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The Great Fire Of London - The Great Fire of London

The Great Fire Of London - The Great Fire of London
Related:  Cultural-Intercultural

Here Are 16 Fun IQ Tests For Both Kids And Adults 5. This one is similar to the first IQ test! If you got that one right you’ll probably be able to figure out the answer to this one. This answer is a bit of a mouthful. It’s the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. 6. 7. 8. Gunpowder Plot 1605 failed attempt to kill King James I The Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in earlier centuries often called the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason, was a failed assassination attempt against King James I by a group of provincial English Catholics led by Robert Catesby who sought to restore the Catholic monarchy to England after decades of persecution against Catholics. The plot was revealed to the authorities in an anonymous letter sent to William Parker, 4th Baron Monteagle, on 26 October 1605. During a search of the House of Lords in the evening on 4 November 1605, Fawkes was discovered guarding 36 barrels of gunpowder—enough to reduce the House of Lords to rubble—and arrested. Most of the conspirators fled from London as they learned that the plot had been discovered, trying to enlist support along the way. Several made a stand against the pursuing Sheriff of Worcester and his men at Holbeche House; in the ensuing battle Catesby was one of those shot and killed. Background[edit]

A Brief History of the English Language The English language belongs to the West Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. The closest undoubted living relatives of English are Scots and Frisian. Frisian is a language spoken by approximately half a million people in the Dutch province of Friesland, in nearby areas of Germany, and on a few islands in the North Sea. The history of the English language has traditionally been divided into three main periods: Old English (450-1100 AD), Middle English (1100-circa 1500 AD) and Modern English (since 1500). Old English (450 - 1100 AD): During the 5th Century AD three Germanic tribes (Saxons, Angles, and Jutes) came to the British Isles from various parts of northwest Germany as well as Denmark. Through the years, the Saxons, Angles and Jutes mixed their different Germanic dialects. Before the Saxons the language spoken in what is now England was a mixture of Latin and various Celtic languages which were spoken before the Romans came to Britain (54-5BC).

Outils numériques et classe inversée en langues vivantes au collège La classe de 3ème A est une classe avec un effectif élevé : 30 élèves. Le niveau est très hétérogène et certains élèves présentent un profil particulier (une élève dyslexique et dyspraxique ayant droit d'utiliser un ordinateur portable en classe, deux élèves bénéficiant d'un parcours personnalisé et n'assistant qu'à deux heures d'anglais par semaine au lieu de trois, une élève anglophone, ....). Cette grande hétérogénéité se traduit par des différences de besoins, de rythme, de degrés d'autonomie, de niveaux aussi bien dans les activités de réception que de production. Plusieurs élèves manquent de confiance en eux et se montrent ainsi très réservés dans les activités de classe. Suite à ce constat de départ, des adaptations pédagogiques ont été mises en place tout au long de l'année en classe de 3èmeA et ces adaptations ont même été renforcées lors du prêt de tablettes numériques. - utilisation conjointe des lecteurs mp3 et des tablettes.

Sir Henry Morgan What must first be made clear is that Henry Morgan was not a pirate. A rogue maybe, but not a pirate. He was a privateer. This meant he held a paper issued by a representative of the English government, the governor of Jamaica, empowering him to fight the Spaniards on England's behalf. His pay was in effect what he managed to steal from Spain. Today this might seem a dastardly way for any government to conduct itself, but in the world of the 17th century these were accepted means of conducting naval war among European powers. Most, if not all of Henry Morgan's youth is unknown. Then in 1663, once again a captain of a privateer ship, Morgan joined Mings on his daring attack on San Francisco de Campeche. Then in October 1668 Morgan set sail yet again. The battle between Henry Morgan and Don Alonso at Maracaibo Vice-Admiral Alonso though managed to save himself into the fort of San Carlos island, the guns of which ranged across the narrow entrance of the Lagoon of Maracaibo.

How to Write Dialogue: 7 Steps for Great Conversation Learning how to write dialogue in a story is crucial. Writing gripping conversations that include conflict and disagreement and further your story will make readers want to read on. Here are 7 steps to improve your dialogue writing skills: 1: Learn how to format dialogue 2: Cut filler 3: Include conflict and disagreement 4: Involve characters’ goals, fears and desires 5: Include subtext for subtle gestures and effects 6: Involve context for tone and atmosphere 7: Learn by copying out great dialogue Let’s expand these ideas: 1. You should always leave your reader caught up in your dialogue, not lost in it. Here are some guidelines for how to write dialogue for maximum clarity: a) Every time you change speaker, start a new, indented line Follow this convention because it’s all too easy to lose track of who’s saying what in dialogue. “What were you thinking?” “I wasn’t. b) Always use opening and closing speech marks c) Place all dialogue punctuation inside speech marks 2. “Yes?” 3. “Well?” 4. 6. 7.

National Geographic Learning - Reading - Reading Explorer 1: Student Book with Online Workbook, 2ndEdition - 9781305254527 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning, is a leading educational publisher of school, higher education, English Language Teaching, library and reference materials. At National Geographic Learning, we believe that an engaged and motivated learner will be a successful one, and we design our materials to motivate. We believe that learning can be exciting, inspiring, and transformational. Through our learning programs, we want learners to experience the excitement and joy of learning that National Geographic explorers, scientists, writers and photographers experience. At National Geographic Learning, we have a responsibility to future generations to provide strong educational skills and an awareness of their role as caretakers of the planet.

History - The English Reformation How to Create an Infographic & Other Visual Projects in 5 Minutes This article can help you if you are worried about designing infographics or visual projects from scratch. In this post, you will learn how to create an infographic and other visual projects in five minutes using Piktochart. If you want to create something specific, like an event flyer, check out our blog post on making one in 5 minutes here. Step 1: Log in and select a theme First, begin by logging in to Select Infographic. Browse for an infographic template layout that stands out to you. Mouse-over the template that you want and select Use Template. Step 2: Configure your canvas First, title your infographic at the top of the editor. To add a new block, select Add Block ( + ).To delete a block, select Delete Block ( x ).To duplicate a block, select Clone Block ( = ).To change the order the blocks, click Move Up or Move Down (arrows) accordingly. To set the size of a block, select Settings and change the sizes accordingly. Step 3: Edit your content To insert a chart 01.
