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Learn French by Podcast

Learn French by Podcast
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Top 10 podcasts to help you learn a language I became a language addict way back in the early noughties thanks to Shakira. Since then I’ve gone on to pursue a degree in French and Spanish with the Open University, and I’ve also studied Mandarin, Italian, German and various other languages along the way. With formal studying never quite being enough, I’m always looking for other methods to engage my language learning brain, podcasts being one of them. Here’s a few of my favourites: 1. Kerstin, a German language tutor, brings a mix of wonderful and inspiring guests on to her podcast, including popular language learning bloggers Benny Lewis and Olly Richards. 2. In a similar format to the Creative Language Learning Podcast, this one features brilliant guests and gives you the chance to feel like you’re having a bit of a natter with them. 3. 101 Series – Innovative Language You may have already come across [insert language here]pod101 if you’ve searched for podcasts in your target language. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10.

VerbCast You've completed the VERBcast and hopefully you've found it a good way to prepare for your French exam. If you're doing the Scottish Standard Grade then that means you'll be sitting your exam tomorrow, Tuesday 9th May. If you're doing Higher you've got another week. You may well just be listening in from elsewhere or doing GCSE or A-Level French. Regardless, we hope you've found it useful. If you're doing Higher French then you may be interested to know that we're running another series of podcasts at the moment which covers everything you need to know about the Higher exam, using the 2005 SQA papers as examples. Very best of luck with the rest of your exams, well done for sticking with the VERBcast, and we look forward to working with you in the future on other projects!

EPFC - Accueil Vino, l'Italia supera la Francia Esportazioni record a 4,5 mld - Economia e Finanza con Bloomberg MILANO - Il risultato è storico: l'Italia supera la Francia nella produzione di vino. Un sorpasso che dal sapore più dolce per i produttori nostrani che già lo scorso anno avevano battuto i rivali sul fronte delle bollicine, quando lo spumante superò lo champagne alimentando una rivalità senza confini a colpi di nouvelle cousine e dieta mediterranea. Il sorpasso è arrivato all'ultima curva, in vista del traguardo: "40,8 milioni di ettolitri per l'Italia, 40,5 milioni per la Francia" sentenzia la Coldiretti tirando le somme di una vendemmia magra (-3% sulla Penisola, -19% nell'Esagono), ma di alta qualità. "I vignaioli italiani stanno facendo un buon lavoro, la nostra cultura sta cambiando e aumentano i consensi positivi raccolti all'estero" commenta Vittorio Moretti, patron di Terra Moretti in Franciacorta dove - tra gli altri - produce il Bellavista. le vendite di vini a denominazione d'origine sono cresciute del 2%.

10 Awesome French Podcasts for French Learners So many French podcasts, so little time! Which ones are worth listening to? With so many French podcasts, it can be a challenge to find ones that match what you’re looking for. The internet is filled with thousands of language learning podcasts of varying degrees of quality. Some are entirely free while others offer a few complimentary lessons before introducing paid options. To save you the hassle of spending hours interrogating search engines, we’ve put together a review of 10 truly awesome French language podcasts. Wait a Sec – Why Listen to French Podcasts? In case you didn’t get the memo, learning French through podcasts is extremely effective. Podcasts are delivered in an easy-to-use portable format that allows you to learn when you want and at your own pace. They let you get a sense of French culture, and all you have to do is put on a set of headphones. The best podcasts are produced very professionally, and they’re often free and come with transcripts. Daily French Pod (website)

Université Libre de Bruxelles Il s’agit pour l’essentiel de cours présentiels et de travaux personnels qui font partie intégrante des cursus de premier cycle des Facultés de Droit, Philosophie et Lettres, Sciences psychologiques et de l’éducation, Sciences sociales et politiques, Sciences, Sciences appliquées et Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. Les objectifs des cours (d’anglais et / ou de néerlandais) sont basés sur les échelles de compétences du Cadre européen Commun de Référence pour les langues. Suivant les facultés, les formations en langues représentent de 8 à 28 ECTS au cours du premier cycle de bachelier. Préalablement au premier cours, les étudiants ont la possibilité de passer un test de niveau qui les aide à s’auto-évaluer et à prendre conscience de leurs éventuelles faiblesses. Le Plan Langues englobe également des cours de français langue étrangère destinés aux étudiants Erasmus et aux étudiants / enseignants non francophones, toutes facultés confondues.

Interactive currency-comparison tool: The Big Mac index GABFLE The Berlitz Schools of Languages of Benelux SA/NV If you think learning in a small group is great fun and you wish to learn a language quickly with a specific purpose, this is the suitable option for you. Choose the « Light » Evening Class for successful learning. 4 - 9 participants max. per group. 4 levels: elementary, functional, intermediate, advanced. The participants benefit from the instructors' full attention.

Dalla Jacuzzi al pianoforte: 30 grandi idee e tutte Made in Italy A dispetto di stereotipi e luoghi comuni, l'Italia nel corso dei secoli ha dato i natali a molti spiriti visionari che con le loro geniali intuizioni sono stati in grado di anticipare i tempi. Dal gravicembalo di Bartolomeo Cristofori, precursore del pianoforte moderno, alla Fiat 600, prima monovolume al mondo: ecco trenta invenzioni italiane che hanno cambiato la vita di milioni di persone. Con una nota al testo: spesso, soprattutto nel caso delle invenzioni più antiche, gli scienziati italiani sono arrivati alle loro intuizioni nello stesso periodo di illustri colleghi internazionali. Questo ha dato vita a dispute - come nel caso Meucci/Bell - che ancora oggi accendono dibattiti tra studiosi e amici (a cura di Alessandra Del Zotto) Occhiali.
