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Autodesk 123D - 123D Sculpt free app for iPad

Autodesk 123D - 123D Sculpt free app for iPad
Sculpt Bulge, flatten, or refine your creation to achieve the dramatic, comic, or frightening effect you want. Decorate Add shades, tints, and hues with the built-in digital painting brushes, or rub areas of an image directly onto your creation. Export and share Share your project via email or social media sites, or export your sculpture as an .OBJ file.

Solutions rendu réaliste et photoréaliste La liste ci-dessous tente de répertorier les différentes solutions de rendu réaliste et photo-réaliste adaptées au logiciel SketchUp. Ces solutions sont soit des plugins intégrés dans SketchUp, soit des logiciels tiers capables d’importer directement un modèle SketchUp au format .SKP, soit des logiciels tiers disposant d’un plugin d’exportation pour SketchUp. L’ordre de présentation ne représente en aucune façon une quelconque forme d’appréciation. Des présentations plus détaillées de ces solutions de rendu seront publiées sur le site web d’ARCH’image. Les prix sont indicatifs de la situation au 21/12/2011 et peuvent varier. Vous utilisez un de ces plugins ou un de ces logiciels ? Les plugins de rendu pour SketchUp Thea Render Type : Logiciel tiers + plugin « live »Prix : 395€ pour le bundle Thea Render + plugin SketchUp Vray for SketchUp Type : Plugin SketchUpPrix : ±800$ (suivant revendeur) Maxwell Render for SketchUp Type : Plugin SketchUpPrix : 75€ Type : Plugin SketchUpPrix : gratuit Indigo

Vimeo Service Diagnostic SketchUp -Faites-vous aussi ces erreurs fréquentes avec SketchUp ? modèle SketchUp trop (ou trop peu) détailléfaces mal orientéespoints d’insertion des composants positionnés de manière anarchiquemauvaise utilisation des scènes et des calquesemploi de groupes alors que des composants seraient plus adaptésabsence de hiérarchie du modèleetc. Chaque année, je reçois un grand nombre de modèles SketchUp, que ce soit à l’occasion de formations en entreprise, de la part de lecteurs de ce blog cherchant des solutions à leurs problèmes ou de clients souhaitant des images photo-réalistes de leurs modèles SketchUp. Mon constat est toujours le même : Il y a moyen de faire mieux… Beaucoup mieux ! … en appliquant quelques principes et surtout en utilisant SketchUp au maximum de ses possibilités ! Suite à ce constat, ARCH’image vous propose un nouveau Service de Diagnostic de modèles SketchUp. Et si vous utilisiez enfin SketchUp à plus de 50% de ses capacités ? diagnostic, service, SketchUp Cet article a été écrit par Laurent Brixius Ne manquez plus aucun article !

50 Strange Buildings of the World (Part II This is the part II of the very popular list of 50 strange buildings which has been and is being copied (stolen) by many bloggers. If you wish to post it on your blog or website, feel free to use up to 20 buildings from this list and give a proper link to our website ( as the source article. I hope you enjoy this weird, odd, bizarre and incredible looking arcitechture! After looking at this magical collection of buildings, don’t forget to check Part III (and also Part I if you haven’t seen it yet) of this very popular architecture post series. 1. Image credits: RA Studija 2. Image credits: Jiths 3. Image credits: Wikipedia 4. Image credits: Dillerscofidio 5. Image credits: extranoise 6. Image credits: drewdomkus 7. Image credits: wikipedia Image credits: Santiago Vila, bjaglin, Santiago Vila 8. Image credits: fletchy182 9. Image credits: Alberto OG 10. Image credits: Phillip Ritz Image credits: Phillip Ritz 11. Image credits: neil-san 12. 13. Image credits: piH9

50 Strange Buildings of the World This is the original list of 50 strange buildings which has been and is being copied (stolen) by many bloggers. If you wish to post it on your blog or website, feel free to use up to 20 buildings from this list and give a proper link to our website ( as the source article. Ok, now enjoy this weird, odd, bizarre and incredible looking arcitechture! After reading it, don’t forget to check Part II and Part III. 1. Construction of the building started in in January 2003 and in December 2003 it was finished. Image via: brocha 2. The Hundertwasser house “Waldspirale” (”Forest Spiral”) was built in Darmstadt between 1998 and 2000. The structure with 105 apartments wraps around a landscaped courtyard with a running stream. Image via: Kikos Dad 3. Image via: manuelfloresv 4. Image via: Mélisande* 5. The Longaberger Basket Company building in Newark, Ohio might just be a strangest office building in the world. Image via: addicted Eyes 6. Image via: jonathan_moreau 7.

Photo Measures « What is Photo Measures? Photo Measures is the perfect app to help you save and share measures and dimensions on your own photos. Moving to a new place? Take some photos and note down the dimensions on the photos to remember the exact layout, and to make sure that everything will fit easily. Need to keep in mind the exact dimensions of an object? Just take a photo and quickly write them on it. Want to buy a new frame or a new furniture but not sure it will fit? No problem since you can have all your house dimensions always with you! Who needs it? Are you a real estate agent? Whenever you need to save dimensions, measures or sizes, or write down a detail you need to remember, Photo Measures will help you to be more efficient and more accurate. How does it work? Photo Measures helps you to:

Free Movie App for iPad – IMDb My Measures Pro | SIS software | The app factory Different styles There are 7 different arrow styles. Use style that best describes your measurement. Arrow with one end can be used to point out details or to link text with detail. With text you can choose between three types of bubbles and four colour variations. Imperial, Metric, Chinese and Japanese units Support for metric and imperial units with inclusion of feet-inches together. Colors Choose different colors for different arrows.
