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Daily Script - Movie Scripts and Movie Screenplays - Movie Script A to M

Daily Script - Movie Scripts and Movie Screenplays - Movie Script A to M
10 Things I Hate About You by Karen McCullah Lutz, Kirsten Smith & William Shakespeare 1999 november 12, 1997 revision 211 kb html format imdb 12 And Holding by Anthony S. Cipriano 2005 april 6, 2004 draft 132 kb pdf format imdb 12 Monkeys by David Webb Peoples & Janet Peoples 1995 6/27/94 production draft 196 kb html format imdb 13 Days by David Self 2000 undated, unspecified draft 212 kb html format imdb 13 Ghosts by Neal Marshall Stevens (based on the screenplay by Robb White) revised by Richard D'Ovidio 2001 november 4, 2000 revised production draft 871 kb pdf format imdb 15 Minutes by John Hertzfeld 2001 undated, unspecified draft 155 kb html format imdb 16 Blocks by Richard Wenk 2006 january 2004, unspecified draft 1805 kb pdf format imdb 25th Hour by David Benioff 2002 april 30, 2001 draft 556 kb pdf format imdb 3 Kings by David O. 3 Kings by David O. 3 Kings (Spoils of War) by John Ridley 1999 7/26/95 writers first draft 206 kb html format imdb Airforce One by Andrew W. Airplane! Related:  Writing

Formation Steadycam, la pratique du stead en vidéo numérique Conventionnement Possibilité de prise en charge par votre OPCA (Afdas, Mediafor, Fafiec, Uniformation…) dans le cadre de la formation continue ou du Droit Individuel à la Formation. Cifap est qualifié OPQF Noël Very , chef opérateur, cadreur stead Diplômé de l’Ecole Louis Lumière, il est l’un des premiers opérateurs à utiliser le STEADICAM® en France. Il est ainsi présent sur les tournages de nombreux téléfilms et longs métrages, dont « Subway » et « Nikita » de Luc Besson, « Ripoux contre Ripoux » de Claude Zidi, « La Femme de mon pote » de Bertrand Blier, « Les Visiteurs » de Jean-Marie Poiré, « Grosse fatigue » de Michel Blanc, « Place Vendôme » de Nicole Garcia, « Délice Paloma » de Nadir Moknèche… De manière plus générale, il travaille tour à tour comme cadreur, chef opérateur et opérateur steadicam aussi bien pour le cinéma que la télévision, le documentaire que la fiction. Ou Ou tout autre intervenant de compétence et de réputation équivalentes Informations et Inscription

Library This page contains .pdf versions of various projects I’ve written over the years. The best way to learn screenwriting is read a bunch of scripts, so these are intended for educational purposes only. Obviously, don’t try to sell/stage/pilfer any of the material you find here, or the studios involved will send scary lawyer types after you. It’s not pleasant for anyone. Important: If you want to link to any of the scripts here, please link to this page. Everything else you see here will inevitably move, and broken links suck. Features Frankenweenie Production Draft. The Nines Final shooting script. How to Eat Fried Worms Note that this is not the script for the 2006 movie. Fourth draft Go Big Fish In order to save money, the WB asked all its drama pilots to shoot a 30-minute “pilot presentation” of the show, rather than the whole hour. Yes, if I had written Episode 4, it was supposed to titled, “The American Way.” The Circle (a.k.a. Casting sides: More information about The Circle is here. Ops Shorts

Syd Field This article is about the screenwriting guru; for information on the British comedian, see Sid Field. Sydney Alvin Field (December 19, 1935 − November 17, 2013) was an American screenwriting guru who wrote several books on the subject of screenwriting. He also conducted workshops and seminars on the subject of producing salable screenplays. Hollywood film producers have increasingly used his ideas on structure as a guideline to a proposed screenplay's potential. Field was born on December 19, 1935 in Hollywood, California.[1] Field taught screenwriting at the Master of Professional Writing Program, University of Southern California. Syd Field died of hemolytic anemia on November 17, 2013, aged 77, at his home in Beverly Hills, California, surrounded by his wife, family, and friends.[2] The paradigm[edit] Field's most notable contribution is his articulation of the ideal Paradigm "three act structure". Syd Field in an instructional video. Books[edit] References[edit] External links[edit]

