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Essential cross-browser code, information and discussion

Essential cross-browser code, information and discussion

How to Create Your First Web Page Note: If you know anything at all about HTML and CSS, don’t bother reading this, it’s a guide for the uninitiated, technophobes, luddites, computer-illiterates, anyone who is more comfortable with a pen and paper than a keyboard and mouse. If making a web page seems like brain surgery to you, then this is the article for you. What you need to know The only prior knowledge I will assume is that you’ve used a computer before, you’re familiar with using a keyboard and a word processor, and you’ve at least seen a website. Other than that, I assume you are completely ignorant! The Basics When you visit a website (for example the one you’re reading now), you see a page in your web browser (the program you use to access the internet) , containing text, images and maybe some other things like videos, music etc. In order to display a page correctly, the web browser needs to know about the structure of the page, e.g. What HTML Looks Like HTML uses ‘tags’ to identify different parts of a page.

Why all Web Designers, Web Producers, and Web Devleopers Should Code by Hand If you're serious about reaching your full potential as a web page designer / producer, I believe you need to learn to code your sites by hand. Coding your site in HTML/CSS by hand will eventually give you a great understanding of key web design skills and set you on your way to becoming a better web designer. Now I admit I’ve always hand-coded web sites. While I have tried to use Dreamweaver and other WYSIWYG (“What You See Is What You Get”) editors, I may not be best positioned to judge the relative merits of each method completely fairly. However, I’m convinced that hand-coding is an essential skill for all web designers and producers. Greater knowledgeGreater controlGreater speed Greater knowledge I’m not saying that you have to hand-code every little thing, every time. The biggest benefit of doing your code yourself, rather than letting software do it for you, is that you know exactly what’s going on with your code. Greater control Client-side scripting Greater speed Summary

The Ultimate Photoshop Toolbox Sep 07 2010 For years now, whenever designers have been asked about their go-to program for image editing and creation, one of the top answers that comes back, is Adobe Photoshop. Its generations of evolution has centered around the growth of any number of digital imaging professionals and has made this software giant a staple in the graphic design community. Since so many of us find this tool in our design arsenals, we thought we would put together a post that would have you get the most out of this dynamic imaging program. Below is a collection of invaluable Photoshop resources from the online community that runs the proverbial gamut of available PS content. Websites The websites that have been gathered below are the first place that you should go when you are setting out on a path of beefing up your proverbial toolbox of Photoshop resources. Web Designer’s Toolkit is a valuable resource for Photoshoppers indeed. Photoshop Tutorials is a site whose name slightly undersells the place.

HTML Goodies: The Ultimate HTML Resource: Free HTML, CSS, JavaScript Tutorials - StumbleUpon dropping knowledge :: Table of Free Voices 30 Excellent CSS Based Navigation and Buttons Tutorial CSS is the most important part in modern standard based web design. Using CSS you can turn any web related nested stuff into a working design. There has been a lot of talk about CSS Work lately. To understand how to design with CSS we choose to start from basics of CSS Navigation and button designs with some fine tutorials which can help you in your projects and daily practices. Here you will find a collection of 30 Excellent CSS Based Navigation and Buttons Tutorial resources and information about creating CSS based designs and also some useful tips for your webdesign habits. CSS Navigation and Menus Tutorial 01. Tutorial Link 02. Tutorial Link 03. Tutorial Link 04. Tutorial Link 05. Tutorial Link 06. Tutorial Link 07. Tutorial Link 08. Tutorial Link 09. Tutorial Link 10. Tutorial Link 11. Tutorial Link 12. Tutorial Link 13. Tutorial Link 14. Tutorial Link 15. Tutorial Link CSS Buttons Tutorial 16. Tutorial Link 17. Tutorial Link 18. Tutorial Link 19. Tutorial Link 20. Tutorial Link 21. Tutorial Link 22. 23.

Metamotivation Metamotivation is a term coined by Abraham Maslow to describe the motivation of people who are self actualized and striving beyond the scope of their basic needs to reach their full potential. Maslow suggested that people are initially motivated by a series of basic needs,[1] called the hierarchy of needs. Maslow states, “Self-actualizing people are gratified in all their basic needs (of belongingness, affection, respect, and self-esteem)”.[2] Once a person has successfully navigated the hierarchy of needs thus satisfying all their basic needs, Maslow proposed they then travel “a path called growth motivation”.[3] In Maslow's view[edit] Not all people that satisfy their basic needs automatically become driven by B-needs. In his landmark book, Farther Reaches of Human Nature, Maslow stated that people who are self-actualizing and driven by metamotivation “are dedicated people, devoted to some task ‘outside themselves,’ some vocation, or duty, or beloved job”. Maslow's list of Metaneeds:

107 Best Websites It's seriously hard to keep track of which sites have the greatest content and resources. So to help make things easier, we've compiled this comprehensive list of over 100 of the best websites on the internet. The sites on this list are those that we consider to be genuinely useful, top-of-the-line websites (not apps) where you'll find what you need. We update this list regularly, so check back occasionally, and be sure to tell your friends! Books Project Gutenberg Own an e-reader but hate paying for e-books? GoodReads What could be better than large social network for book enthusiasts? Audible The internet's home of audio books, Audible has an insanely-sized catalog featuring most classics, many new releases, and a host of quality audio courses to keep you learning for years. If you're anything like me, your list of books to read is literally never ending. Book Riot You can be a book lover without being pretentious. Pixel of Ink WhichBook Browsing Instapaper Pocket Google Translate JustPaste.It Tor

Take typing lessons, test your typing speed and practice typing for free! This is, a web application that will help you teach touch typing. Touch typing is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. A person possessing touch typing skills will know their location on the keyboard through muscle memory. It can improve any individual's typing speed and accuracy dramatically. This is a short tutorial that will explain how does this application work. You can use the left and right arrow keys to navigate through these slides. This tutorial is based on these few principles: No boring, repetitive exercises. Initially it starts generating words from a small subset of the most frequent letters of the alphabet. When you are typing these words, keybr measures time to type a key for every letter in that subset. Once you familiarize yourself with the current subset of letters, the algorithm expands it, including more and more letters to it. So at any time, you will by typing the letters you are least familiar with. This is the text board. ? ? ? ? ?

Descargas, tutoriales, noticias e información de GIMP | Alternativa libre a Photoshop | - GIMP-Es Escape your search engine Filter Bubble! Optimize Your Web Design Workflow I’m not sure about you, but I still favour using Photoshop to create my designs for the web. I agree that this application, even with its never-ending feature set, is not the perfect environment to design websites in. The ideal application doesn’t exist yet, however, so until it does it’s maybe not such a bad idea to investigate ways to optimize our workflow. Why use Photoshop? It will probably not come as a surprise if I say that Photoshop and Illustrator are the applications that I know best and feel most comfortable and creative in. Why not start in the browser? These days, with CSS3 styling emerging, there are people who find it more efficient to design in the browser. As a designer I need to be able to create and experiment with shapes on the fly, draw things, move them around, change colours, gradients, effects, and so on. Optimize your Photoshop workspace I have the layers palette open, and I keep the other palettes collapsed. Set up a grid Use Shape Layers Use Smart Objects
