Meditation Resources | Vixi Looking for inspiration & knowledge about meditation? You're in the right place. We're so lucky to be waking up to the benefits of meditation as a culture because that means there are more resources to refer to as we practice. There's now science documenting everything from weighloss and addiction recovery to more happiness, stress reduction and increased productivity. You'll be surprised by the discipline that comes from doing it on a regular basis, how your life begins to unfold for you differently. As I've built up my practice, I've gathered a lot of support from the blogs, books & extraordinary people noted below (each link is set to open in a new window so you can keep coming back to this list). My referrals are given with extreme love, care and first hand experience. Sally Kempton | She has an impressive resumé that reads something like 'monk + cave dweller turned author + meditation teacher for the masses'. Pema Chödrön | The Pema Chödrön Foundation
Yoga Videos Online Free! all Open video 2:40 Introduction to the Tune Up and Refresh Program Start your New Year of healthy and follow this 4-week Tune Up and Refresh … Esther Ekhart Vinyasa Flow Add to my favourites Free! 1 Open video 54:57 Complete beginners part one: standing postures A yoga class suitable for complete beginners or for those who have not … Andrew Wrenn Hatha Add to my favourites Free! 1/2 Open video 30:41 Share the Love A 30 minute yoga flow class to connect to the love in your heart and to … Sandra Carson Anusara, Vinyasa Flow Add to my favourites Free! 1/2 Open video 47:00 Standing Practice, Develop strength, stability and grounding Wake up the legs and feet for the standing poses with Supta … Esther Ekhart Hatha Add to my favourites Free! 24:25 Vinyasa Flow Yoga for beginners, part 1 Foundational poses.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer | Home Vinyasa yoga, Vinyasayoga? Pas plus tard qu’hier, à Paris, une personne est venue me voir à la fin d’un cours pour me demander : « C’est quoi le vinyasa yoga ? ». Aussi, j’ai décidé d’écrire un petit article afin de répondre à cette élève et éclairer par la-même les personnes qui veulent comprendre la signification de « vinyasa yoga ». L’occasion de rappeler qu’une « once de pratique, vaut mieux qu’une tonne de théorie ». Aussi, je ne peux que vous encourager à venir pratiquer. Planning de mes cours sur Paris Dans le monde qui est le notre aujourd’hui, le mot yoga ne suffit plus. Vinyasa est un terme en Sanskrit. Le souffle et le mouvement sont intimement liés de sorte que chaque action entraîne l’autre. « Faîtes les vinyasa » Exemple de vinyasa en 3 temps le plus couramment utilisé dans la pratique. Il est plus agréable de laisser sa respiration s’exprimer et de faire que le mouvement suive sa respiration, la respiration devenant ainsi le moteur de vos actions. Il y a donc plusieurs séquences de vinyasa possibles.
Meditation by His Holiness the Dalai Lama Would you like to participate in an experiment in meditation? First, look to your posture: arrange the legs in the most comfortable position; set the backbone straight as an arrow. Place your hands in the position of meditative equipoise, four finger widths below your navel, with the left hand on the bottom, right hand on top, and your thumbs touching to form a triangle. For those of you who wear eye glasses, have you noticed that when you take off your glasses, because of the unclarity there is less danger from the generation of excitement and more danger of laxity? Within meditations that have an object of observation, there can be two types of objects: external or internal. Has something appeared to your mind? That which interferes with the steadiness of the object of observation and causes it to fluctuate is excitement or, in a more general way, scattering. It is not sufficient just to have stability. Another type of meditation involves looking at the mind itself. DL: It seems so.
Yoga Money Money Money Mantra and the Path to Enlightenment EmailShare I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay Ain’t it sad And still there never seems to be a single penny left for me That’s too bad In my dreams I have a plan If I got me a wealthy man I wouldn’t have to work at all, I’d fool around and have a ball… Money, money, money Must be funny In the rich mans world Money, money, money Always sunny In the rich mans world… Ah yes, ABBA’s super hit song about the ageless and most dear human Mantra, Money Money Money. King Shantanu, like was the tradition of his time, was in preparation for renouncing the throne and retiring to the forest for the rest of his days to spend in meditation and yoga. “Swamiji,” asked the King very politely, “Can you please tell me something about the ashram we are retiring to?” “Why?” “Um, we are trying to decide what to take with us,” the King responded trying to think fast. “You will take nothing. Upon arriving at the ashram, the royal couple were completely bewildered. The Rishi smiled.
