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The Corrupt Banking System By a 12 Year Old « FreedomClub CANADA [Victoria Grant - The Corrupt Banking System By 12 Year Old Victoria Grant] Source: April 27-28 Philadelphia PUBLIC BANKING INSTITUTE Banking in the Public Interest © 2012 PublicBankingInstitute All Rights Reserved [Introduction] It was 5 or 6 weeks ago that Victoria spoke to a group of 600 people at a rotary club and she’s going to be giving us the same speech to us today. [Victoria Grant] Have you ever wondered why Canada is in debt? What I have discovered is the banks and the government have colluded to financially enslave the people of Canada. I will share with you three important points of reference which will hopefully spark enough interest and concern for you to continue the research on your own and to engage your government to stop this criminal act against the people of Canada. First, we will briefly examine the Bank of Canada. Second, we will see how the banking system works today. And lastly, I will offer a viable solution that we can petition our government to implement.

Défaut de la Grèce et CDS : Stiglitz accuse la BCE Joseph Stiglitz n'a pas sa langue en poche. Dans , le prix Nobel d'économie égratigne la Banque centrale européenne et son manque de transparence. Dans le dossier grec, Stiglitz estime que la position de l'institution de Francfort a été pour le moins curieuse. Elle s'est ainsi toujours opposée à ce fameux "événement de crédit", lié à un défaut de paiement de la Grèce, qui déclencherait les contrats de CDS. Que n'a-t-on écrit sur ces "credit default swaps", ces contrats qui permettent de s'assurer contre un défaut de paiement ? A la base, un CDS peut s'avérer utile. Mais revenons à Athènes. "Dans ce cas, un régulateur qui prend en compte la stabilité financière du système veille en principe à ce que l'assureur paye en cas de perte. Juges et parties ? Alors plusieurs hypothèses existent. Dans le milieu des économistes, certains s'interrogent aussi. La réplique de l'ISDA n'a guère tardé face aux accusations du Nobel d'économie avec un communiqué intitulé "A not so noble idea".

Who Changed The Bank Of Canada’s Policies In 1974 And Why? « FreedomClub CANADA Canadian Awareness Network With great efforts by the Canadian Action Party, institutions like COMER, and a host of alternative news outlets in Canada. Many Canadians are becoming more and more aware about the the biggest robbery in Canadian history. A robbery that still continues to this very day, with 170 million dollars being stolen from us everyday. The crime has been and is being perpetrated right under our very noses. COMER – Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform, in 2011 filed a lawsuit against the Bank Of Canada and the finance minister. One of the biggest questions I encounter when talking about restoring the Bank of Canada, is who changed the policy in 1974? First we must look at who was in political power at the time and who held the key positions. Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau Minister of Finance: John Turner Governor of the Bank of Canada: Gerald Bouey Gerald Bouey was a member of David Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission. So to put it simply.

CDS et Grèce : Comment Wall Street manipule le plan de sauvetage de la Grèce - La station de métro Wall Street à New York. REUTERS/Eric Thayer - Il s’est passé une chose pour le moins curieuse lors de l’élaboration du plan de sauvetage de la Grèce. Les contrats d’échange sur défaut (CDS) –instruments financiers ayant contribué à déclencher le cataclysme de 2008– ont été mis de côté; une fois de plus, les grandes institutions financières n’ont pas eu à répondre de leur actes irresponsables. Tout au long de la progression des négociations sur la dépréciation de la dette grecque, une question décisive planait sur les marchés. publicité Rappelons que la vague de faillite qui a déferlé sur les Etats-Unis en 2008 (vague qui a nécessité une intervention massive de l’Etat) fut en grande partie imputable à AIG, qui s’était vu incapable de payer les CDS qu’il avait vendus. En Grèce, ces problèmes ont tout simplement été escamotés. Aussi volontaire qu'un aveu arraché à un prisonnier de Guantanamo Faisons le bilan de 2008 Revenons au présent. Eliot Spitzer Devenez fan sur

Who Changed The Bank Of Canada’s Policies In 1974 And Why? With great efforts by the Canadian Action Party, institutions like COMER, and a host of alternative news outlets in Canada. Many Canadians are becoming more and more aware about the the biggest robbery in Canadian history. A robbery that still continues to this very day, with 170 million dollars being stolen from us everyday. The crime has been and is being perpetrated right under our very noses. COMER – Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform, in 2011 filed a lawsuit against the Bank Of Canada and the finance minister. One of the biggest questions I encounter when talking about restoring the Bank of Canada, is who changed the policy in 1974? First we must look at who was in political power at the time and who held the key positions. Prime Minister: Pierre Trudeau Minister of Finance: John Turner Governor of the Bank of Canada: Gerald Bouey Pierre Elliot Trudeau, like many other Canadian prime ministers attended the Bilderberg group meetings before being elected. So to put it simply.

Anglo-Saxon media out to sink us, says Spain | World news It is the only economy in Western Europe still in recession: property prices are crashing, unemployment has risen to more than 4 million, and some are already muttering that it could end up with a financial crisis worse than Greece's. But at least Spain now has someone to blame: the country's intelligence services are investigating the role of British and American media in fomenting financial turmoil, the respected El País daily reported . The newspaper said the country's National Intelligence Centre (CNI) was investigating a series of "speculative attacks" against the Spanish economy amid bond market jitters about the country's growing national debt. "The (CNI's) economic intelligence division … is investigating whether investors' attacks and the aggressiveness of some Anglo-Saxon media are driven by market forces and challenges facing the Spanish economy – or whether there is something more behind this campaign," El País said.

