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revisit is a real–time visualization of twitter messages (tweets) around a specific topic. You can create your own twitter wall at a conference or an ambient display at your company or whatever use you come up with. In contrast to other twitter stream tools, it provides a sense of the temporal dynamics in the twitter stream, and emphasizes the conversational threads established by retweets and @replies. The tool is currently offline due to major changes in the Twitter API (more info), but please find a screencast here: revisit see5 from Moritz Stefaner on Vimeo. revisit aligns all twitter messages for your search terms along a timeline. When new tweets arrive, they are brought to the front and highlighted. A more complex conversational situation, with multiple interconnected retweets and replies. Source code + standalone version can be downloaded at github

Flare | Data Visualization for the Web Twitterstat 2010/03 - Yamm! Az alábbi ábrák, diagrammok a hazai Twitter szférát mutatják be – ahogyan a Yamm! 2010. márciusában látta. A mérések az általunk magyarként azonosított felhasználókon alapulnak, a bekötött feedeket és egyéb tömegesen postoló (spammer) tevékenységeket nem számítva. 1. Miről volt szó a magyar twittekben?2. 1. Készült a Wordle segítségével. prefuse | interactive information visualization toolkit david mccandless Twitter Marketing Nagy divat lett manapság arról beszélni, hogy a Twitter egy remek marketing-eszköz,csak éppen azzal kapcsolatban tapogatózunk még a sötétben, hogyan is kénehasználni. 2 éves Twitter tapasztalattal a hátam mögött most szeretném bemutatniazokat a bevált és tesztelt stratégiákat, amiket én alkalmazok és amik neked issegíthetnek benne, hogy megtanuld sikeresen alkalmazni a Twittert, mint az internetmarketinged egyik eszközét.Mielőtt még bővebben belemennénk a Twitter marketing szerepébe, szeretnéksegíteni a kezdőknek is, akik még csak gondolkodnak rajta, kezdjék-e el egyáltalánhasználni a Twittert (ha te már profi Twitter felhasználó vagy, akkor nem húzom azidődet,klikk ide a következő fejezethez): Kezdőknek

d3.js I Tweet Therefore I Am inShare46 The fascination with Twitter has less to do with the number of users and everything to do with the ability to observe and study a notable online community of passionate short-form content creators and consumers. This is of course, not just any online community. Twitter is quickly becoming the lens into all that moves us as individuals and also as a global society. Twitter’s simplicity is part of its brilliance. The ability to interpret, analyze and in turn, predict behavior, currently sets it apart from most other social networks. In many ways, Twitter’s openness creates a new genre of digital anthropologists, sociologists and ethnographers. In every stone that shapes the Twitter monolith is a bit of each one of us. There is empowerment to Twitter that is unlike that of any other social network. I Tweet, therefore I am. For many who have yet to grasp Twitter’s promise, you’re not alone. One such study recently captured and articulated that State of Twitter in the U.S. Awareness

Grid - Поддержка Grid проекта со стороны государства Chapter 1. e-Science and semantic grid and web This chapter makes an attempt to identify the place of e-Science in the present conditions of active development of web, grid and semantic technologies. The question is, actually, about fourth generation of grid that originates from the developed service-oriented systems and semantic Web. So the special attention is paid to the key concept of semantic technologies, ontology, and also to numerous tools for ontology development and methodology of such development. 1.1. Chapter 2. Semantic grid is the product of combination of two constituents - semantics and service-oriented architecture (grid services infrastructure). 2.1. Chapter 3. The third chapter is fully devoted to semantic grid. 3.1. Chapter 4. This chapter is devoted to the semantic grid portal implementation issues. 4.1. ConclusionsReferences This handbook is available at

twitTangle | untangling your messy timeline Polymaps Twitter Friend Recommendations | Who Should i Follow? The Complete Guide to Getting the Most Out of Twitter Jan 12 2010 We’ve all heard of Twitter at this point, and I would be the majority of our readers are already using it. But that doesn’t mean we’re all using it in the most efficient, most productive way. After all, Twitter can be confusing at best, and downright intimidating to many newcomers. This guide should give you the basics you need to get more out of Twitter, whether you use it for your business or personal life. And follow us on Twitter: @smashingmag! And be sure to check out our previous articles: Twitter Basics The most basic description of Twitter is that it’s a service that allows users to update what they’re doing in 140-character, bite-size messages that are broadcast to their group of followers. Terminology A grasp of Twitter terminology is vital to anyone using the service. DM or Direct Message: This is a private message sent to another Twitter user. Etiquette A few don’ts in the world of Twitter: Don’t crash hashtags. Twitter Tools Twitter Clients Twitter Services Using Lists

Oncologists Using Twitter to Advance Cancer Knowledge : Oncology Times Only a handful of oncologists are using Twitter, but those who do consider it to be an important extension of their professional activities. The microblogging service limits communication to 140 characters—the number of characters in the sentence above. But the power of a few words is not to be diminished. Anas Younes, MD, at the University of Texas M. “I became very excited about the potential of using Twitter to reach a large number of people whether I knew them or not,” said Dr. He and other tweeting physicians interviewed for this article identified several strategic uses of the technology: * Disseminating, correcting, and expanding information in conversation with professional colleagues: Wafik S. He takes responsibility for conversing with other Twitter users to make information as accurate as possible. * Gathering information: Dr. * Conference reporting and discussion: Dr. “We were tweeting broadly across ASCO, sharing information with each other and our opinions,” said Dr. Dr.

How to be a Twitter superstar in two easy steps This is somewhat of a typical example nowadays. There are many other physicians who are much more popular than me on social media and make the stats above look minuscule. You can be one of them. Here is how. Most doctors are really busy. Good questions. The circle of online information for me is as follows: Google Reader -> Share on Twitter -> Get feedback -> Write a blog post -> Share via RSS and Twitter -> Get feedback, go on. Here is how to facilitate the Rise of the ePhysican who works hand in hand with the ePatient: 1. You do. 2. Start on Twitter because it is quick and relatively easy. 3. The answer is simple. 4. As a physician, you are an expert in your field. 5. Those are nice but I would start on Twitter first, and then expand if you see the need to do so. 6. Only you can tell if you need a blog. How to be a Twitter "star" in two easy steps This is easy. 1. 2.
