minecraft - How to channel Redstone current vertically Curiosités de Titam | A virtual cabinet of curiosities / Un cabinet (virtuel) de curiosités Alicia Ramirez IM+ Copain des copeaux Ideas & Insights – The Humaan blog A big welcome to the newest Humaan and writer extraordinaire, Sandy Lim! A longtime friend, we’re really pleased to have Sandy join the team and extend our content, writing and tea drinking abilities. We asked Sandy our three questions below. Tell us about yourself and how you got here. What are you most looking forward to? What makes you Humaan?
php:shaarli You want to share the links you discover ? Shaarli is a minimalist delicious clone you can install on your own website. It is designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy. Features Minimalist design (simple is beautiful) FAST Dead-simple installation: Drop the files, open the page. Requires php 5.1 Screenshots Online example Download Note: I do not have enough time to maintain this project right now. Latest version: Licence Credits Shaarli visual design & logo : idleman Shaarli logo typeface: “Comic Andy” used with the kind permission of Andrew Polhill. Installation Create a directory on your webserver Put the content of the zip file in this directory Access this URL in your browser Choose login, password, timezone and page title. Done ! Notes On free.fr : Don't forget to create a directory 'sessions' at the root of your webspace. Usage Adding the Shaarli button to your browser Clic “Tools” in menu. This bookmarklet button in compatible with Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari. Tips or to
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