Paul Hellyer Exposes Global Financial System by Steve Paikin Sunday December 4, 2011 He may be 88 years old, but one of the most legendary ex-politicians in Canadian history is still trying to have an impact. Paul Hellyer won his first election in the Toronto riding of Davenport in the 1949 federal election. At that point in our history, he was the youngest MP ever elected. Hellyer and I ended up at the same event a year ago, and I asked him why he ran for office in the first place. Sixty-two years later, he’s still at it, trying to change fiscal and monetary policy in Canada. Former Canadian cabinet minister Paul Hellyer, flanked by former U.S. This picture was taken in Plains, GA in April, 2011. Hellyer has had one of the most fascinating and controversial careers in Canadian political history. He also eventually left that party and started one of his own. [click image below to watch video 1] Hon.

Marchés déréglementés, le côté obscur de la finance Les « dark pools » sont dans le collimateur de la Commission européenne. Le projet de révision de la directive concernant les marchés d’instruments financiers (MIF) entend faire la lumière sur ces plateformes de négociation opaques, sorte de système alternatifs aux grandes bourses réglementées. C’est pourtant la transposition de la directive MIF qui a permis, en 2007, l’apparition de ces plateformes en Europe. Le terme « dark pool » recouvre en fait plusieurs types de systèmes informatisés d’échanges réservés aux investisseurs institutionnels opérant sans « transparence pré-négociation ». Explications : sur une plateforme de négociation classique, les ordres de bourses (achat ou vente) sont publics. 2 à 5 % des échanges en Europe Deux types de dark pools se distinguent alors: les plateformes « prix de référence » et les « crossing networks ». Les transactions sur les dark pools concernent majoritairement de gros volumes d’actions. Manipulations de cours Brice Lambert à Paris

What can we learn from past recession-recovery cycles? Not much, unfortunately. This post began as an attempt to replicate a recent Macroeconomic Advisers (MA) research note that assessed the potential for a strong US recovery based on Milton Friedman’s plucking model. In brief, Friedman hypothesized that the economy was like a string attached to the underside of a upward slanted wooden board, with the board acting as a limit on the rate of growth. In a recession, the string is pulled (or plucked, hence the name) downward creating a gap between actual and potential growth. When the string is released, it will bounce back at a speed proportionate to how far downward it was pulled with the implication that growth in a recovery following a deep recession will be faster than growth following a mild recession. One problem with trying to replicate the MA study is the low occurrence of recessions in Canada compared with the United States. The 1981-1982 recession fits Friedman’s plucking theory – a deep recession followed by a robust recovery.

L'expérience de l'austérité, grandeur nature Les 17 membres de l'Eurozone n'ont jamais imaginé devoir aider un des leurs. Encore moins trois. La Grèce, l'Irlande et le Portugal ont reçu plus de 140 milliards d'euros depuis un an et demi. Le soutien financier de la « troïka » (le Fonds monétaire international, la Commission européenne et la Banque centrale européenne) est accordé sur la base d'un programme d'ajustement, destiné à assainir les finances publiques. Un pays membre de la zone euro en crise, cela semblait impossible pour l'Union européenne. Elle n'y était pas du tout préparée. Comment s'est propagée la crise? Après les Grecs, ce sont les Irlandais qui ont demandé de l'aide.

The Crime of the Canadian Banking System « FreedomClub CANADA Over the past 4 years, the Canadian people have paid $137.4 billion in interest on money borrowed from private banks whereas the Bank of Canada could legally print the public’s money into existence rather than borrowing it at interest. “They’ve paid out this huge sum because our government has failed to abide by the law.” Abram, a retired high school teacher and activist on Vancouver Island, B.C., explicates the trick of fractional reserve banking. For nearly 40 years, Canada – the people of Canada – had control of their own currency! Bill Abram remembers Gerald Grattan McGeer, a crusading labor lawyer representing the Vancouver Trades & Labour Council (Canada) who got a chance to interrogate and lecture the vaunted Lord MacMillan Banking Commission, sent over from England in depression years to fix things up. Source

Qui va payer ? David Cameron a choisi de défendre les intérêts de la finance londonienne. En échange de sa signature pour inscrire le renforcement de la discipline budgétaire dans un traité européen , il exigeait d'y annexer deux protocoles : la garantie de son droit de regard sur le marché unique, mais surtout la protection la City contre la supervision et la réglementation financière européenne. Les activités financières de Londres contribuent à 10% du PIB britannique. Sur ses 2,9 km2, 12 755 entreprises emploient 316 700 personnes directement et 1,1 millions indirectement. Avec 500 banques dont 241 banques étrangères, elle est le plus grand centre bancaire mondial. «Les européens doivent comprendre que l'on a besoin de protéger la City contre la régulation, contre les taxes qui ferait perdre sa compétitivité à Londres par rapport aux autres places financières. Mais avec ce véto, le Royaume-Uni se retrouve plus que jamais isolé en Europe. La City veut rester dans l'Europe

The Money Myth Exploded – by Louis Even « FreedomClub CANADA “The Money Myth Exploded” was one of the first articles of Louis Even, and remains one of the most popular to explain how money is created as a debt by private banks.” The financial enigma resolved A debt money system by Louis Even __________ ______ 1. An explosion had blown their ship apart. Hour after long hour their eyes searched the horizon. Suddenly a cry rang out: “Land! And as the vague silhouette proved itself to be, in fact, the outline of a shore, the figures on the raft danced with joy. They were five, five Canadians. Then Paul, a farmer. Next Jim, an animal breeder; he’s the one in the striped pants, kneeling and gazing in the direction of land. Then there is Harry, an agriculturist, a little on the stout side, seated on a trunk salvaged from the wreck. And finally Tom, a prospector and a mineralogist; he is the merry fellow standing in the rear with his hand on the carpenter’s shoulder. 2. To our five men, setting foot on land was like returning to life from the grave. 3. 4. 5. 6.