Beyonce, Kim Kardashian, Miranda Kerr: the sexiest mums on the planet, Buro 24/7 Australia Turns out Fergie was on the money when she sang about MILFS last year... In fact, Fergie could have been singing about herself, her Hollywood friends and their ability to make every moment of motherhood look both disarmingly sexy and Instagram-worthy easy. Of course, looking amazing with kids in tow is certainly a lot easier when you're filthy rich and born naturally beautiful, right? Nevertheless, these celebs make a case for the power of motherhood, lending us to question what their secret is. After all, it's no small coincidence that Beyoncé, Angelina Jolie and Miranda Kerr have only enjoyed more success since giving birth. And even if they make motherhood look scarily too easy, it's refreshing to see women becoming mothers without automatically losing their innate ability to seduce.

Dieu L'existence réelle d'un être suprême et les implications politiques, philosophiques, scientifiques, sociales et psychologiques qui en découlent font l'objet de nombreux débats à travers l'Histoire, les croyants monothéistes appelant à la foi, tandis qu'elle est contestée sur les terrains philosophique et religieux par les libres-penseurs, agnostiques, athées ou croyants sans Dieu. La notion de Dieu revêt un considérable impact culturel, notamment dans la musique, la littérature, le cinéma, la peinture, et plus généralement dans les arts. La représentation de Dieu et la façon de nommer Dieu varient en fonction des époques et des systèmes de croyances. Étymologies et désignations Étymologie Les termes qui désignent Dieu dans les langues germaniques (𐌲𐌿𐌸 Guþ en gotique, Gott en allemand, God en anglais et en néerlandais, Gud dans les langues scandinaves, Guð en islandais) ont une autre origine, elle aussi indo-européenne, liée à la notion d'« appel » ou d'« invocation »[10]. Fait religieux

WRITERS ON WRITING: How I Wrote '21 Grams' GUILLERMO ARRIAGA is a screenwriter and producer, known for Babel (2006), 21 Grams (2003) and Amores Perros (2000), and a critically praised novelist. Follow Guillermo on Twitter @G_Arriaga. Click to tweet this article to your friends and followers! PHOTO: Jim Sheldon I was driving to my birthday party, 15, maybe 14, years ago and I was late. I thought: What if I ran over a man and his two daughters? I told this idea to director Alejandro González Iñárritu when I met him. I had just finished the screenplay of Amores Perros, and I was in Spain promoting the Spanish edition of A Sweet Scent of Death, my second novel. I have a daughter, Mariana, and a son, Santiago. Once I took Mariana and Santiago to the set of Amores Perros. Sean Penn and Naomi Watts The scene was brutal. “My love,” I answered, “I wrote this film.” “Why did you write that?” “Because that’s what I have inside my heart.” She stared at me for a while. I gave Alejandro one of the first drafts of the screenplay.

Douglas Trumbull Early days[edit] Major projects[edit] 1960s[edit] Trumbull's responsibilities and talents grew as the production continued, and he became one of four special effects supervisors on the film (the others were fellow Graphic Films alumnus Con Pederson, along with Tom Howard and Wally Veevers.) Although Trumbull's association with Kubrick was a huge boost for his career, he swore afterwards that he would "never work for someone else again", in part because Kubrick "was a hell of a taskmaster ... his level of quality-control bordered on perfectionism." Trumbull was often incorrectly credited in print as being the sole special-effects creator for 2001. 1970–1974[edit] Trumbull's participation and success on Andromeda set him up to direct the 1971 film Silent Running, with a script based on his original treatment: America's last great forests are preserved and sent into space inside huge geodesic domes, in the hope that one day they can be returned to an earth that can once again sustain them.

