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Charles Vess & Greenman Press » 10 artists that I like: #8 John Bauer The Swedish artist John Bauer is one of my all time favorite artists. He sits on my 'top shelf' right beside Arthur Rackham and a very few others. He worked in the early part of the last century but his career was cut short by a tragic boating accident that drowned him as well as his wife and their young son. This is, I believe, the art for a Swedish postage stamp.— with Julia Still. His beautifully realized deep, deep woods are very stylized yet always feel naturalistic.— with Julia Still. So many vivid stories come to my mind when I see this image. I first encountered Bauer's work in the mid 1970s in a book titled Great Swedish Fairy Tales. I first encountered Bauer's work in the mid 1970s in a book titled Great Swedish Fairy Tales. The immensity of the forest landscape makes that giant troll seem right at home. Later in the images I'll be showing you some photos of the actual forest that Bauer walked through almost everyday in search of inspiration for pictures such as this. A pear?

How do I become … an illustrator | Money Cliff Wright had spent years painting woodland animals for children's book's when the call came from publisher Bloomsbury. "They wanted me to illustrate the cover of a book called Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," he says. "I'd never heard of Harry Potter at that point, so it was just another job for me." The first book in JK Rowling's series had been illustrated by a young graduate from art college and, following its success, the publisher had decided to recruit a more experienced illustrator for the sequel. "I didn't have time to read the whole manuscript so I went with their suggestion of the flying car," says Wright, 49. Wright was the first to depict Hogwarts Castle, Hedwig the owl, the flying Ford Anglia and the airborne Hippogriff, and those rough sketches are now collectors' items – the original artwork for Chamber of Secrets raised £85,000 at auction. "A lot of artists can't draw children because their energy is so difficult to capture," he says.

Writing Writing Even the best writers sometime need a little stimulation, if only for practice. Otherwise, writers may face the dismal monstrosity of writer's block. These generators are here to help when you need plot ideas, genre-bending concepts, and more. Story Inspiration Envisioner Combines legends, tales, and stories with new or unexpected elements. Humor and For Amusement Action Film Trailers We've all seen those action movie trailers that begin with "In a world of . . ." and then quickly describe what goes on. Music Song Challenges Creates a style and subject matter for a song - for a challenge to when you need a quick idea for a story or game. More Resources! Publisher | Planeta Tangerina Publisher Out there – A guide to discovering nature Even if we live in a big city, there is always nature outside: clouds and stars, trees and flowers, rocks and beaches, birds, reptiles or mammals.What are we waiting for?Let’s jump off the couch and begin exploring! Latest... Planeta Tangerina: best european publisher Planeta Tangerina was elected Best Children's Publisher/ Europe in the last edition of Bologna Children's Book Fair. 9/4/2013 | ler mais... "The Island" selected in Bologna Awards The book The Island, by João Gomes de Abreu (texto) and Yara Kono (illustrations), won a Jury’s Mention in the Opera Prima category in 2013 Bologna Ragazzi Awards. 12/3/2013 | ler mais...

Rare and very interesting photos Interesting and very rare photographs, you may never see. The first McDonald’s. Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Capital of Brazil, on the beginning. Pius XII and Hitler. The King. Rare Beatles photos. Osama bin Laden and his family. Titanic. Fall of the Berlin Wall All forms of Coca-Cola bottles. John Lennon shortly before his death. Principles. Statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Albert Einstein. Charlie Chaplin and Gandhi. First computer. Albert Einstein’s diploma. The early Beatles. The first team of Google. Pope John Paul and the man who tried to kill him. Moment when Bush heard about the attacks 11th September.

Dibupoly Jirka's Blog Will Terry - Children's Book Illustrator General Fiction - StumbleUpon Getting Around... Career Essentials Getting Started Queries & Manuscripts Market Research Classes & Conferences Critiquing Crafting Your Work Grammar Guides Research/Interviewing Writing Contests The Writing Business Income & Expenses Selling Reprints Collaboration Pseudonyms Negotiating Contracts Setting Fees/Getting Paid Rights & Copyright Tech Tools The Writing Life The Writing Life Rejection/Writer's Block Health & Safety Time ManagementColumn: Ramblings on the Writing Life Fiction Writing - General General Techniques Characters & Viewpoint Dialogue Setting & DescriptionColumn: Crafting Fabulous Fiction Fiction Writing - Genres Children's Writing Mystery Writing Romance Writing SF, Fantasy & Horror Flash Fiction & More Nonfiction Writing General Freelancing Columns & Syndication Newspapers/Journalism Topical Markets Travel Writing Photography Creative Nonfiction Memoirs/Biography International Freelancing Business/Tech Writing Other Topics Poetry & Greeting Cards Screenwriting

About Will Terry Will Terry Illustration About Short bio: Will Terry has been a freelance illustrator for 23 years. The rest of the story... Now that we have to boring stuff out of the way - read on if you want to find out details like the fact that I’ve been hit by not one but two cars...I’m just not that easy to kill...or the fact that I can state all 44 prepositions in alphabetical order in 20 seconds from memory - a bet I had with my father when I was in 7th grade that I can’t seem to shake...or that my mom taught John Lithgow in the third grade and she used to tell us that he was “very quiet” and “not at all like an actor”...or how I saved our family of seven from drowning in the dismal swamp in North Carolina when I was 14 - true story. I used to pretend to read when I was in elementary school because I hated reading so much. I love to blog! I love to vlog! I love to teach. I love to illustrate. I love to work on my own projects. I love my family. Guest Speaking: BYU Idaho SCBWI Utah

Bobby Chiu | Imaginism Studios Inc. Bobby Chiu is our Founder and Creative Director Bobby’s art career started at the age of two with a box of crayons and his family’s white living room walls. He got his first professional art job at the age of seventeen, designing Disney, Warner Bros., and Star Wars toys. Bobby has since won a number of awards for his independent work and is featured perennially in various juried art annuals and magazines. What Bobby loves most about being an independent artist: "I’m in full control over what I do. Bobby currently lives and works in Toronto, Canada.

Peter de Sève © 2015 Peter de Sève :: site design by bKd untitled Yes, there are Arthur Rackham images on this page! I probably have more Arthur Rackham art online than anywhere else on the net ("puffs up chest proudly"). However, this page came to load so slowly that many people experience incomplete page load. To remedy that, I've created links to subpages. All the images are still there and I have more yet to scan and post. About Arthur Rackham Arthur Rackham's (1867-1939) haunting and dreamlike style has added to the enchantment and fantasy of the children's literature and his imitators are many. Arthur Rackham began his career as a prolific English illustrator at the end of the 19th century. Arthur Rackham married Edyth Starkie in 1903. Rackham was made a full member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour in 1908. He studied drawing at evening classes at Lambeth School of Art (1884) for 7 years, at the same time that he was working full-time in insurance. Rackham Art Images at Art Passions Recent Additions and Changes Girl Beside a Stream
