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World's Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive)

World's Scariest Drug (Documentary Exclusive)
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THC and CBD | Cannabis Effects THC (Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the chemical in cannabis that makes you stoned. There can be a huge difference in the amount of THC in the cannabis you buy, sometimes it will be hardly anything, and other times it can go up to 40%. When THC enters your brain it has many effects – it can make you happy, relaxed and giggly. It can also make you feel stressed, paranoid, forgetful and sometimes make you see things that aren’t there. It can also make your heart beat faster and give you red eyes, because it makes your blood vessels open. It can give you a dry mouth and the 'munchies' as well. CBD (cannabidiol) is the second most common chemical in the cannabis plant after THC.

Novel Study Reports Marijuana Users Have Better Blood Sugar Control Printer friendly version Share 14 May 2013 Elsevier Current Marijuana Users Have 16% Lower Fasting Insulin Levels Compared to Non-Users, According to The American Journal of Medicine Regular marijuana use is associated with favorable indices related to diabetic control, say investigators. Marijuana ( Cannabis sativa) has been used for centuries to relieve pain, improve mood, and increase appetite. A multicenter research team analyzed data obtained during the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) between 2005 and 2010. Participants who reported using marijuana in the past month had lower levels of fasting insulin and HOMA-IR and higher levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Large waist circumference is linked to diabetes risk. Although people who smoke marijuana have higher average caloric intake levels than non-users, marijuana use has been associated with lower body-mass index (BMI) in two previous surveys. Editor-in-Chief Joseph S.

The Future of DMT Research 8th March 2016 By Luke Sumpter Guest Writer for Wake Up World N-dimethlytryptamine, or DMT, is a psychedelic tryptamine that is structurally similar to serotonin. In 1990 Dr. The book raised just as many questions as it offered answers, antagonizing the philosophical and scientific arenas of human consciousness, perception and even dabbling in the realms of alien abduction and dark matter. I spoke to Dr. Luke Sumpter: Dr Strassman, you work at the University of New Mexico is the most detailed DMT research in existence. Dr. Positing a spectrum of inner/outer in this regard, one may be seeing only a reflection of one’s own mind-brain complex in the DMT visions at one end, and at the other, apprehending previously invisible but objectively real and freestanding alternate levels of reality. Luke Sumpter: Based upon these conclusions, how do you envision the future of DMT research? Dr. Luke Sumpter: Do you regard DMT might harbor a clinical and therapeutic potential? Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Washington State Medical Marijuana Availability Could Jinx Recreational Pot Market By Jonathan Kaminsky OLYMPIA, Washington, May 15 (Reuters) - Key officials helping to create Washington state's potentially lucrative recreational pot market say its success may hinge on preventing consumers from choosing to get high on readily available medical cannabis because of low and sometimes nonexistent taxes on it. The officials say it may be necessary to raise taxes or impose more stringent rules on medical pot to avoid undercutting the new recreational market and the tax dollars it is expected to inject into state coffers. Many "patients," they say, are in reality heavy recreational users who fake or exploit their maladies. The idea of changing the rules for medical marijuana alarms some patients and providers of the drug as medicine. Under current state law, a range of medical professionals, including naturopaths and even some nurses can recommend marijuana for health problems ranging from cancer to persistent pain. Brian E. Such talk horrifies many medical marijuana providers.

Rivea Corymbosa Shamanic Extracts The sacred Aztec hallucinogen " Ololiuhqui " is perhaps the best kept secret for the outside world today, strange enough Ololiuhqui is widely used among the local Indians in Sierra Madre, Oaxacan Mexico. The local Mazatecas use the Rivea corybosa seeds for divination when the Teonanacatl Mushrooms are not available. Rivea corybosa grows easily and abundantly in the mountains of southern Mexico. Traditional uses : The seeds are used for their psychedelic purposes by the Aztec priests in order to commune with their gods. Hoffman reported in 1960 that he had isolated d-lysergic acid amide (LA) and d-isolysergic acid amide from the seeds of Rivea corymbosa and Ipomoea violacea. ref : Rivea corymbosa (L.)

Colorado, Washington hope to bring in millions from marijuana taxes but the actual revenue picture is uncertain. A caregiver picks out a marijuana bud in Denver. Colorado and Washington state want more tax revenue from legal recreational use, but will it fall short? (AP) When Colorado and Washington voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use, supporters sold the idea partially based on new tax revenue estimates that ranged as high as $2 billion over five years. But recent reports and analyses offer some advice: Don't spend that money yet. “Nobody has any idea (about revenue),” said Jeffrey Miron, a Harvard economist and analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute. While many states have legalized marijuana for medical use, nationwide recreational legalization is not likely anytime soon. In a widely cited study of the Colorado law, the Colorado Center on Law and Policy predicted that marijuana legalization would produce $60 million annually in new revenue and savings for the state each year until 2017. The first $40 million of the excise tax revenue is dedicated to school construction. U.S.

Erowid Morning Glory Vault: Basics The seeds of several varieties of Morning Glory (Ipomoea violacea) contain a naturally occurring indole called Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA), which is closely related to LSD. Seeds are taken orally, and can be eaten whole or the active alkaloids can be extracted. The most common active varieties of seeds are Heavenly Blue, Pearly Gates, and Flying Saucers. Threshold effects of LSA can be reached with as few as 25-50 seeds, though most recreational users find it necessary to ingest between 100 and 400 seeds to reach desired effects. When purchased in individual packets, $1-3 for 30-50 seeds. Although LSA is a schedule III substance in the United States, Morning Glory seeds and plants are sold at just about every nursery, garden store, or botanical supply store that you can find. The seeds of Ipomoea violacea contain about 0.1% ergot alkaloids, including ergotmetrine, chanoclavine and lysergol. Pharmacology Summary Needed. Production Summary Needed. The Substance: The Experience:

The IRS War on Medical Marijuana Providers [FEATURE] special to Drug War Chronicle by investigative reporter Clarence Walker, Dispensaries providing marijuana to doctor-approved patients operate in a number of states, but they are under assault by the federal government. SWAT-style raids by the DEA and finger-wagging press conferences by grim-faced federal prosecutors may garner greater attention, but the assault on medical marijuana providers extends to other branches of the government as well, and moves by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to eliminate dispensaries' ability to take standard business deduction are another very painful arrow in the federal quiver. The IRS employs Section 280E, a 1982 addition to the tax code that was a response to a drug dealer's successful effort to claim his yacht, weapons purchases, and even illicit bribes as business expenses. The provision can be used to great effect. It's going to be an uphill battle. It's a brake on the overall economy, Aldworth said.
