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The Nature of Emotions

The Nature of Emotions

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (/ˈmiːhaɪ ˌtʃiːksɛntməˈhaɪ.iː/ MEE-hy CHEEK-sent-mə-HY-ee; Hungarian: Csíkszentmihályi Mihály Hungarian: [ˈtʃiːksɛntmihaːji ˈmihaːj] ( ); born (1934-09-29) 29 September 1934 (age 79), in Fiume, Italy – now Rijeka, Croatia, Europe) is a Hungarian psychology professor, who emigrated to the United States at the age of 22. Now at Claremont Graduate University, he is the former head of the department of psychology at the University of Chicago and of the department of sociology and anthropology at Lake Forest College.[citation needed] Work[edit] Personal background[edit] Csikszentmihalyi received his B.A. in 1960 and his PhD in 1965, both from the University of Chicago.[4] Csikszentmihalyi is the father of Art Center College of Design Professor Christopher Csikszentmihalyi and University of California - Berkeley[5] professor of philosophical and religious traditions of China and East Asia, Mark Csikszentmihalyi. Flow[edit] Motivation[edit] Publications[edit] See also[edit]

Luckie's 30-Day Social Media Makeover The Social Path About Luckie Luckie & Company is a marketing agency packed with Southern charm and a freakish love of new ideas. About us David Griner is a social media strategist for Luckie & Company . Luckie's 30-Day Social Media Makeover. Throughout January, The Social Path is running daily tips on how to improve your social life — online, at least. Here's a quick recap of all the tips posted to date: Introduction. Comments Great Idea, guys. Posted by: Rebecca Caroe | January 02, 2010 at 02:51 PM This is a great idea! Posted by: Ginidietrich | January 04, 2010 at 04:51 PM Hey guys--this is great stuff... I came across it (a bit too late, as it's almost February) from StumbleUpon, and I've been going through the stuff that's new to me. Thanks for posting it, I've linked to it from my blog (, and will be sharing it with my networks as well. Thanks for the great info and wonderful blog! Nick Posted by: NickThacker | January 30, 2010 at 01:13 PM Great Post.... Bo GREAT article! heh

Complete relationship chart between psychological ("personality")... - StumbleUpon Complete relationship chart between psychological ("personality") types Chart #1 Key to the chart: Usage: Type A x Type B -> Intertype Relationship. Example #1: A = 'ENFp ', B = 'INFp ', Cross-reference result = 'Cnt'.Conclusion: Between ENFp and INFp there is Contrary Intertype Relationship. Example #2: A = 'ISTj ', B = 'ENTp ', Cross-reference result = 'Sp<'.Conclusion: Between ISTj and ENTp there is Intertype Relationship of Supervision, where ISTj is Supervisee to ENTp. Chart #2 Usage: Your [A] is [Intertype Relationship] to your [B]. Example #1: A = 'Qid', B = 'Act', Cross-reference result = 'Ego'.Conclusion: Your Quasi-identical is Super-Ego to your Activity Example #2: A = 'Bn<', B = 'Ego', Cross-reference result = 'Bn>'.Conclusion: Your Beneficiary is Benefactor to your Super-Ego.

8 Biases That Cripple Smart Decision-Making A bias is any inclination toward a particular belief or perspective, often one that is ill-supported by reason or evidence. When we call another person “biased” we usually mean that they are incapable of looking objectively at the facts. They are too stuck in their own world view, with their own prejudices, and usually unwilling have an open mind about certain issues. Psychologists claim that many of our biases are evolved mental processes which at one point may have been adaptive to our environment. Although this process isn’t perfect, it often gets the job done in terms of survival and reproduction. Bias Blind Spot The bias blind spot is our tendency to think we are less biased than others. Solution: Try to be more modest in estimating your own intelligence and admit that you are subject to biases like everyone else. Confirmation Bias Another bias many of us face is we tend to favor information that supports our preconceptions. The Framing Effect A) Save 200 people’s lives. Halo Effect

