011 and you may already be feeling a little social media frustrated. It’s okay, you can admit it. You can admit that, despite all your best efforts, your social media accounts are failing to connect with the right people. It’s a question I get a lot from small-, medium- and even large-business owners when it comes to the status of their social media accounts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Above are some common reasons why customers aren’t connecting with you on social media.

How the smartphone is killing the PC | Technology When he was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes last summer, Tim Smith was given a blood sugar monitor, and a notebook with a pencil. The monitor, obviously, to test his sugar levels; the notebook to note them down so he could tell his doctor. Given his job in IT for Sainsbury's, Smith wasn't about to use something so low-tech as pencil and paper. "I would have lost it or torn it," he says. A few years ago, he says, he probably would have taken the readings and entered them in an Excel spreadsheet on his PC, to make pretty graphs. But this was 2010, and so he turned to his smartphone, and quickly found an app – Glucose Buddy – that let him take his readings anywhere he liked. Smith is just one of the millions of people around the world who now own a smartphone, and the number is growing rapidly. Smith's use of his iPhone is typical of the way smartphones are used: to connect to the internet, hold data, run programs, organise our lives. Not so nowadays. And that's where Microsoft gets edgy.

Want a Successful iPad App? Impress the Reader, Not Yourself - Matt Kinsman - Blogs emedia and Technology The Atlantic is going back to the drawing board on its idea for a premium iPad App (dubbed The Atlantic Premium). The original concept would have offered a daily bundle of its online content for a monthly fee (The Atlantic sells single issues on the iPad for $4.99). However, publisher Jay Lauf tells paidContent that "We felt that we missed that first wave of iPad magazine releases and we wanted to do something a little different, a little more special." As of now The Atlantic isn't sharing any details but they aren't the only ones rethinking their approach. Wired blazed the trail for magazines on the iPad but also received some knocks for excessive download times as well as a "compromised reader experience" due to an over-reliance on multimedia (it's a trap many new magazine apps continue to fall into--Project, Virgin Media's iPad magazine, debuted in November with frustratingly long download times and the second issue--out now--was delayed six weeks as the team worked out the bugs).

The State of the Blogosphere 2010 Brian Solis inShare410 The question we ask ourselves when examining the state of the blogosphere is whether or not the cup is half full or half empty? Personally, I believe the answer lies in the nature of circumstances. If drinking from the glass, it is then half empty. If pouring, it is half full. With the rise of Twitter, Posterous, Tumblr and other forms of micromedia, many believed that the glass was half empty. Today, 100 million Tweets flew across Twitter. On Facebook this month, the average user created 90 pieces of content and contributed to the more than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) collectively shared each month. But blogging perseveres – as it should. The State of the Blogosphere 2010 Since 2004, Technorati has published its annual State of the Blogosphere report. To begin, let’s take a look at the residence of bloggers worldwide. Almost one-half of all bloggers reside in the United States with 29% blogging in Europe. Gender Age

The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis and JESS3 3 Ways Mobile Apps are Changing the Way We Live: a Study with MTV Networks + Share this MTV Networks recently released the results of Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em: Adoption, Abandonment, and the App-Addled Consumer, a thought leadership study conducted in partnership with Latitude. The study not only found that 83% of participants felt “addicted to apps,” but followed through with a deep-dive investigation to understand the role that apps play in our lives over time (e.g., the “lifecycle” of an app) and how they’re changing the way we think, relate, work, and relax—in other words, how we live. The study included a round of initial qualitative interviews, a deprivation phase (normal app users were asked to go app-free for 3 days), and a quantitative survey of more than 1300 app-engaged smartphone owners. Key Findings Header image courtesy of Traci Lawson’s Flickr, (cc) some rights reserved.

iPad publishing: Why the real challenge is the competition for attention | Technology There's optimism but a lack of confidence in the news industry when it comes to exploiting the iPad, as I wrote yesterday. Conde Nast is doing selectively ambitious projects, and a handful of titles are carefully pushing out sensitively planned apps - aware of the scrutiny of developing for this high-profile platform. (And yes, Samsung Galaxy Tab, and others, will have their day.) Beyond the traditional media industry, there have been few innovative models for iPad news apps. Flipboard is the highest profile, making a magazine from your feeds. Matt Webb at design agency Berg was part of the team that worked on a brief from Bonnier, the Swedish media group, to explore reading experiences on touchscreen devices in late 2009. There are now five titles on the Mag+ platform, all published every month through the App Store. "Here's how I'd frame the challenge," he said. Webb points out that this crisis in the dynamics of the publishing industry has happened to others, too.

