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Bienvenue sur le site Web du LIRIS — LIRIS

UMR 6602 UBP - CNRS Université de Lyon Portail bioinformatique - INRA jouy-en-josas — MIGALE platform IRI - Institut de recherche et d’innovation du centre pompidou, Accueil Laboratoire Ville Mobilité Transport Alain MILLE Alain MILLE Professeur Émérite (Intelligence Artificielle) Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 LIRIS UMR CNRS 5205 Pôle COGITE Équipe TWEAK (Traces Web Knowledge Education) Département Informatique, Fédération Sciences et Technologies, Bâtiment Nautibus 43, bd du 11 novembre 1918 69 622 Villeurbanne Cedex Nouveau numéro de mobile (faire un email pour l'obtenir) Mel : Partagez avec moi via ownCloud

TARGET — TARGET - Top Amplifier Research Groups in a European Team Document Actions by Webmaster — last modified 2008-07-10 14:45 Top Amplifier Research Groups in a European Team Europe has a remarkable abundance of excellent research groups in the field of microwave amplifier research, in particular in characterisation, modelling, design, and linearization. The scientific fields of TARGET - amplifier and microwave research - are central for broadband wireless access in a mobile information society. Ultimately, European technology and research in the fields of active power devices beyond CMOS, of the characterisation and simulation of materials and devices, of amplifier design and linearization, and in the field of broadband transmitter system design shall attain a leading position in the world. This challenge has been rightly acknowledged by the European Commission in making "Pushing the limits of CMOS and preparing for Post-CMOS" a strategic objective of the IST work programme. TARGET started on January 1, 2004 and the funding period lasted four years.

EducTice : Education, technologies de l'information et de la communication by admin — last modified 2017-11-22 10:08 The very fast evolution of working and learning environments deeply questions school and society. The development of shared digital fluency is presented as a political, social and educational objective. This results in keen institutional demands for a development of the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) by the pupils, the teachers and by all the actors of education. The need for understanding the complexity of ICT integration for educational purposes gave rise, at the national and international levels, to a very significant development of research interested in the design of computer-based environments and in the inquiry into the usage and the learning. EducTice team of IFE (French Institute for Education) contributes to advancing this research. EducTice onTwitter : @EducTice

Sophia Focus Prix Inria 2013 Anatole Lécuyer : Prix Inria - Académie des sciences du jeune chercheur Aujourd'hui responsable de l'équipe Hybrid, Anatole Lécuyer vient de recevoir le Prix lnria - Académie des sciences du jeune chercheur. Personnellement honoré par cette récompense, il estime qu'elle constitue également une sorte de reconnaissance pour ses domaines de recherche, la réalité virtuelle et les interfaces cerveau-ordinateur, encore relativement « jeunes » et mal connus. Lire la suite Jean-Michel Morel : Grand Prix Inria – Académie des Sciences 2013 Il voulait faire de la théorie, il est aujourd'hui passionné par les applications de ses travaux. Lire la suite Pascale Vicat-Blanc : Prix Inria – Académie des sciences – Dassault Systèmes de l'innovation 2013 Fondatrice de l’entreprise Lyatiss, Pascale Vicat-Blanc vient de recevoir le prix de l'innovation lnria - Académie des sciences - Dassault Systèmes. Lire la suite Logiciel Coq récompensé par l’ACM Software System Award Lire la suite Focus

publis — LIRIS Ontology Development for the Integration of CAD Models in a Collaborative Environment Dans Concurrent Engineering, Research and Applications, Springer ed. MIT, Boston, USA. pp. 207-214. Abstract Abstract. A major issue in product development is the exchange and sharing of product knowledge among many actors. BibTex Download Bienvenue sur Cybertim — site cybertim
