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Lexique d'Illustrator français-anglais

Lexique d'Illustrator français-anglais
Détails Catégorie : Astuces Illustrator Si comme moi vous trouvez pratique d'avoir sous la main un lexique anglais-français des menus de Adobe Illustrator, en voici une version que j'ai spécialement fabriquée pour la communauté cherchant les traductions. N'hésitez pas à me communiquer les erreurs ou des ajouts possibles à cette liste. Le contenu de ce lexique a aussi été partager avec pour sa formation "at work with various software" Détails Catégorie : Astuces Illustrator Si comme moi vous trouvez pratique d'avoir sous la main un lexique anglais-français des menus de Adobe Illustrator, en voici une version que j'ai spécialement fabriquée pour la communauté cherchant les traductions. N'hésitez pas à me communiquer les erreurs ou des ajouts possibles à cette liste. Related:  Motion design

How to Create a Fancy Gift Bow using Adobe Illustrator In this tutorial you will learn how to create a realistic image of a gift bow using the Mesh Tool. With many uses including greeting cards, designs and even web banners, I'm sure you'll find many uses for this fancy ribbon. You will also learn many helpful tips on how to use the gradient mesh to make conical gradients. Let's get started! First, determine the colors that you're going to use. Using the Rectangle Tool (M) create the shape of ribbon with a linear gradient fill. Create the upper edge of the ribbon. Create the shadow from the ribbon. Select the two rectangles and go to Object > Blend > Make. Group up all the objects and keep them selected, go to Object > Transform > Rotate, set 45 degrees in the dialogue box. Let us proceed to the bow elements. Now our task is to transform the linear gradient into a conical one. As a result of this operation we have a group containing two objects: the Clipping Mask and the Mesh. Make the handles of vertical curves (on the mesh) straight.

Como criar seu Auto Retrato em estilo Geométrico Neste tutorial você vai aprender passo-a-passo como criar uma ilustração no estilo geométrico. O talentoso designer Beto Garza resolveu compartilhar seus conhecimentos, onde ele ensina como criar um auto-retrato usando uma fotografia normal de rosto. Desde o esboço até a arte final. No final você pode conferir algumas artes de quem seguiu o tutorial e teve ótimos resultados. :) Para a criação foi utilizado o Adobe Illustrator. Passo 1 Primeiro, selecione uma foto. Passo 2 Agora crie um Novo Documento no Adobe Illustrator de tamanho 600 x 480 px. Vamos organizar as Camadas da seguinte forma: Camada de cima se chamará “Desenho”. Passo 3 Olhe as camadas “Fundo” e “Foto”. Na camada “Rascunho”, usando a ferramenta pincel (Shift + B – Brush Tool), nós desenhamos nosso rascunho usando a foto como guia. Passo 4 Agora você pode deletar a camada “Foto”. Passo 5 Mude a opacidade (Opacity) do Rascunho para 30% e bloqueie a camada com o cadeado. Passo 6 Passo 7 Agora, desenhe o pescoço da camiseta. Passo 8

Storyboarder - The best and easiest way to storyboard. | Wonder Unit We made Storyboarder because we needed a great storyboarding tool that simply didn't exist. We use tools every day to help us do things. This is especially true with creative persuits. As many artists before us, we think that toolmaking is an important aspect of creation. It is very important that the primary purpose of this tool is to allow us to create better work. We have been accused of trying to rethink the way things are done. Should other people want to use our tools to create something great, nothing should stand in the way of that. Tools are not a replacement for work. I invite you to use our tools freely. Charles Forman // Just some dude who cares.

Typography - Tuts+ Design & Illustration Category As you will have heard countless times, white space is a very important element to a successful layout. A large proportion of a white space will typically be occupied by margins. The purpose of this tut is to give new InDesign users the knowledge on setting up margins and their functions relating to two main layout types, which are single and facing page layouts. As you will have heard countless times, white space is a very important element to a successful layout. A large proportion of a white space will typically be occupied by margins. Animer des personnages facilement avec Adobe Character Animator – Seby Rollins Adobe Character Animator est le nouveau logiciel d’Adobe sorti avec la dernière version de la suite Adobe Creative Cloud 2015. C’est un soft d’animation (pour les nuls) qui utilise la reconnaissance faciale pour animer un personnage 2D issu d’un fichier Photoshop ou illustrator. Animer des personnages facilement Ce qui est bluffant, avec Adobe Character Animator, c’est la simplicité d’utilisation. Comment créer son personnage animé ? Le principe est simple. Exporter son film Une fois votre animation effectuée, vous pouvez l’exporter pour pouvoir l’utiliser dans Première, After Effect ou même Media Encoder. Pour animer des personnages avec Adobe Character Animator, il vous faut télécharger la dernière version d’After Effect.

The Bézier Game Cool Typography with the Blend Tool in Illustrator I have written some Illustrator tutorials in which I've used the Blend Tool to create swirls and other shapes, but I have never used it to create a text effect. Then we received this email suggestion from one of our readers quite a few months ago asking us how to create that effect. I really like the text effect and decided to give it a try. So in this tutorial I will show you how to create a text effect using the Blend Tool in Illustrator and then we will use Photoshop for some final retouches to make the effect more subtle. Step 1 Open Illustrator and create a new document. With the Pen Tool (P) create a Z with just a few points. Step 2 Duplicate the Z and move it down a little bit. Step 3 Select the Blend Tool (W), then click on one of the segments and then on the other to create the blend object. Step 4 With the blend object selected double click on the Blend Tool icon or go to Object>Blend>Blend Options. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Apply the Blend Tool (W) for the letters E. Step 8 Step 9 Conclusion

200+ ressources graphiques gratuites : banques d'images, icones, etc. Vous recherchez des ressources graphiques pour le design d’un site web ou l’illustration de vos textes ? Trouver ces outils sur Google est souvent très chronophage. Nous avons donc trouvé une solution assez simple, les lister tous dans cet article. Les ressources que nous allons vous présenter sont les références dans leur domaine, nous avons cherché à réunir tous les outils, librairies ou marketplaces graphiques utilisées par les meilleurs designers web de la planète. Stocks de photos Le visuel est souvent l’attraction ultime pour un client potentiel, il vaut donc la peine de fournir des images captivantes sur votre site. Les photos « lifestyle » donnent à vos clients potentiels un exemple de la façon dont votre produit s’intègre dans leur vie quotidienne. « Everything » Les ressources répertoriées dans cette catégorie sont principalement des bases de données énormes sur lesquelles vous pouvez rechercher littéralement n’importe quel type de photo. Business Nourriture Lifestyle Polices Icônes

40 Must Learn Text Effect Tutorials in Illustrator Tutorials January 31, 2011 The love of creating text effects has become a common ground for many designers and enthusiasts. Indeed, it has even become an art form in itself. It would be best to learn from other artists every now and then. Create a Green Viscous Text Effect In this tutorial you will use illustrator’s 3D tools to add dimension on the text, and then add a green viscous text effect.. Learn to Create a Variety of Script Lettering This tutorial will showcase three different approaches, which result in three different script lettering styles. starting with a nice simple basic script, touch on a more athletic inspired lettering style and work along the way to a classic, fancy script. How to create a glassy text effect in Illustrator This tutorial will teach how to create a glassy text effect in Illustrator. How to Create an Entangled Lettering Illustration A two part tutorial where you will learn how to create a brief typographic message from scratch. Create a Mummy Text Effect
