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Attack of the Drones - USA

Watch | The Crisis Of Civilization sneak a peek at these guys Crisis Of Civilization Aldeburgh Elevate Leeds Watch female impotence Share Subscribe Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Links Networking Please educate friends and help support this movie by sharing it. 2011 © Crisis Of Civilization. The Trend Toward Part-Time Employment Let's take a close look at Friday's employment report numbers on Full and Part-Time Employment. Buried near the bottom of Table A-9 of the government's Employment Situation Summary are the numbers for Full- and Part-Time Workers, with 35-or-more hours as the arbitrary divide between the two categories. The Labor Department has been collecting this since 1968, a time when only 13.5% of US employees were part-timers. That number peaked at 20.1% in January 2010. The latest data point, over four years later, is only modestly lower at 18.9%, up from 18.8% last month, which was the interim low. Here is a visualization of the trend in the 21st century, with the percentage of full-time employed on the left axis and the part-time employed on the right. The Impact of the Great Recession Here is a closer look since 2007. The two charts above are seasonally adjusted and include the entire workforce, which the CPS defines as age 16 and over. The Core Workforce: Ages 25-54
