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jQuery Vector Maps - Resizable Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) Maps for Modern Browsers

jQuery Vector Maps - Resizable Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) Maps for Modern Browsers

tapmodo/Jcrop untitled Jump to progress the Jarallax.jumpToProgress method allows the user to animate the Jarallax animation to a position in the animation. This is a very handy method for navigation. To see it in action press one of the navigation buttons on top of the page. Example jarallax.jumpToProgress( 20, 2000, 30); In this example Jarallax animates to position 20 over 2000 milliseconds with 24 frames a second. Smooth scrollbar Some browsers smooth out the scrollbar when it is moved (like safari). Enabling the smoothed scrollbar will animate the current progress of the Jarallax animation to the scrollbar position. Example: var jarallax = new Jarallax(new ControllerScroll(true)); Clone animations In earlier versions of Jarallax every animation needs to be defined. When defining an animation with the addAnimation method, an animation sequence is returned. The first argument expects a selector, the second an object or array with the key modifications.

jQuery Resize And Crop (jrac) example jQuery Resize And Crop (jrac) is a jQuery plugin that build a viewport around a given image permitting to visually resize an image and place a crop. Then it is possible to use the coordinates data to be used for any purpose. Demo Move the image or the crop with the pointer, resize the crop with the pointer, use the zoom bar to scale the image or set your values into the inputs. Code Here is the code use in this page. Download Slicebox - 3D Image Slider Creative Lifesaver Honest Entertainer Brave Astronaut Affectionate Decision Maker Faithful Investor Groundbreaking Artist Selfless Philantropist Example 4: Same like example example 3, with a higher disperse factor

Adipoli jQuery Image Hover Effects How To Use Enabling image hover effect is very simple. Place the below references inside your head tag. If you need image hover on an image with id ‘image1′, call adipoli plugin like this: <script> $('#image1').adipoli(); </script> Adding Options: Available Options startEffect : Default style of imagehoverEffect : Image style on mouse overimageOpacity : opacity of image considered when start effect is transparent or overlayanimSpeed : Animation speed for the effectfillColor : Overlay colortextColor : Text ColoroverlayText : Default HTML to be displayed on overlayslices : Number of slices for slice animationsboxCols : Number of boxes in a row for box animationsboxRows : Number of rows for box animationspopOutMargin : Margin of Image popoutpopOutShadow : Shadow length of popout image. Start Effects: transparentnormaloverlaygrayscale Hover Effects: Change Log Version 2.0 Added grayscale startEffectMoved code to github Do you want to know

jq-tiles Pig ham: hock pork loin brisket pastrami frankfurter andouille. Sausage: ground round sirloin ball tip beef ribs. Pork turkey: shoulder, filet mignon chuck t-bone bacon. Short loin: pig jowl fatback, pork loin pork chop. « PrevNext » Tiny Scrollbar: A lightweight jQuery plugin Magnis dis parturient montes Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut vitae velit at velit pretium sodales. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus sed tellus quis orci dignissim scelerisque nec vitae est. Adipiscing risus Quisque vel felis ligula. Aliquam accumsan aliquam urna, id vulputate ante posuere eu.

jPanelMenu | A jQuery Plugin Retina.js | Retina graphics for your website How it works When your users load a page, retina.js checks each image on the page to see if there is a high-resolution version of that image on your server. If a high-resolution variant exists, the script will swap in that image in-place. The script assumes you use Apple's prescribed high-resolution modifier (@2x) to denote high-resolution image variants on your server. For example, if you have an image on your page that looks like this: <img src="/images/my_image.png" /> The script will check your server to see if an alternative image exists at this path: "/images/my_image@2x.png" How to use JavaScript The JavaScript helper script automatically replaces images on your page with high-resolution variants (if they exist). Place the retina.js file on your server Include the script on your page <script type="text/javascript" src="/scripts/retina.js"></script> (put it at the bottom of your template, before your closing </body> tag) That's it! Steps: Download Download zip Download source Contribute

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