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The Weekly Review: How One Hour Can Save You A Week’s Worth of Hassle and Headache

The Weekly Review: How One Hour Can Save You A Week’s Worth of Hassle and Headache

Increase Your Productivity With A Weekly Review - Vanseo Design How do you decide what to work on next? Do you have a system for task management? Do you just do whatever you feel like in the moment? Note: This post includes an audio version. You may have read the post where I set goals for 2014. Over the years I’ve read several books on productivity and specifically about task management. GTD isn’t a perfect system for me. I still think it’s a good system with lots of good ideas and I’ve been working to incorporate many of GTD’s ideas over the years. Around the same time I read Allen’s book, I looked for To Do apps and decided on Things. I mention Things because using it I find GTD harder to put into practice than I first thought. It’s also hard to make such large changes to long followed habits. The major change I made this year was to devote time to a weekly review of what I’ve completed and what still needs to be done. It’s something I haven’t been doing even though I’ve seen others say it’s the most important part of the system.

The Weekly Productivity Planner: Plan your work for the week by when you're most productive! Editor’s note: This planner is now called the Weekly Action Planner and has been redesigned. This post highlights the changes to the Weekly Action Planner and you can find the download on our Free Planners page. I’m going on a limb here (again) and releasing the in its draft form. Part of the reason I’ve been delaying the release of this aid is because the weekly planner is so important. Planning by weeks is just so much more effective because it allows you to capture both the big picture (what you need to do) and combine it with the little picture (the how and when you’ll do what you need to do.) That said, a lot remained the same but was upgraded from the task level to the project level. The Weekly Productivity Sorter functions in the same way as the productivity sorter from the Daily Productivity Planner. What I need the most feedback on is the duplication of the days of the week.

How to Plan Your Week: 4 Steps to Productivity “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. This is a very practical posting in which I will show you my personal weekly planning process. “Wait a minute,” you may think, “what does this quote from Steve Jobs have to do with weekly planning?” Your weekly plan is your ticket to a self-directed and self-created life. Self-Leadership: Know your life-areas and goals So, some things are necessary to be really effective with your weekly plan. For instance my life-areas are: Private: body, mind, spirit, social, finance, juiceProfessional: b2b, sales, e-commerce, marketing, technical, product, finance Please check my post about balance and life-areas for more on this. Another really important thing is to have set personal goals. 1. I would suggest to do the weekly planning on Sunday. [area] task-description 2. 3.