Google memo: Sexist culture in Silicon Valley resembles frat house The film The Social Network, about the early days of Facebook, brought tech culture to the mainstream. THE recent Google memo scandal that revealed a culture of anti-diversity has turned attention back to Silicon Valley, where the tech industry was rocked by revelations it was more like a frat house than a profession. The Google memo, which was sent by software engineer James Danmore, said the tech giant should focus more on ideological diversity and less on initiatives to hire more women and people of colour. The memo has since reminded people of the sexism that was plaguing the tech industry in Silicon Valley, in San Francisco, and how it’s still very much alive. Silicon Valley came under the spotlight when bad boy “brogrammers” started to climb the corporate ladder. Assistant Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Marie Hick, wrote in The Conversation the brogrammers were “overfunded, highly entitled, mostly white, male start-up founders”. Play Video

Adapter un Livre pour le Cinéma ou la Télévision | Dramaturgie et scénario Une chronique de Ce guide signé par l’une des plus célèbres coach scénaristique, Linda SEGER, vous éclaire sur le phénomène le plus en vogue dans l’univers du petit et grand écran : l’adaptation. Linda SEGER est une spécialiste de l’écriture de scénarios depuis 1981. Elle est consultante script pour de nombreuses productions implantées sur les six continents ce qui lui vaut une renommée mondiale. C’est également l’auteur du best seller Faire d’un bon scénario un scénario formidable L’offre diffusée par le cinéma ou la télévision a toujours compté un grand nombre d’adaptations. Une des conséquences de ce phénomène a été la création en 2005 d’une catégorie "Meilleure Adaptation" à la cérémonie des Césars. En voici une liste non-exhaustive : Ben-Hûr (11 oscars) réalisé par William Wyler en 1959, adapté du roman de Lew Wallace. Certains auteurs, sollicités pour le rachat de leurs œuvres en vue d’une adaptation, n’ont cédé leurs droits qu’à la condition d’être eux-mêmes scénariste. WordPress:

Free Scripts! Download 2016 Oscar Contenders 'Straight Ou By Paula Bernstein | Indiewire October 22, 2015 at 12:43PM These screenplays amount to a class in screenwriting. And best of all, they're FREE. 00000150-9052-d802-abfc-df5e3cf10000 Universal Pictures "Straight Outta Compton" With today's IFP Gotham Independent Film Award nominations, awards season is official under way, which means studios will begin sharing scripts for awards contenders in hopes of bolstering their chances at nominations. READ MORE: Why Story Structure Formulas Don't Work For aspiring screenwriters, these scripts amount to a free screenwriting class. As an instructive lesson, first watch each of these films and then pore over the respective screenplays -- detailing the ways in which the cinematographer, composer, editor, costume designer and all of the other members of the filmmaking team brought the screenwriter and director's vision to the screen. We'll continue to update this list throughout awards season, so keep checking back for more free scripts.

This Is Tesla’s Greatest Competitive Advantage Tesla’s stock price recently took a hit because of concerns about its delivery capabilities and about increasing competition from carmakers who are switching their product lines to electric. With a market cap still exceeding $50 billion, it can be easy to argue that Tesla’s price remains severely inflated, especially when you compare it with those of GM and Ford—which produce 20 times more revenue. You can understand why Tesla remains one of the most shorted stocks—with billions of dollars in bets against it. But Tesla has an advantage that many people don’t understand: It is much more than an automotive company; it is a technology company building technology platforms. I have referred to my Tesla Model S as “a spaceship that travels on land.” Tesla cars have been designed from the ground up as computers on wheels. Tesla is already diversifying its businesses so that it doesn’t sink with the automotive industry when this happens.

Les livres que vous aimeriez adapter au cinéma... Forcément, je l'avais même déjà évoqué dans le topic Pour mieux se connaître... . Il y a des passages qui font tellement cinématographiques (notamment LE chapitre) que c'était comme une évidence à la lecture. Et c'est vrai que l'adaptation qui a été réalisée est absolument introuvable. Côté casting, hum... Pas facile, surtout que là, si on veut être puriste, il faudrait quand même aller taper en Irlande. Pour Jake : il faut un presque trentenaire, brun, beau gosse, mélancolique mais capable aussi de péter les plombs quand ça lui prend... En Irlandais je n'ai trouvé que Stuart Townsend, que j'ai vu récemment dans La reine des Damnés, où il affiche d'ailleurs une resssemblance frappante avec... Et sinon je trouve que mon très cher Rupert Graves aurait été un Jake fabuleux... il y a une dizaine d'années. Autrement je verrais bien Nick Frost (Shaun of the dead) ou pourquoi pas carrément Jack Black dans le rôle de Chuckie (je sais qu'ils sont pas irlandais mais là ça me dérange moins).