How Does Age Affect Web Use? Sure e-commerce and social networking are growing at breakneck paces, but have you ever wondered how trends vary between age ranges? According to a recent study by Pew Internet, the differences may not be that dramatic in all cases. In fact, the biggest difference tends to be how the various age groups access the internet, with of course, millennials leading in mobile Internet usage. However, that is not to say that there weren’t number of interesting facts found within this study; in fact, there are. And, we took the liberty of taking these points and turning them into the graphic below. Share this Post (click image to enlarge)

The Fantabulous Lists of Social Media Case Studies February 14, 2011 A guest says: Thanks for this. It will take me some time to go through the entire list, but I needed lots of case studies for my training sessions. If you has to pick one of these as the best social media campaign, which one would it be? Selling The Mobile Web Moet de krant een krant zijn of een app - Nederlands MediaNetwerk Door Henk Blanken. Moet een kranten-app eruit zien als een app of als een krant? Het hangt ervan af. Er zijn grofweg drie typen kranten-apps voor tablets. Een kranten-app kan ook meer op een app lijken. De derde variant is wat de digitale voorhoede wenst. Blom gruwt van de kranten lookalike. Het simpelweg doorplaatsen van de krant naar een digitale omgeving (inclusief vormgeving) geeft veel mensen vast het gevoel van vastigheid en herkenbaarheid, het komt op mij over als gebrek aan liefde voor de nieuwe wereld. Hoewel ik het hartgrondig met Blom eens ben waar hij het conservatisme van de krantenwereld bekritiseert, ziet hij volgens mij ook iets over het hoofd (zie de discussie die we al voerden op twitter). Uitgevers zijn dol op de iPad. Het goede nieuws is dat de iPad zo’n verbijsterend succes is, een nieuwe drager die vermoedelijk met andere tablets binnen enkele jaren alomtegenwoordig zal zijn. De volgende vraag is of dat model beklijft. Het is dus een kwestie van tijd.

Farlig ny verden (Foto: iStockphoto) - Mange voksne tror at forbrytelsene som er skildret (…) er så fjerne fra barnets hverdag at de bare blir noe oppdiktet eller innbilt for barna. Men vi har oppdaget at dette er en stor feil. - Den frie tilgangen (…) har forgiftet sjelen og ødelagt moralen til mange ungdommer, og hindret andre i å fylle bevisstheten med nyttig kunnskap. Tror du disse sitatene handler om dataspill? Feil. Det første stammer fra 1954, og dreier seg om tegneserier. Utsagn nummer to ble skrevet allerede i 1790. Hvordan skulle det gå med de unge damene som ble utsatt for slikt skadelig stoff? Mange var redde og diskusjonene gikk skyhøyt rundt både kjærlighetsromaner og tegneserier. Med litt leiting finner du lignende ståhei rundt så godt som hvert eneste nye medium som har dukket opp: Dikt, teater, bøker, aviser, tegneserier, telefoner, radio, TV, video og internett er blitt ansett som trusler mot samfunnet, i tur og orden. Dette kalles mediepanikker. Gammel skrekk og gru Videopanikk På’n igjen…

The 5 Basic Points of Digital Marketing Digital marketing, like any other business venture, has both its pros and cons. It is crucial to fully understand where one may fail and where the other will succeed. To be a success in the fast paced world of digital marketing, one should follow five basic points: Undertake extensive use behavior studies: Most importantly is to understand that most successful digital marketing ventures are not based on innovation, but, through research, gaining knowledge of your customers’ likes and dislikes. Use engaging elements to connect: Secondly, do not just hope for a miracle by posting a batch of videos, selling your product or service on the internet in hopes that it somehow takes off. Initiate conversations: Thirdly, with social networking sites being the latest rage, it is of importance to never just join a conversation on a site such as facebook . Post from: Connect: Authored by: Zubin Kutar I am an Internet Entrepreneur and a professional Web Marketer. See complete profile

5 tips voor gebruiksvriendelijke iPad apps | Frankwatching Nu de iPad een half jaar op de markt is, ontstaan bij app-makers steeds vaker vragen over gebruiksvriendelijkheid. Dit wilden we testen. We waren vooral benieuwd hoe iPad-gebruikers naar apps kijken en hoe zij klikken. Zijn iPads wel zo ‘intuïtief’? De combinatie van eyetracking en usability-onderzoek levert unieke resultaten op. 5 tips 1. Bij veel iPad-apps staat de navigatiebalk onderin het scherm. 2. Het is gebruikers vaak niet duidelijk waar men wel of niet op kan tappen. 3.Voeg bij scrollen binnen een pagina ‘scrollbalken’ toe Veel apps hebben scrollmogelijkheden binnen een pagina om de volledige informatie te zien. 4. Intuïtieve navigatie lijkt het sleutelwoord voor de iPad. 5. Vanuit de smartphone, maar ook bij het surfen op de iPad, zijn gebruikers gewend dat door middel van twee vingers eenvoudig ingezoomd kan worden. Dit zijn de eerste 5 learnings over de gebruiksvriendelijkheid van apps.