The Average Female Faces Around the World To determine the average female face from each country, scientists from Face Research have blended hundreds of photographs of women faces… FaceResearch Knowing Knowledge - Google Libri Simon Sinek en conférence TED donne un conseil qui transformera votre manière de communiquer. | Proactive Activity Voici une des meilleures vidéos sur la communication et le leadership issues des fameuses conférences TED . Simon Sinek auteur du livre « Start With Why » nous explique en quelques minutes le « Cercle d’or », un conseil simple à appliquer et extrêmement efficace qui bouscule les idées reçues sur notre manière de voir la communication et le leadership de ceux qui connaissent de grandes réussites. Sinek illustre sa présentation 4 exemples (Apple, Martin Luther King, les frères Wright et Tivo) qui au départ n’ont pas grand chose en commun avec brio et nous montre ce qui est essentiel pour avoir une communication inspirante . Vous y apprendrez aussi la loi de diffusion de l’innovation avec l’exemple d’Apple. Vous avez trouvé cet article intéressant? Si vous avez apprécié cet article, c’est qu’il est peut être utile à vos amis et vos contacts sur les réseaux sociaux. Merci d’avance pour le partage et à la semaine prochaine pour un nouvel article. Named Suivre l’actualité du blog.

Minimalist posters explain complex philosophical concepts with basic shapes Even if we define "feeling better" as a benefit, it does not logically follow that just because one receives this benefit as a consequence of performing a good act, that they performed it in order to obtain that benefit, and not primarily to benefit someone else. (And even if "feeling better" was a benefit to the person making this sacrifice, it's not a benefit he or she would he able to enjoy for very long, since they will be dead.) Your argument, therefore, assumes a premise that needs to be proved: that people only do good (or anything at all) for their own satisfaction. If that premise is not proved, you end up with a circular argument. avoiding guilt is another powerful motivator which in the end is in ones self interest. So even if feeling better isn't the goal of the action the guilt of inaction can spur one into action. Avoiding guilt can spur one to action. "Altruism has never been seen in humans." "Any self-sacrifice for the greater good has come at the cost of one's ego."

This Neuroscientist Proves Well-Being Can Change the Brain Click the image above to get a full preview of Davidson’s research. Even Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence, refers to Richie Davidson as the “scientist savant.” The description is apt. “Being distracted exacts a cost on our well-being,” Davidson tells Shriver. The infographic is from August issue of Mindful magazine. The Seven Pillars of the Matrix Robert Bonomo, ContributorWaking Times “No one is more of a slave than he who thinks himself free without being so.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Contemporary baptized, corporatized and sanitized man rarely has the occasion to question his identity, and when he does a typical response might be, “I am product manager for a large retail chain, married to Betty, father of Johnny, a Democrat, Steelers fan and a Lutheran.” His answers imply not only his beliefs but the many responsibilities, rules and restrictions he is subjected to. Few if any of these were ever negotiated- they were imposed on him yet he still considers himself free. But is free the right adjective for him, or would modern domesticated simian be more apt? DELUSION DWELLERS, Laurie Lipton, 2010 Plato described this brilliantly in his Allegory of the Cave, where people only see man made shadows of objects, institutions, Gods and ideas: “–Behold! Education Government Patriotism What is a country? Religion Circus Money Culture

Il Nostro Approccio Presentazione approfondita del Framework di The Natural Step Se hai già familiarità con il concetto di sostenibilità e con il Framework di The Natural Step e stai cercando degli approfondimenti, sei nel posto giusto. Il Framework di the Natural Step rappresenta l’applicazione pratica di un modello a 5 livelli per lo sviluppo sostenibile strategico. Il consenso scientifico sulla prospettiva di alto livello del nostro sistema (la società umana all’interno della biosfera), permette di identificare le condizioni che definiscono il successo nel nostro sistema. Per il singolo individuo, un’organizzazione e l’intera nostra società, le condizioni di sistema possono essere riformulate come principi di sostenibilità. La metafora dell’imbuto ci aiuta a visualizzare il sistema, le sfide ad esso connesse ed a comprendere le condizioni per il successo. Una volta definito il successo all’interno del sistema, abbiamo bisogno di formulare una strategia per raggiungerlo. Nulla scompare Tutto si diffonde

Journalists, Online PR & Link Building “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” Jonathan Swift Opportunities for great free publicity and inbound links are all around us. They arise every day from a host of newspapers, magazines, blogs and online news sites… but we just don’t see them. Often we don’t see them because we don’t look. Our brains work on autopilot most of the time. But once you start to look for something, you see it everywhere. Several years ago, I was featured in the New York Times – and the feature gave a live link to my site. Afterwards, I wondered how many other small businesses had been featured in the New York Times and whether they too had a link to their site. I started looking for other examples of how link building and online public relations could work together. In this article, I’d like to outline 10 reasons why a journalist would write about your website, and I want to give you real examples that will inspire you to try the same. An important online PR tip 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
