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First Take Analysis: Facebook’s Crusade of Colonization « Web St

First Take Analysis: Facebook’s Crusade of Colonization « Web St

Comment les nouvelles règles de Facebook vont modifier le compor Si vous êtes utilisateur de Facebook (et il y a toutes les chances pour que vous le soyez, comme 15 millions de français) alors il y a deux choses que vous devez savoir : Vous êtes propriétaire de vos données personnelles mais Facebook se réserve le droit de les utiliser à sa guise (cf. les nouvelles CGU : Facebook’s Great Betrayal) ;Si vous ne modifiez pas les paramètres de confidentialité, vos données personnelles sont maintenant visibles par tous. Oui vous avez bien lu : Facebook n’est officiellement plus un réseau social fermé mais une plateforme sociale ouverte où n’importe quel internaute peut parcourir votre profil et les informations qui y sont affichées : Tout ceci est la résultante d’un changement de stratégie radical expliqué par le patron de Facebook en personne : Facebook’s Zuckerberg Says The Age of Privacy is Over. Encore une fois ce qui me dérange (et visiblement je ne suis pas le seul), c’est que Facebook décide de le faire après coup.

Like Button Reveals More Than Friends Realize I'm not sure why but I saw this and it made me nervous. I felt I was peaking into a neighbor's window when I landed upon the website. When I wear my marketer's hat (as I did for this Adweek interview) everything seems just fine. What makes it unusual is that in those moments of liking something, your friends aren't thinking about who or what else is going to be seeing their actions. The benefits to marketers is undeniable and as long as companies look at the data in an anonymized fashion that's fine too. Convert PDF to Word (DOC) — 100% Free!

Facebook U.S. Visits Increase 194% Over Past Year; Tagged is Bea New data released from Experian Hitwise reconfirms what we've known for some time: Facebook is killing the other social networks. Nowhere is that more true than here in the U.S. where they found that the visits to the site have increased 194% from September of last year to September 2009. However, it's Twitter that's seen the largest year-over-year increase in visits - during that same time period, they're up 1170%. But one of the oddest findings being reported is how the social network known as Tagged is beating out Twitter for the number three spot in terms of visits. MySpace Declines, Facebook and Twitter Grow According to Experian, nearly 59% of all the social networking visits were visits to Facebook while only 30% were to MySpace - a 55% decrease in market share over the past year in terms of visits for the one-time king of social networks. Looking at just the year-over-year percent change may give you the impression that Twitter's popularity is through the roof. What?

The Missing Ingredient in Most Social Media Strategies « Shannon Paul's Very Official Blog What is the missing ingredient in most strategies I’ve seen? Actual strategy. However, before I can really show you what a strategy is , it helps to understand what a strategy isn’t . What a Strategy Is NOT Strategy is not a plan Strategy is not a timeline Strategy is not a goal Strategy is not what tactics you will use to achieve your goal Perhaps the confusion is a result of the fact that many of the above elements are included in the overall strategy document or presentation. What Others Say Rather than simply assert my own opinion on the matter, I asked a couple other experienced people in the industry what they thought about this phenomenon. David Binkowski “Most people don’t even know what strategy means, let alone how to create one,” said David Binkowski , senior vice president of Word-of-Mouth Marketing at MS&L. What I Say When I think of strategy, I like to keep this quote handy: Strategy is not focused on ROI, but on winning. How to Bring Strategy to Your Strategy Tac Anderson

Facebook va-t-il révolutionner le web ? Jeudi dernier a eu lieu la grande conférence annuelle des développeurs Facebook. L’occasion pour Mark Zuckerberg de faire le point sur l’évolution de sa plateforme sociale et de dévoiler ses ambitions pour les prochains mois (à mettre en parallèle avec les annonces récentes de Twitter : Les nouvelles ambitions de Facebook et Twitter). Le moins que l’on puisse dire c’est que les annonces ont été spectaculaires et que l’ambition affichée par Facebook est à la hauteur des géants du web. À l’ouest, rien de nouveau Commençons par décortiquer les annonces faites : La liste est dense et je vous laisse le soin d’étudier les détails sur le très bon billet de R/WW Fr : Le nouveau Facebook, un guide complet pour les éditeurs, les annonceurs, les utilisateurs et la concurrence. Oui, ces annonces ont fait sensation. Donc non, à l’Ouest il n’y a rien de nouveau, mais tous ces services à l’échelle de Facebook risquent de faire grand bruit… Des lacunes toujours pas comblées Viabilité / Pérennité.

