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Le site des copinedegeek

Le Delphinarium Perles de profs : Blagues et humour de prof Blog Webatou, le Web accessible à tous concept robots Blog (Français) | La nouvelle distribution linux The Elegant Universe | Watch the Program The Elegant Universe: Part 3 PBS Airdate: November 4, 2003 NARRATOR: Now, on NOVA, take a thrill ride into a world stranger than science fiction, where you play the game by breaking some rules, where a new view of the universe pushes you beyond the limits of your wildest imagination. This is the world of "string theory," a way of describing every force and all matter from an atom to earth, to the end of the galaxies—from the birth of time to its final tick, in a single theory, a "Theory of Everything." Our guide to this brave new world is Brian Greene, the bestselling author and physicist. BRIAN GREENE (Columbia University): And no matter how many times I come here, I never seem to get used to it. NARRATOR: Can he help us solve the greatest puzzle of modern physics—that our understanding of the universe is based on two sets of laws that don't agree? NARRATOR: Resolving that contradiction eluded even Einstein, who made it his final quest. S. BRIAN GREENE:The atmosphere was electric. S. S.

Sur la route de la Geek Jibi’s Blog » Profession : femme de footballeur Jibi vous a déjà démontré que le sportif a bon goût en matière de femmes, et les footballeurs ne dérogent pas à la règle. Car en plus de gagner beaucoup d’argent en pratiquant leur sport favori, ils s’affichent toujours (ou presque) avec de superbes créatures. Quel dur métier… Pour vous rendre envieux Jibi aurait pu vous révéler leurs salaires, mais non, il préfère vous faire baver en vous montrant leurs femmes … vous savez celles que vous n’aurez jamais, faute de moyens ! Vous en connaissez déjà certaines mais comme on ne se lasse jamais de les regarder, voici un petit florilège des plus belles femmes de footballeurs : Alena Seredova frôle l’insolation, ça donne chaud d’être la femme de Gianluigi Buffon ? Frederica Ridolfi , une autre Italienne, est la fiancée du joueur de la Juventus Giuliano Giannichedda. Mais pourquoi les Italiennes sont-elles aussi sexy ? Tiens voilà une blonde, on a quitté l’Italie … et bien non ! Ilary Blasi n’est autre que la très belle femme de Francesco Totti !

Into Oblivion Silk Icons “Silk” is a smooth, free icon set, containing over 700 16-by-16 pixel icons in strokably-soft PNG format. Containing a large variety of icons, you're sure to find something that tickles your fancy. And all for a low low price of $0.00. You can't say fairer than that. Current version: 1.3. View all icons (.png file, 1Mb) Download License I also love to hear of my work being used, feel encouraged to send an email with a link or screenshot of the icons in their new home to mjames at gmail dot com. The icons can also be used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (Hi Debian folks!) As an author, I would appreciate a reference to my authorship of the Silk icon set contents within a readme file or equivalent documentation for the software which includes the set or a subset of the icons contained within. Sightings Do you use this set? Donate People have expressed a wish to donate a little money.
