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The most beautiful death

The most beautiful death
Brave New World novelist Aldous Huxley was diagnosed with cancer in 1960, at which point his health slowly began to deteriorate. On his deathbed in November of 1963, just as he was passing away, Aldous — a man who for many years had been fascinated with the effects of psychedelic drugs since being introduced to mescaline in 1953 — asked his wife Laura to administer him with LSD. She agreed. The following letter — an incredibly moving, detailed account of Aldous's last days — was written by Laura just days after her husband's death and sent to his older brother Julian. Transcript follows. 6233 Mulholland Highway Los Angeles 28, California December 8, 1963Dearest Julian and Juliette:There is so much I want to tell you about the last week of Aldous' life and particularly the last day.

16th and 17th Centuries home | 6th-15th centuries | 18-19th centuries | 1901 to World War II | 1945 to 21st century Christopher Columbus to the Caribbean – motives, local people and historical impact Portuguese ahead of other Europeans in Africa and Asia – maritime trade to Africa and Asia The Portuguese to America – Brazil, conquest and slavery Spain's Empire expands, to the year 1600 – from the Caribbean, to Mexico, New Mexico and South America Spain in Latin America in the 17th Century – including New Mexico and Texas French, Dutch and English to America – north from Florida, 1550 to 1700 The Protestant Reformation – discontent, Luther's protest, spread of conflict and more Renaissance. Thirty Years' War – 1618-48, origins, witches, pogroms, Peace of Westphalia Dutch Capitalism and Liberalism – prosperity, tolerance and a modern liberal order Stagnation and Decline in Spain – the landed and their value dominate England, from James to William and Mary – from civil war to the Glorious Revolution Science and Philosophy

How to Remove Your Google Search History Before Google's New Privacy Policy Takes Effect [UPDATE 2/22/2012] It is important to note that disabling Web History in your Google account will not prevent Google from gathering and storing this information and using it for internal purposes. More information at the end of this post. On March 1st, Google will implement its new, unified privacy policy, which will affect data Google has collected on you prior to March 1st as well as data it collects on you in the future. Until now, your Google Web History (your Google searches and sites visited) was cordoned off from Google's other products. This protection was especially important because search data can reveal particularly sensitive information about you, including facts about your location, interests, age, sexual orientation, religion, health concerns, and more. Here's how you can do that: 1. 2. 3. 4. Note that removing your Web History also pauses it. If you have several Google accounts, you will need to do this for each of them.

What Does Your Body Language Say About You? How To Read Signs and... - StumbleUpon Art by LaetitziaAs we all know, communication is essential in society. Advancements in technology have transformed the way that we correspond with others in the modern world. Because of the constant buzz in our technological world, it's easy to forget how important communicating face-to-face is. When conversing old-school style, it's not only speech we verbalize that matters, but what our nonverbal gestures articulate as well. Body language is truly a language of its own. 10% from what the person actually says40% from the tone and speed of voice50% is from their body language. Lowering one's head can signal a lack of confidence. Pushing back one's shoulders can demonstrate power and courageOpen arms means one is comfortable with being approached and willing to talk/communicate

Antique Maps, Old maps, Vintage Maps, Antique Atlases, Old Atlases Sebastian Seung: A Neuroscientist Reverse-Engineering The Brain hide caption A map of neurons of the mouse retina, reconstructed automatically by artificial intelligence from electron microscopic images. A. Zlateski based on data from K. A map of neurons of the mouse retina, reconstructed automatically by artificial intelligence from electron microscopic images. Our brains are filled with billions of neurons, entangled like a dense canopy of tropical forest branches. How these neurons interact with each other — and what the wiring is like between them — is key to understanding our identity, says Sebastian Seung, a professor of computational neuroscience at MIT. Seung's new book, Connectome: How the Brain's Wiring Makes Us Who We Are, explains how mapping out our neural connections in our brains might be the key to understanding the basis of things like personality, memory, perception and ideas, as well as illnesses that happen in the brain, like autism and schizophrenia. "These kinds of disorders have been a puzzle for a long time," says Seung.

