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The Amazing Photojojo Archives

Aphotostudent Blog WHAT TO DO IF A NUCLEAR DISASTER IS IMMINENT! This guide was purposely designed with the sober realization that the overwhelming majority of our fellow Americans would not be compelled to read such a guide until a nuclear crisis was imminent and, unfortunately, their preparation options and time to do so then would be very limited. and other survival suppliers will again be quickly sold-out, as all were after 9/11 and Fukushima. This guide then will be the best/only help that we can offer. If you are fortunate enough to be exploring your family preparation needs and options before such a future national crisis, there is much more that you can and should do now to insure that they are even better prepared. If stores are still at all stocked, and safe to go to, try to buy as many of the following items as possible... The half-dozen top listed and UNDERLINED food items below are primarily for use while in the shelter. Go Acquire It All Now QUICKLY! Some Final Thoughts... How People Act in Times of Trouble Financial Concerns

50 Incredible Photography Techniques and Tutorials | How-To | Sm Advertisement Over the recent months we’ve been presenting various showcases of photography – while many readers hated the showcases, most readers found them inspirational and perfect for a lousy workday’s morning. However, what we should have done in the inspirational posts is not just provide you with some inspiration for your work, but also present useful photographic techniques which can help you to achieve optimal pictures for your designs. And as requested by many of you, now it’s time to correct our mistake. In this post we present useful photographic techniques, tutorials and resources for various kinds of photography. Among other things, we cover high-speed photography, tilt-shift photography, black and white photography, motion blur, infrared, night, smoke photography, macro photography, HDR, panoramic photography, RAW processing and others. 1. Quick guide to Simple High Speed Macro PhotographyThis is a quick tutorial to get you started with high speed photography. 2. 3. 4. 5.

5 Situations When Manual Focus is Better than Auto Focus Digital Cameras present photographers with an ever increasing array of Automatic and Semi Automatic shooting modes. Most of these center around different ways of exposing your shots – however many cameras also give options for different focusing modes (auto, continuous focusing for moving subjects and manual). It’s no wonder then that many photographers never make use of their camera and lens’ ability to focus manually. In fact this week I spoke with one DSLR owner recently who hadn’t even noticed the manual/auto focus switch on the side of his lens. Image by dsevilla When is Manual Focus Better than Auto Focus? Let me start by saying there is no right or wrong time to use either manual or auto focusing – both can produce great results in almost all circumstances – however there are a few times when you might find it easier to switch to manual focusing: 1. When doing macro photography I almost exclusively switch to manual focusing. Image by maruchan313 2. Image by Jim Skea 3. Image by Djof 4.

The PhotoBook | Commentary on photo books Leisure and Business Travel Packing List - Travel Light with One Brené Brown's Photography Store at - Expressive Photography: The Shutter Sisters' Guide to Shooting from the Heart Review An Excerpt from the Shutter Sisters Blog by Co-Author Jen Lemen What happens when you choose once and for all to put what matters to you in the viewfinder, regardless of who approves or understands? What happens when you claim your craft, your art, your expertise, and stop asking anyone more established or proficient or experienced to say it's good enough? What happens when you throw away the rule book and all the measuring sticks and just say what you were afraid to say all along? I am a photographer. In many ways, this is what publishing Expressive Photography has meant to Tracey and the rest of us here at Shutter Sisters. Like many of you, our education in photography came over years, hand and hand with our own personal development. Not everyone will appreciate our particular contribution to the photography conversation at large. But times are changing. This is why we wrote Expressive Photography. --Jen Lemen What exactly makes a picture worth a thousand words? Approach

Digital Black and White Black and white was what first got me "seriously" into photography. While I never attained real mastery in black and white printing, I have spent a long time in various darkrooms. I still enjoy the aesthetic of black and white a great deal, and of course have tried to get the "look" I like in digital as well. Thanks to a lot of experimentation, some reading up, and tips from people who are a lot better at it than I am, I'm finally starting to see the kinds of results I wanted. My father Shosta enjoying his vacation in Provence (2003). The craft of traditional black-and-white photography consists of three stages: exposure, development, and printing. Expose for the highlights. Straightforward enough? Exposure The objective of correct exposure in film black and white photography is to capture as much of the dynamic range of the scene as possible, with as much contrast in the critical midtones as feasible. The big difference between digital and "silver" black and white is in dynamic range.

Mira y Calla craftlog * machine-quilted felt coasters Posted on October 28th, 2013 by maitreya. Filed under Sewing/Fabric Crafts. Mark said the other day that we need more coasters. What a good crafting activity to get back into the swing of things. I used my favorite vintage linen paired with my favorite Japanese thick felt. I sewed the layers together just with a straight stitch, following the pattern on the fabric. Which makes them reversible. * pleasing crochet tricks Posted on October 20th, 2013 by maitreya. Oh hi. I’m working on a crochet project, and came across these two very pleasing crochet tricks to eliminate the ugly joins in crochet motifs. 1. 2. * Food in Jars at the Book Larder Posted on June 10th, 2012 by maitreya. Fun event of the morning: at a canning demo by the Food in Jars author. * fall/winter garden planning Posted on June 4th, 2012 by maitreya. Now to start planning for the fall and winter! My main problem is thinking about which crops will be done when, and what needs to go in next. Currently

Linux tools to convert file formats The newline problem Every operating system uses a special character (or sequence of characters) to signify the end of a line of text. They cannot use standard, common characters to represent the line end, because those could appear in normal text, so they use special, nonprinting characters -- but each operating system uses different ones: Linux and Mac OS X inherited the Unix style of using LF (line feed, an ASCII control character) at the end of each line.Older Macintosh systems use CR (carriage return, another ASCII control character).Windows uses a pair of characters -- both a CR and an LF. To check what a particular text file uses to indicate a new line, try hexdump, which lets you inspect the contents of a file at the byte level. > cat test.linux This is the first line of a Linux file. To convert files from Windows to Linux, you can use the appropriately titled dos2unix command. The encoding problem In conclusion

food for your eyes To celebrate the launch of Street Photography Now in the French language version, the publishers Thames & Hudson organise a ‘Street Photography Trail’ in Paris. The exhibtion curated by Nathalie Belayche, aka Food For Your Eyes, takes place from 5th to 28th November, throughout the Canal Saint Martin area. The prints are viewable by the passers-by 24/7. in locations ranging from hairdresser, bakery, coffee-shop to fashion boutiques, with all street facing windows, Selected photographs (18 photos) from Street Photography Now book show a mix of unexpected situations and beautiful moment of everyday life, sometimes humoristic, most of the time absurd, captured by a range of established and emerging street photographers. The Street Photography Trail preview is on 4th November. Booksignings are scheduled during Paris Photo Fair at Schaden bookstore booth, Friday 19th november at 2pm, and at Offprint PhotoBook Fair, Saturday 20th November at 6pm. Street Photography Links:

