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10 Vegan Sources of Protein

10 Vegan Sources of Protein
Meat-eaters will never stop asking and vegans always get sick of hearing it: “How do you get your protein?” The image of a skinny (not to mention gangly and dread-headed) hippie has typically been the poster child of veganism. After all, there’s no way we can be muscular, fit and even bulky as vegans, right? Wrong. Vegan athletes like Brendan Brazier, Rich Roll, and Jimi Sitko are changing the negative stereotypes, proving that plant-based protein can not only build strong muscles, but can keep a vegan healthy enough to run, swim, bike, dance or pump iron – no flesh-eating necessary. So how do you get your protein? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Still want to ask me where I get my protein?

How To Ferment Vegetables: Homemade Health-Promoting Superfood How to Ferment Vegetables Using Starter Cultures By Ken Silvers on 02/01/2014 Recipe and step-by-step guide how to ferment vegetables at home. Fermented vegetables using a starter culture are packed with many strains of beneficial, probiotic bacteria. Using different kinds of vegetables creates a more complex, rich taste and they add more vitamins, enzymes and many other nutrients. Ingredients:Green cabbage (comprising 50% or more of veg mix)Red cabbageCarrotsSweet potatoesFennelCilantro (coriander leaves)CeleryGinger (adds wonderful taste)Bell peppersYou can also add parsley, basil, sage, rosemary, thyme, oreganoHot pepper (be careful, one might be enough) Instructions:Juice a quart of celery juice; dissolve the starter culture in the juice. I want to show you how to ferment vegetables at home and create one of the most delicious, health-promoting superfoods you can imagine. How to ferment vegetables: Choose your ingredients Step 1: Prepare the culture starter Rinse the vegetables well

Hemp Protein Powder Comparison - Who Provides The Best Hemp Protein Products? | Hemp Protein Guide Overview <a onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/;MarketPlace=US&#038;ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fjunkacti-20%2F8001%2Fb5c1d2cc-768b-4ad0-bf8b-e3415bf9b7af&#038;Operation=NoScript');" href=" Widgets</A> Best Choice – Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein Nutiva was rated one of the fastest growing companies of 2009 along with Living Harvest in Inc.’s 500/5000 listings for Food and Beverage. One thing you’ll quickly notice about Nutiva products is their business is thriving based on their production of high quality hemp goods. Ingredients: 100% Raw, Cold-Milled Organic Hemp Protein Powder. Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein Powder contains 50% protein, 20% fiber, and 11% fat and comes in these sizes: 50% Hemp Protein Powder 16 oz. Nutrition Facts:

Stop Setting Goals. Start Planning Your Life. – GovLoop - Knowledge Network for Government I recently finished a book called "Becoming a Coaching Leader" by Daniel Harkavy. What I liked about it was that it walks you through a series of exercises that help you think about your life and your career a bit more intentionally. Most books of this ilk just talk about leadership traits or a goal setting process, but few help you align your time and energy so that you can actually optimize your time and energy for what's most important to you in a way that sticks. One of the exercises that I wanted to recommend for your consideration was the creation of a Life Plan. Here's what Harkavy has to say about life planning vs the more traditional goal setting process: Many people substitute goal setting for life planning, but I think it's a bad trade-off. So how does life planning work? 1. Who do you want to be remembered by? 2. SpouseChildrenOther Family MembersFinanceSelf DevelopmentFriendsCommunity / Charitable ActivityFaithHealth 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What were the results?

Art Journalist » 365 One Word Art Journal Prompts Sometimes all you need to get going in your art journal is one word to inspire you. I like using one word journal prompts, as they can be tied into just about any theme or journal rather easily. And with one word, there’s a lot of freedom to do just about anything – you can interpret that one word any way you’d like! To help you get started, here is a list of 365 one word journal prompts to jump start your creativity. 1. I hope you enjoy this list of 365 one word journal prompt ideas and of course don’t forget to share this with others as well as check out our other Art Journal Prompts. Advertisement The following two tabs change content below. Hey there!

Blake Boles: 12 Ways to Educate Yourself Without College It's popular to criticize college today. No matter which way you look, somebody is writing about a student loan horror story, declining academic standards, disruptive technological change, or the narrow work options available to graduates. Criticizing is easy, of course. Offering solutions is hard. The reality is that college fills many valuable roles today. But in an era of skyrocketing tuition fees combined with widespread economic austerity, millions of students will find themselves unable or unwilling to finance the college package deal. Luckily, higher education doesn't have to be delivered by a college institution. Self-directed learning is one solution to the college debate, and certainly not the only one. Here are 12 ways to begin pursuing your own self-directed higher education, right now, without college: Kickstart something. These are just a few ways to start giving yourself a well-rounded higher education without college.

The 27 Principles to Teaching Yourself Anything (aka The Self-Guided Education Manifesto + PDF download “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” —Mark Twain Note: This post is intentionally long. At the end of this post I’ve even provided two free PDF downloads to further guide you towards learning what matters (one is a list of over 30 of the best online resources for creating your own passion-filled curriculum). Enter the Unofficial Self-Guided Education Manifesto… Last week’s article on The Birth of Self-Guided Education caught like wildfire. When that happens, I know a topic deserves some respect. Many of last week’s comments blew my mind. Living Legends create their own education. The truth of the matter is every Living Legend (whether they dropped out of high school or got a couple PhD’s) took their education and their learning into their own hands. For years I’ve been wanting to create a separate business on this topic but given the awesome momentum we’ve drummed up here, I say we run with it… So without further ado… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1.

Fermented Food for Beginners: Lacto-Fermented Vegetables This is part 3 in a four part series. I renamed this series Fermented Food for Beginners in the hopes that it will encourage anyone who was intimidated about making their own ferments, as I was. Before the advent of modern day canning most of our American fore mothers understood the process of lacto-fermentation. Those countries with histories deeper than our own also traditionally fermented vegetables with simply salt, water and spices – knowing that the lactic acid produced would prevent the putrefication of these precious nutritional storehouses, keeping them fed through winter. When we lost touch with this food preservation technique we also lost touch with the unparalleled health benefits that came with them. The proliferation of lactobacilli in fermented vegetables enhances their digestibility and increases vitamin levels. After being completely overwhelmed by my first read through of Nourishing Traditions I waited months before making sauerkraut. Cortido Pickled Cucumbers

Comparing Salt, Whey and Starter Cultures for Fermenting Vegetables, Fruits and Condiments When making naturally cultured vegetables, fruits or condiments, recipes will often call for a variety of ingredients including salt, whey and salt, or even just a freeze-dried culture. How do you choose the best culturing medium for your project? Purpose of Salt and Starter Cultures Salt can promote the fermenting process by inhibiting the growth of undesirable microorganisms, favoring the growth of desired Lactobacilli. Starter cultures such as whey, brine from a previous ferment, or freeze-dried starter cultures can add bacteria to the culturing process to get things going more quickly. The combination used is a personal choice. Vegetable Fermentation Methods There are a few different ways to prepare brine for fermenting vegetables, including a method for fermenting without salt. Method #1: Salt-only Vegetable Fermentation Historically, salt was used to preserve foods before refrigeration. Method #2: Salt-free Vegetable Fermentation Method #3: Salt Plus Starter Cultures

Einstein’s Secret to Amazing Problem Solving (and 10 Specific Ways You Can Use It) Einstein is quoted as having said that if he had one hour to save the world he would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution. This quote does illustrate an important point: before jumping right into solving a problem, we should step back and invest time and effort to improve our understanding of it. Here are 10 strategies you can use to see problems from many different perspectives and master what is the most important step in problem solving: clearly defining the problem in the first place! The Problem Is To Know What the Problem Is The definition of the problem will be the focal point of all your problem-solving efforts. What most of us don’t realize — and what supposedly Einstein might have been alluding to — is that the quality of the solutions we come up with will be in direct proportion to the quality of the description of the problem we’re trying to solve. Problem Definition Tools and Strategies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Become an Autodidact: 10 Ways to Become a Self Taught Master Some of the greatest people in history have educated themselves to a large degree using a process known as autodidacticism. This is something that’s more easily undertaken these days with the great wealth of online tools available to anyone. Whether you’ve gone to college or not, you can learn just about anything these days on your own. Why self-education? You can follow your passions, and learn about things that excite you. How do you go about becoming an autodidact? However you go about it, here are some of the best tools for the modern autodidact: Wikipedia. Written for Dumb Little Man by Leo Babuata of Zen Habits

10 Essential Reads for the Modern Marketer: New Inspiration & Timeless Classics As a modern marketer it is vital to stay on top of current trends and brush up on forgotten or underutilized skills. In my last blog post I was asked by several folks what books I am currently reading and what books I recommend to become a better writer. As I mentioned, becoming a better writer starts with the basics, but you also need some inspiration and ideas along the way. I am constantly looking for new books to read and older classics I may have missed, so here’s a snapshot of the essential books that I believe every marketer should have in their reading arsenal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Bonus classics that you should read twice: Content Rules - Ann Handley & CC Chapman - The book that started a content marketing revolution. The Elements of Style - William Strunk Jr. and E.B. Next on my reading list: The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail — but Some Don’t - Nate Silver – Recommended by B2B revenue strategist Maureen Blandford. Click here for the original post.

10 Blogs Entrepreneurs Need to Be Reading | Grasshopper Blog - StumbleUpon See the 2012 edition: 10 Must Read Blogs for Entrepreneurs (2012 Edition) #1. The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur Site: What it is: Mike Michalowicz provides entrepreneurs and small businesses with tips on everything from starting a business to networking to marketing and health care. Why you should read it: Mike not only provides great tips but he provides great tips from REAL people. #2. Site: What it is: Written by a panel of small business owners, the site offers tips and advice on everything business related. Small business trends really covers EVERYTHING! #3. Site: Run by two brothers, Matthew and Adam Toren, Young Entrepreneur is exactly what it sounds like; a site dedicated to young entrepreneurs. Between blog posts, forums, polls and interviews with other small business owners, the site offers fantastic content. #4. Site: Why you should read it: #5. #6. #7. #8.

Developing a Personal Development Plan You'll find that there is no "one-size-fits-all" personal development plan. I'm going to talk about working from a personal development plan template and I will take you through a personal development plan sample. But there is no one plan that suits a person's needs and personality exactly. What you can do, however, is draw up your own plan. It takes into account your own individual knowledge and learning. What about your level of emotional development? Consider your role in the workplace. Next, take a look at the immediacy of your need for change. Take a good, hard look at the things happening in your life that have brought you to the wish for change. Without drawing out an extended five-year plan for yourself, assess the things you hope to do in the next month or so. Create Your Personal Development Plan Write down in your personal development plan each of the steps you need to take if you want to move to a new home, start a business, or develop your career. Why now? Vision.

The GROW Model - Coaching your team members to improve performance - Leadership training from MindTools A Simple Process for Coaching and Mentoring Learn how to use the GROW Model, with James Manktelow & Amy Carlson. As a leader, one of your most important roles is to coach your people to do their best. By doing this, you'll help them make better decisions, solve problems that are holding them back, learn new skills, and otherwise progress their careers. Some people are fortunate enough to get formal training in coaching. The GROW Model is a simple yet powerful framework for structuring your coaching or mentoring sessions. About the Model GROW stands for: Goal. The model was originally developed in the 1980s by performance coach Sir John Whitmore, although other coaches, such as Alan Fine and Graham Alexander, have also helped to develop it. A good way of thinking about the GROW Model is to think about how you'd plan a journey. You then explore various routes (the options) to your destination. Tip: When leaders coach their team members, or act as mentors to them, this may or may not apply. 1. 2.