Ashtanga Yoga - Yoga Magazine Ashtanga yoga is a spiritual practice that opens a door to the real experience of divinity within ev- ery student. Through the context of the physical practice of postures, breathing and specific focal points, the mind is trained to be increasingly sub- tler until it can perceive the most refined sensa- tions and experiences. The doorway to the inner world of transformation and self-realisation un- locks and students concentrate their mind on the deepest experience of truth within themselves. The term Ashtanga yoga originates in Patan- jai’s Yoga Sutras that describe the eight-limbs of Ashtanga yoga. The actual asana practice of Ashtanga yoga comes from the life and teaching of Sri K. trained thousands of eager students in the daily discipline of Ashtanga yoga. These three aspects distinguish its methodology from other styles of yoga. The regimen of personal practice is quite demand- ing, but as such it is also quite transformational. Series, is called ‘Yoga Chikitsa’ in Sanskrit.
Ashtanga Yoga - Best Free Yoga Videos for Beginners I’ve been practicing yoga almost daily for over 4 years, and more than half that time was with free online videos. I continue to learn a lot from the many delights of YouTube. I hope this collection is a useful resource for anybody who wants to (re) start a yoga practice. It’s kind of a taster of what’s out there. In general, whatever you decide to, listen to your body! Very Easy Surya Namaskar, “Sun Salutation” – 11 minThis is the foundation of all yoga asana (postures). This video is a really easy version that includes a few warm up exercises to get joints and spine moving. Surya Namaskar, “Sun Salutation” – 4 min This video is a really detailed breakdown of how to do the sun salutation in the ashtanga tradition. Desk yoga – 4 min Very practical video, albeit a bit of a cheesy teaching style. Bedtime yoga – 6 min I suggest getting ready for bed before you try this so you can just nod off afterwards. This is quite soft spoken, and flow-y but still nice and slow.
Practice tools Archives - revolutionary habit In Ashtanga it’s traditional to have Led Primary classes on a Friday. Of course it’s best if you can practice regularly with your teacher, though us home ashtangis need to make do. Having some free tools I can go back to and be lead with the count really helps keep me on track and focused, week after week. These videos are to be watched, observed, learnt from – but they can also work as free tools to help practice ashtanga led at home. Roll out your mat, chant, play the video, turn the sound up, practice. Here is the classic film with Pattabhi Jois leading some some of the great senior teachers of today. Also, this video from a retreat in Calais, France, with both Pattabhi Jois and Sharath. There are also plenty of Led Primaries from other senior teachers: Lino Miele also has a video on YouTube where you can really hear the ujjayi quite strongly, it sounds like the ocean. It seems the videos on YouTube tend to be older – the exception is this video from Max Czenszak. Enjoy and take practice!
Types of Yoga | Hatha yoga, Ashtanga, Bikram, Iyengar and more... Many different kinds of yoga exist and it can be difficult to figure out which particular style is right for you. Most styles of yoga are based on the same basic yoga poses (called asanas), however the experience of one style can be radically different than another. In this quick guide, we have outlined the most popular forms of yoga, along with their essential characteristics, to make it easier for you to know where to begin. Yoga and its Benefits No matter what style of yoga you choose to do, you will likely see improvements in many areas of your health. increase your flexibilityincrease muscle tone and strengthimprove your circulatory and cardio healthhelps you sleep betterincrease your energy levelsimprove athletic performancereduce injuriesdetoxify your organsimprove your postureimproves anxiety and depressionhelps with chronic painrelease endorphins that improve your moodand so much more... Hatha Yoga Hatha is a general category that includes most yoga styles. Vinyasa Ashtanga Yoga