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Online Safety 3.0 - on and off the fixed and mobile Internet

Online Safety 3.0 - on and off the fixed and mobile Internet
Related:  Digital Teaching

SITel | Réseaux sociaux Un couteau de cuisine Besoin de garder le contact, retrouver de vieux amis ou se bâtir un réseau de contacts professionnels sont autant de raisons pour lesquelles on utilise des services tels que Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn et compagnie. On pourrait comparer ces sites de réseautage social à des couteaux de cuisine. Les risques Le vol d’identité Les médias sociaux peuvent s’avérer très utiles pour les fraudeurs. L’hameçonnage ciblé (spear phishing) L’hameçonnage est une technique utilisée par les fraudeurs pour obtenir des renseignements personnels dans le but de perpétrer une usurpation d’identité. Virus informatiques et espiogiciels Les médias sociaux sont de plus en plus le véhicule de transmission de virus informatiques et d’espiogiciels (aussi appelés logiciels espions), particulièrement sur les sites Facebook et MySpace. Retraçage de vos allées et venues Ce risque est particulièrement élevé avec des services comme Twitter et votre statut Facebook. Quelques règles simples

LEAP Learning Framework – For Personalized Learning K-2 Punks FOSI GRID Common Sense Media This nonprofit provides rating information for parents and kids on a wide variety of topics including movies, TV shows, book, games, websites and music. The rating system allows parents to make informed choices on the types of media that their children consume. The nonprofit also advocates on behalf of children on a range of issues, which include the educational impact of technology, online privacy and children’s health and development. The group’s Common Sense Education program provides teachers and schools with tools to help their students use technology for learning and life. The program has a K-12 Digital Citizenship curriculum and Graphite, an educational rating system. Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee CICAC is a diverse group of public interest, nonprofit and industry groups working to inform policymakers and the public on important Internet-related policy issues and provide a forum for debate on these issues. ConnectSafely Coding for Kindergarteners Last year at this time, I was trying not to think about kindergarteners. I was still teaching ninth grade English and had just accepted a job teaching technology to K-5. I was excited about the challenge, and I knew that I'd bitten off more than I could chew. Developing the tech curriculum challenged me to teach programming or at least computational thinking at each elementary grade level. Challenges and Resources I was really excited when I was introduced to the apps Daisy the Dinosaur and Hopscotch. With these apps, I was confident that I had a good entry point for grades 1 and 2. I'm happy to report that, my own surprise, the first challenge has been met. As a push-in tech teacher, I work closely with the classroom teachers to create lessons that dovetail with and support their lessons. Practical Tips for the Early Grades Elements of Programming That Support Pre-Readers SequenceThe concept of code (written language)Cause and effectCountingPlanningLeft-to-right readingProblem solving

Playborhood The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus | Help How You Can Help Here are a few things that you can do to help save the Pacific Northwest tree octopus: Posters motivate the citizenry to action! Post them! Write your representatives to let them know that you are concerned and that you feel the tree octopus should be included on the Endangered Species List and given special protection.Write to celebrities asking them to speak out on behalf of the tree octopus during press junkets and award shows.Help build awareness of the tree octopus by telling your friends, co-workers, or even random people on the streets.Place a tentacle ribbon on your website or social media.Participate in tree octopus awareness marches. You can demonstrate their plight during the march by having your friends dress up as tree octopuses while you attack them in a lumberjack costume.Pamphlet your neighborhood. Past Activism: Activities: Provide food and shelter for tree octopuses with our Tree Octopus Activities...

The Grass Stain Guru Best Websites for Teaching & Learning 2017 The 2017 Best Websites for Teaching & Learning foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, Web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. Gone but Not Forgotten The following sites have closed, reorganized, or become pay-based since being recognized as an AASL Best Website: The Learnia (Digital Storytelling) Little Kids, Big City The Best Organ Recital You Will Ever See Just watch until :50 at least. I guarantee you will be riveted! What To Do With Artichoke Hearts If Google Analytics is to be believed, there is a shocking dearth of information out there about what to do with all those tins of canned artichoke hearts lying around. 25 Ways to Tie a Scarf Puxsatawney Phil said only six more weeks of winter but I know he’s an unreliable meteorologist. 10 Ways 'The Good Wife' Gets Chicago Wrong I’ve only been living here in Chicago for 15 years, so I certainly don’t claim to be a life-long resident-level expert on the subject. Les Miserables: Before and After Motherhood Les Miserables came to America in 1986 (the year I graduated from high school). A Gift for Dad: A Guide for the Clueless Look, you have to buy a gift for a dad. Ten Holiday Gift Ideas for Teachers Does it really need a preamble? Baby Names of 2012: So Last Week Goodbye baby names of 2012. Nostalgia Tastes Like a Hostess Twinkie The Truth in Black and White

Best Apps for Teaching & Learning 2017 Touchcast Studio by Touchcast Level: Middle School + Platform: iOS Website Touchcast is truly “a TV studio in your hands.” Quick Tip: The companion External Camera App turns your iPhone into an additional camera to feed video into the TouchCast Studio App on your iPad.
