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Largest Star Ever Discovered

Largest Star Ever Discovered | Ocean Wildlife Nature Pictures | Stock Photo Agency Planet/Star Size - Our Solar System & The Other Stars Strange Science: Dinosaurs and Dragons Despised in the West and revered in the East, dragons have a long history in human mythology. How did the myth start? No one knows the exact answer, but some myths may have been inspired by living reptiles, and some "dragon" bones probably belonged to animals long extinct — in some cases dinosaurs, in others, fossil mammals. Starting in the early 19th century, scientists began to find a new kind of monster, one that had gone extinct tens of millions of years before the first humans evolved. Because the first fragments found looked lizard-like, paleontologists assumed they had found giant lizards, but more bones revealed animals like nothing on earth today. Did these terrible lizards ever coexist with people? Most Recent Additions Mar-08-2014 Feb-21-2014 Year: 1853 Scientist: Sir Richard Owen Artist: Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins Still appears in: Crystal Palace Park, London (photo by Michon Scott) Besides Iguanodon and Megalosaurus, the Crystal Palace Park sculptures included Hylaeosaurus.

The thirteen planets Two Suns? Twin Stars Could Be Visible From Earth By 2012 - StumbleUpon By Dean Praetorius | Earth could be getting a second sun, at least temporarily. Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland, outlined the scenario to Betelgeuse, one of the night sky’s brightest stars, is losing mass, indicating it is collapsing. It could run out of fuel and go super-nova at any time. When that happens, for at least a few weeks, we’d see a second sun, Carter says. The Star Wars-esque scenario could happen by 2012, Carter says... or it could take longer. But doomsday sayers should be careful about speculation on this one. In fact, a neutrino shower could be beneficial to Earth. UPDATE: To clarify, the article does not say a neutrino shower could be beneficial to Earth, but implies a supernova could be beneficial, stating, "Far from being a sign of the apocalypse, according to Dr Carter the supernova will provide Earth with elements necessary for survival and continuity." Top Image: Source

Repost: Cookie-Cutter Cat Not as Cute as the Name Sounds [This is a repost of an essay I originally published October 27, 2011.] The prehistoric cookie-cutter cat was not as cute as the name suggests. That’s especially true when you consider the fossil felid’s scientific label — Xenosmilus. That roughly translates to “alien knife.” The name certainly fits. Xenosmilus was not a sleek, gracile beast like modern cheetahs, leopards, or tigers. The unique nature of Xenosmilus was not immediately clear when the cat was discovered. At the time, the two partial sabercat skeletons were thought to have belonged to a widespread form called Homotherium serum. Up until the discovery of Xenosmilus, the saber-toothed cats of the past 23 million years or so have been categorized by paleontologists into one of two categories on the basis of their dental cutlery and body shape. Xenosmilus doesn’t fit into either category. That’s almost all there was to say about Xenosmilus for over a decade. References: Martin, L.; Babiarz, J.; Naples, V. 2011.

Great inns open only to those with good hiking shoes Interested in uplifting stories on the natural world, sustainable communities, simple food, and new thinking on how to live well? Please enter a valid email address and try again! No thanks The Lost America | Mind Junker - StumbleUpon The Lost America America, One of the Most Powerful Continent in World as well as, the Most Modernized and Advanced Continent of Today. But somewhere in this Race we have Lost the America that it looked before. Here we have Collected a Beautiful Pictures to Revive the Old Memories that how America was before the Development. Source: Be Sociable, Share!