New App Helps Keep Facebook's Hands Off Your Data A new application aims to put users back in control of their private data stored on the increasingly public social networking site, Facebook. With "The Green Safe" app, Facebook users can now export their profile data for offsite storage on Green Safe's servers. Data can then be purged from Facebook itself, allowing only friends to view profile information by way of a profile page tab labeled "My Info." Privacy Concerns for Facebook Users With the ever-growing concern about Facebook's data-sharing policies - policies that are now under attack from several U.S. senators - people are becoming more concerned about how personal information shared with the world's largest social networking site is being used. After already having been blindsided with "recommended settings" that automatically publicized previously private data like status updates and photos, Facebook users are now dealing with even more changes that have major privacy implications. How "The Green Safe" Works 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Top 5 free video editing software programs There are many free video editing software programs available for download today, but not all of them are good. Here are the top five that we have found: Conclusion Microsoft Movie Maker for Windows users, and Apple iMovie for Mac users are probably the two easiest to use free video editing software programs available. Both products will allow you to very quickly perform simple video editing tasks. However, if you want to able to add more interesting effects and transitions to your videos, you might want to check out commercial video editing software. Edit Digital Videos With Ease Related Articles You may also wish to read the following related articles: What's the best video editing program?

Friendly with doctor, but Facebook friends? -- August 18, 2009|By Karen Kaplan, Tribune Newspapers If you're on Facebook, you've likely faced this dilemma: Someone you know through your work has asked to become your online friend. You don't want to be rude and say no, but you're also a bit queasy about giving professional acquaintances full access to your personal life online. What should you do? Dr. As he writes in this week's New England Journal of Medicine, he was wary of allowing his former patient to see his list of friends, view his photos or read his personal blog. On the other hand, he didn't want to be a jerk. "The anxiety I felt about crossing boundaries is an old problem in clinical medicine, but it has taken a different shape as it has migrated to this new medium," he writes. What could go wrong? Patients could call a doctor's medical judgment into question after viewing Facebook photos of a festive holiday party that involved a bit too much spiked eggnog. So how did Jain handle his patient's request?

Trending Topics: 5 Ways Companies Used News Trends for Business Success David Spark (@dspark) is the founder of Spark Media Solutions, specialists in building industry voice through storytelling and social media. He blogs at The Spark Minute and can be seen and heard regularly on Cranky Geeks, KQED, and ABC Radio. Wouldn’t it be great if your company was as big a news story as Michael Jackson or maybe the Presidential election? Making yourself that popular is possible if you can somehow figure out a way to insert your business into that hot news story. Traditional advertising is a drastic form of manipulation. It, like this paragraph, interrupts an audience’s current mindset and asks them to pay attention to you the moment they see and hear your advertisement. Instead of trying to force the public to shift their thinking, companies are making the shift with their product, story, or marketing message just to ride the wave of current trends. 1. While designed to be silly, be forewarned that making comical content so close to a tragedy is rarely wise. 2. 3. 4.

Le "like" tuera le lien. L'économétrie de l'attirance contre l'économie du lien. Ou comment le "like" pourrait bien tuer le "lien". PROLOGUE. Du paratexte, Wikipédia donne la définition suivante : "Le paratexte est l'ensemble des discours de commentaire ou de présentation qui accompagnent une œuvre. (...) Le web, en sa totalité comme en chacune de ses parties, émergées ou immergées est une immense oeuvre collective. La paratexte est radicalement différent de l'intertextualité. Donc : Les "oeuvres", les textes - à prendre ici au sens large, c'est à dire les documents quelle que soit leur nature, multimédia ou non - les textes qui composent le web sont en relation d'intertextualité. L'appel du trou noir. Et deux prémisses pour situer les enjeux. La masse des contenus générés (= le web comme oeuvre ouverte) est-elle soluble dans le paratexte aujourd'hui dominant ? Plus précisément. Avec Google Sidewiki, le paratexte, la fabrique du paratexte, entre dans un écosystème industriel dont il ne sortira plus. To LINK.