Get anyone to like you – Instantly – Guaranteed Get anyone to like you - Instantly - Guaranteed If you want people to like you, make them feel good about themselves. This golden rule of friendship works every time - guaranteed! The simple communication techniques that follow will help you keep the focus of the conversation on the person you are talking to and make them feel good about themselves. The Big Three Our brains continually scan the environment for friend or foe signals. Eyebrow Flash The eyebrow flash is a quick up and down movement of the eyebrows. Head Tilt The head tilt is a slight tilt of the head to one side or the other. Smile A smile sends the message "I like you." Empathic Statements Empathic statements keep the focus on the other person. Example 1 George : I've been really busy this week. Tom : So you didn't have much free time in the last few days. Once the basic formula for empathic statements has been mastered, more sophisticated empathic statements can be constructed by dropping "So you..." Example 2 Flattery

What your finger length tells about you Finger Length Helps Predict Test Exam Results, Homosexuality, Cancer, Musical Ability and Aggressive Personality -- Study Shows Your finger length can predict how you will do on various tests in school. They can also tell if you are likely to be homosexual or straight, if you will likely get certain cancers, be a musician, writer or a scientist, or if you will have an aggresssive or passive personality.The two fingers that are important are the index finger -- the one you use to point to something -- and the ring finger. Reading, writing and arithmetic... In a recent study from the help of online universities, the results of mathematics and literacy (reading) tests for seven-year-old children could be predicted by measuring the length of these two fingers. In a study to be published in the British Journal of Psychology, scientists compared the finger lengths of 75 children with their Standardised Assessment Test (SAT) scores. How they did the research Finger lengths may predict cancer!

Out of Body Experiences: Embark on a Journey to the Astral World It is impossible not to be curious out having an out of body experience. Not just because it is something bound in mystery and excitement – the idea of being liberated from the limiting confines of our bodies is indeed very appealing – but because it is something which makes up a certain essence of our culture. Mankind has always dreamt about releasing himself, whether through controlled flight or artificial weightlessness, or through redemption and religious experiences. Having an out of body experience is something, which we cannot help but crave, and something that, in many ways, is very easy to imagine. We all encounter something not dissimilar to an out of body experience each night when we dream, and within our dreams, we are free from any of the limitations we face in waking life. Often, many of us encounter out of body experiences without understanding how or why it took place. Interested to learn step-by-step techniques of astral projection? Find out by signing up for Steve G.

Partija » Blog Archive » Kako internet provajderi u Srbiji uništavaju poverenje korisnika narušavajući privatnost Kakva tajna veza postoji između sadržaja koji imate na svom računaru i i vašeg internet provajdera? Prema zakonima Republike Srbije, nikakva. Veza koja nije naređena od strane državnog organa a zbog sumnje da ste počinili, ili ćete počiniti krivično delo, ne bi smela da postoji. Uprkos ovom prilično zdravorazumskom pravilu da internet provajderi (u daljem tekstu: ISP) nemaju prava da remete Ustavom garantovano pravo na tajnost komunikacije građana Srbije (član 41.), već mesecima po internetu kruži bauk u vidu pretnji koje stižu digitalnoj naciji u kojima se traži da određene fajlove koje su skinuli sa neta trajno uklone sa svog računara. Već mesecima pitanje „poslali su mi ovo pismo, šta da radim? Dva primera opomene korisnicima pod izgovorom kršenja autorskih prava Eunet, pismo korisnicima, decembar 2012 godine: Eunetovo pismo korisnicima iz decembra 2012. Telekom, pismo korisnicima, jul 2008. godine: Zakon kaže „niko nema prava da stiče uvid vašu elektronsku komunikaciju“. Prema članu 37.
