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ZetCode, tutorials for programmers

ZetCode, tutorials for programmers

❍ IcoMoon AnotherTutorial Table of Contents: Foreword The purpose of this tutorial is to get you started with the wxPython toolkit, from the basics to the advanced topics. It has lots of code examples, not much talking. mailing list reference book source code of wxPython applications /home/vronskij/bin/wxPython/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx - the ultimate resource, on my Linux box There are three decent toolkits for the python programming language: wxPython PyQt PyGTK Note that this tutorial is done on Linux. Icons used in this tutorial: icons.tgz Images used in this tutorial: images.tgz jan bodnar 2005 - 2007 status update. wxPython API wxPython API is a set of functions and widgets. In wxPython we have lot's of widgets. Base Widgets These widgets provide basic functionality for derived widgets. wx.Window wx.Control wx.ControlWithItem Top level Widgets These widgets exist independently of each other. wx.Frame wx.MDIParentFrame wx.MDIChildFrame wx.Dialog wx.PopupWindow Containers Dynamic Widgets or

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