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Connectivism: Connecting with George Siemens

zonatic-n » Educació i competència digital: ‘Networked Student’ Tancament del servidor Phobos El servidor arribarà a la fi del seu període d'operació el dia 23 de desembre de 2013. El Departament d'Ensenyament ofereix als centres docents i als professionals de l'àmbit educatiu diverses alternatives de gestió i publicació de recursos digitals en línia. Àgora ( posa a la disposició dels centres un entorn virtual d'aprenentatge Moodle complet, així com una intranet i un gestor de continguts basat en Zikula. Tots aquests serveis són actualment gratuïts per a centres i usuaris, i compten amb un suport professional que n'assegura les actualitzacions de programari, el manteniment del maquinari, la connexió permanent a línies de comunicacions d'alta capacitat, la realització de còpies de seguretat i l'aplicació de les mesures de protecció de dades i seguretat dels sistemes establertes pel Centre de Seguretat de la Informació de Catalunya (CESICAT). NOVETAT!!!

Online Education and the Virtual Classroom Sometimes the best inventions happen by accident. One of the world's great storehouses of biological knowledge is the Animal Diversity Web. In 1995, University of Michigan biology professor Philip Myers decided to use the new medium of the World Wide Web to engage his students in producing the textbook he thought his course needed but did not exist. The tasks of researching, writing, checking, and posting information about animal species and their habitats could, Myers reasoned, not only teach students about animal diversity but also help them better understand the science involved. He was right. The most famous intramural project to burst beyond its original walls is Facebook. The Social Network, based on a 2009 book, by Ben Mezrich The Accidental Billionaires, points to the frequent connection on the web between accidental community formation and economic opportunity. Forrester Research did a study last year which noted the rising importance of "accidental entrepreneurs."

Conectivismo: una teoría de aprendizaje para la era digital [II] A continuación sigue la segunda parte de la traducción del artículo de George Siemens sobre el cognitivismo, cuya primera parte publiqué hace poco. Dice: Incluyendo la tecnología y la construcción de conexiones como actividades de aprendizaje, las teorías de aprendizaje comienzan a moverse en una era digital. Ya no podemos experimentar personalmente y acquirir el aprendizaje que necesitamos para actuar. “La experiencia durante mucho tiempo ha sido considerada el mejor profesor del conocimiento. El caos es una nueva realidad para los trabajadores del conocimiento. Luis Mateus Rocha (1998) define la auto-organización como la “formación espontánesa de estructuras bien organizadas, modelos o conductas desde condiciones iniciales aleatorias.” Redes, mundos pequeños, vínculos débiles Una red puede definirse, simplemente como conexiones entre entidades entes. Vínculos débiles son enlaces o puentes que permiten cortocircuitar las conexiones entre información. Conectivismo Implicaciones Conclusión

Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application In this course you will learn about the fundamentals of online education. The emphasis will be on planning and application. In the planning phase, you will explore online learning pedagogy, online course design,privacy and copyright issues, online assessments, managing an online class, web tools and Learning Management Systems. As a student enrolled in this course, you will have free access to selected chapters and content for the duration of the course. The class will consist of lecture videos, which are between 5 and 12 minutes in length.

My Open Learning: xMOOCs I participate frequently in MOOCs, both xMOOCs such as those offered through platforms edX and Coursera, and cMOOCs. cMOOCs offer a different learning experience; usually less structured where learning relies upon networked interactions using social media platforms. Click here for reviews on my completed cMOOCs. To read an in-depth article describing differences between the two types of MOOCs click here. I participate in MOOCs for different reasons that depend upon my learning goals and the amount of time I am able to commit to the course during its time frame. I categorize my participation as follows: 1) Course auditor: Do not participate for the most part in course activities, discussions or assessments, though will read and review select course materials and discussion forums. 2) Active learner: Engage in the majority of activities, assignments and some discussions. Course Overview: This course is World Bank’s first ever MOOC course. Description. Course Overview. Like this:

My Open Learning: cMOOCs Current 1) Open Online Experience 2013Overview: This year-long professional development course is open to anyone, and focuses on education technology for K- 16. It provides a rich, immersive experience into the study and use of educational technology in teaching and learning, and is designed on the “connectivist” model. For a brief definition of “connectivism,” click here. To view #OOE 2013′s Google + community learning page click here. Courses Logo for etmooc from 1) Edtech MOOC 2013, Alec Couros Course Duration: January 13 to March 30, 2013 Participation Level: see below This cMOOC [constructivist] Educational Technology & Media, included topics that ranged from connected learning, digital storytelling and literacy, the open movement and digital citizenship. This MOOCs’ overall objective was to create a learning community that is rich in interaction using social platforms [Google+ Communities, Twitter, #edmooc], and not a Learning Management System (LMS), as many MOOCs do.

Teaching Tips From a Master MOOC-Maker Teach a MOOC … what are you, crazy? … However, what I learned was that teaching a MOOC has been the purest and most fun form of teaching and learning that I’ve ever done. Maria H. Andersen, Ph.D. (Canvas Network, Sloan Consortium Streamed Session, April 9, 2013) I attended the Sloan Symposium last week as a virtual attendee and participated in several sessions including Designing a MOOC for Canvas. I’ll include the highlights of the session—an insiders look at MOOCs based on Andersen’s experience supporting thirty MOOCs in her role with Canvas as Director of Learning, and the methods she shared for creating activities that drive learning and sustain student interest. Andersen has extensive teaching experience, both in face-to-face and online venues, though she much prefers teaching MOOC students, describing them as eager to learn, motivated, and willing to dig deep into content areas of interest for the sake of personal development. The advice Andersen provided about MOOCs was helpful.

How to Organize a MOOC
