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Online survey software. Free web survey tool.

Online survey software. Free web survey tool.

Page Design Concrete5 is a great content management system - it wasn't originally designed to be a site building tool. In the years that Concrete CMS existed as a commercial product there were always accomplished designers and production developers building templates by hand for sites which clients would then manage with concrete. That being said, as concrete5 has matured in the open source world a lot of features have been added that let you quickly apply dramatically different looks without writing a line of code. NOTE: If you are a developer trying to implement your design in concrete5 you should quickly read this section but also head over to the Developers pages on Themes & Page Types. Design Tab Put a page in edit mode and click the "Design" tab. Page Types When you add a new page to your concrete5 site, you have to choose a page type for it. Themes Every page in your concrete5 site has a Theme applied to it as well. Customizing a Theme Block Area & Block Design Layouts

Online Survey | eSurvey Creator | Creation and evaluation of online surveys 5 ways to handle negative Facebook comments Two truths that will forever be part of building a brand: 1. Your customers will always talk about you. 2. Everyone makes mistakes. Social media has brought major changes to the world of customer communication. Josh Catone of Mashable has a great post that outlines the different types of negative feedback within social media. 1. 2. 3. 4. There will always be individuals who disagree with your brand's comments or suggestions. Facebook probably sees more negative feedback than other social networks. 1. Jim Belosic of Social Media Examiner has a great post about dealing with upset fans. 2. According to Gini Deitrich from Spin Sucks, "There are four words that work really well online. 3. Facebook gives you the option to contact users via the messaging feature. 4. Deleting negative feedback will result in more comments you can't control, but there are many issues that merit deletion. It is imperative that you have a policy on your Facebook page if you choose to delete content. 5. (Image via)

The E-Tailer's Digest -  your resource for retail on the Net. *** S P E C I A L   R E P O R T *** "Focus Groups: What They Are and How to Use Them to Gain a Competitive Advantage." The most common mistakes in Web site design create serious problems for site visitors. Vividence Corporation ( ) using test panels, recently conducted a study** of 69 major Web sites, including Fortune 1000, Internet 250 and B2B 40 sites. Large numbers of Web sites share common design problems that create difficulties for site visitors. The implications of the study are important for eCommerce businesses that hope to convert Web site visitors to customers. The most common problems with Web sites: *53% had poorly organized search results How these problems affect Web site visitors: Frustration and wasted time According to Nielsen: 50% of users are search dominant -- they heavily rely upon searching to locate information *32% had poor Information architecture -How these problems affect Web site visitors: -Confusion -Dead ends -"back and forthing" -Forced to search How these problems affect Web site visitors: A constantly interrupted shopping experience Frustration Verticals

Reclame pentru călători leneși | blogul IQads Niște reclame foarte tari peste care am dat răscolind articole de pe AdWeek , reclame din colecția “Postere de călătorie pentru leneși”, în care am descoperit cu satisfacție și câteva elemente de pe 9gag, dar și câteva insight-uri pe care mulți dintre noi le recunoaștem. Spre exemplu: avem una bucată puking rainbows computer care se bucură de abundența de tab-uri de deschise pentru că îl poartă pe diverse tărâmuri, pe care utilizatorul e prea leneș ca să le exploreze live O experiență oferită de Too Many Tabs Tourism Agency. Un alt ad ne invită să explorăm frigiderul în căutarea unor mâncăruri din timpuri imemoriale pentru că, nu-i așa, nu suntem niciodată prea bătrâni ca să mâncăm mâncarea mai bătrână ca noi. Ultima, dar nu cea din urmă ocazie de a merge în excursii este prezentată în ăst ultim ad.

Online Interviews in Real Time: Janet Salmons: 9781412968959 About This Title Guiding researchers through designing, planning, and conducting online interviews This book provides emerging and experienced scholars the theoretical background and practical tips they need to design and conduct credible online interview research. Author Janet Salmons bridges the theoretical and the practical, with guidance for designing and conducting credible online interview research. This book focuses on data collection through dynamic online interviews in text-based, videoconference, meeting space or 3D immersive environments. Visit Janet's qualitative e-research group on Janet Salmons is a recipient of the 2011 Harold Abel Distinguished Faculty Award from Cappella University for her innovative instructional approaches and her dedication to sharing her successes with others Recently Published! Check out Janet Salmons recent webinar on Online Interviewing. We hope you'll consider this SAGE text.

Networking: 7 tips for striking up a conversation There's no way around it. Networking events can be intimidating environments for young professionals. It's easy to be overly aware of being much younger than those around you and feeling self-conscious about a lack of professional experience in some conversations. Believe me, I've been there. In this setting, it can be difficult to approach people and maintain meaningful discussions. Adopting a few simple habits can make meeting people easier and events full of strangers more survivable. A few things you can try for striking up conversation: Do some research If you have access to the guest list for an event, look through it to see whom you know, whom you want to meet and whom you might be able to connect with prior to the event via social networks. Ask for an introduction It's much easier to meet new people through a mutual connection. Offer to buy drinks If you find yourself near the bar with someone else standing alone, offer to buy a drink when you're getting your next round. Carry a camera

Exploring ORMs | Online interviews | Technical guide Where funding is available to purchase access to these services, they may offer researchers opportunities for more complex interviewing processes than those offered by instant messaging services. For example, they may make multi-user audio or video communication possible or allow greater options for multiple users to simultaneously view or manipulate a file such as a text or picture as part of the research. It may also be possible to record these actions as well as any communication via audio or video to allow audio-visual data to be captured alongside text. There may also be advantages in the fact that these services tend to offer more advanced security features and tighter control over the communication environment through, for example, the use of encrypted connections, and facilities to allow users to be removed or blocked. They are also generally designed to make it very easy for users to join, often avoiding the need to download and install software.

Despre brainstorming productiv cu seniorii copywriting-ului romanesc Se pare ca nimeni nu a descoperit inca reteta brainstorming-ului zeiss – iar daca au descoperit-o, nu se risca sa o impartaseasca in vazul concurentei - ne-am strecurat intre brief-urile creativilor ca sa aflam care sunt ingredientele unui brainstorming ca la mama acasa si cum se intampla el in agentiile de publicitate din Bucuresti. Am descoperit si entuziasm si frustrarea lipsei unei retete clare care sa functioneze mereu si destul de multe reactii anti-brainstorming asa cum e el inteles in varianta clasica. Se pare ca din ce in ce mai multi creativi renunta la adunatul in sala de sedinte a agentiei in varianta debriefing cu client service, brainstorming cu creatia si prezentarea rezultatelor inapoi catre client service si client si aleg sa schimbe putin jocul. Aboneaza-te pentru a avea acces la acest articol
