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Order Today and it Ships Free - BioLite Stove

Order Today and it Ships Free - BioLite Stove

Alpacka Raft LLC - The World's Finest Packrafts - Home Page The Traveller's Medicine Cabinet: 5 Essential Drugs for the Road While out roving you aren’t always (or even often) anywhere near a hospital or pharmacy. But, if you pack these nutritional supplements and natural medications wherever you go, you’ll be able to cope just fine. #1: Kratom The Situation You’re hiking the Appalachian trail in the dead of winter. It’s freezing cold, the terrain is rough, and you’ve got another four hours of trudging through the snow before you reach your destination for the night. Suddenly the worst happens; your boot gets caught between two rocks, you lose your footing and tumble to the ground, wrenching your ankle in the process. © Miserlou What It Is A leafy green plant grown mainly in Southeast Asia. Uses First and foremost, Kratom is a powerful painkiller similar to Morphine or Opium. Side-Effects Kratom is mildly addictive, about on par with caffeine. Forms Kratom can be purchased in dried leafy form, as an extract, a resin, or in pill form. Legality Kratom is legal in most of the developed world. #2: Kava Kava Kava Kava None.

accueil [Randonner leger ou ultra-léger, le site des MUL] 21 Ingeniously Mind-Blowing Camping Ideas I’ve always loved camping and being in the outdoors. Living in the middle of nowhere for half of my life, I developed various skills and learnt many things to help me not only survive, but be comfortable in the wild. But as much as I thought I knew, I stumbled upon a collection of exciting ideas which I thought was ingenious and mind-blowing at the same time. 19 Ingeniously Mind-Blowing Camping Ideas ________________________________________ 1. Source: 2. Source: 3. Source: Pinterest 4. 5. source: 6. Source: 7. Source: 8. 9. Source: 10. Source: 12. Source: 13. Source: 14. Source: 15. Source: 16. 17. Sources: 18. 19. Source:

Mini survival kit A mini survival kit kept in a medium tin box A mini survival kit is a small survival kit which consists of the most essential outdoor survival tools and supplies which are the hardest to improvise or replace. A mini survival kit is intended to be carried along all the time and is usually designed to complement other survival tools carried along in a larger, separate bag. Many items included in such a kit are difficult if not impossible to manufacture or obtain in real world survival situations. Two philosophies surround the preparation of mini survival kits. Container[edit] The survival tools and supplies found in a mini survival kit are generally kept in a container that is small enough to fit in a pocket. Contents[edit] Note that the list below is not the contents of an actual mini survival kit. Fire, light, signaling and heat[edit] Food and water procurement[edit] [edit] Button size compassMagnetized needle and thread Shelter[edit] First aid[edit] Miscellaneous[edit] See also[edit]

Home F La plus petite, polyvalente et efficace cuisinière au monde Garanti illimitée pour le MF-NG.... parce que nous connaissons la qualité de nos produits! Maintenant disponible: Le MF-NG+ Actuellement en anglais seulement Cliquez sur les photos pour les agrandire The Incredible Tentsile Stingray Tent This is quite easily the coolest tent that I’ve ever come across. It’s called the ‘Tentsile Stingray’ and it’s a tent that can be set up on the ground normally, or suspended in the air with the aid of 3 high-capacity tree-straps. The tent comes as standard with a rope ladder and a triangular, in-floor hatch allowing entry from the ground. It also has a semi-circular, above ground hatch for standard entry (which doubles as a window). When the Tentsile Stingray is set up above the ground, the floor doubles as a 3 person hammock which means you don’t need to carry any bedding with you. These tents only became available in March 2013 so this is a good chance to pick one up before anyone else has even seen them. Grab yours here.

Bow making Basics I remember making my first bow as a kid. I found a branch on the ground under the black oak trees that grew in our yard. There was a windstorm the prior evening and branches were everywhere. I found one with a bend and tied on a string. Then I grabbed a smaller, straighter branch. What is it that attracts people to want to know how to make a bow and arrow? So how do you make a bow? Select your wood My first attempt at bow making was actually not that far off. You can walk outside, find some local trees or shrubs, and start bending wood. You can actually make a bow out of any wood. Bow woods [twocol_one] [unordered_list style="tick"] HickoryOakPacific YewJuniper [/unordered_list] [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last] Osage OrangeAshElmMulberry [/twocol_one_last] If you live in the land of hardwoods, you can see from the list that there is a bounty of woods from which to choose. Harvest Once you have decided which species you are going to use, you’ll need to find a specimen to harvest. Prepare the stave

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